Breaking the Ice by Esme Taylor


Hey Pops. I did it. I wrote a book. An actual book with words and everything. And I have you to thank for that. For making me believe I could do anything. For reminding me to never live with regret. For showing me the stars. I know you’re not here to share it with me, but I also know you’re nearby being proud and telling anyone who will listen. I’ll always look for you in the brightest stars and the butterflies.

There are some other important people I want to thank for helping to make this book a reality.My small people. For not minding when I forgot to cook dinner, was exhausted in the morning from my middle of the night editing, and for the random books, photos and my Google search history. I’d like to say that it’s done now, and we can go back to normal, but you know that’s not true and book 2 and 3 are currently piled up all over the lounge and dining room! You telling me that you’re proud of me were the best words I’ve ever heard. So, thank you both for being wonderful.To my Beta readers, Vicci, Sarah and Jules. You were the first people I’d ever shared a word I’d written with and while it was terrifying, your feedback inspired me to keep

writing. So, thank you.

To my ARC readers, thank you for your kind words and sharing Reid and Hettie’s story.To my wonderful friend Sarah. I want to thank you for being you. The polar opposite to me. You bring balance to my rather chaotic life, you are as excited about my dreams as I am and you never try to rein them in. You make me laugh until my sides hurt and I love how random our conversations get these days. I blame the books!  I am very lucky to be able to call you a friend lovely lady. You really are magickal - don’t ever forget it.My biggest thank you goes to you Vicci. I couldn’t have done this without you. Literally. Who knew that you sending me a link to Storm by Carina Cole would start all this. But it’s more than introducing me to saucy books. It’s the support, encouragement, answers to all my millions of questions, designing my cover and reading every edit of my books. There aren’t enough thank yous in the world to show you how grateful I am to you. I’m so glad we get to do this author thing together lovely lady.And I guess my last thank you is to the voice in my head. The one that kept shouting ‘write the book’ whenever I thought about what I wanted to do with my life. The one that planted Reid and Hettie’s story in my head and made it get louder and louder until I listened. Keep talking to me. We have more stories to tell.Actually, there is one more thank you… thank you to you lovely reader. Thank you for choosing my book, for taking the time to read it, for writing the glowing review (wink, wink) and for letting the Viking and his Etta tell you their love story.