Breaking the Ice by Esme Taylor



Work was done, Max had joined us, and cocktails had been ordered and consumed. More than a few cocktails, in fact. And now, we were on the dance floor throwing out our best moves.

I might be a bit tipsy, but to be fair, this was the most fun I’d had in ages.

We had been dancing for about an hour and my feet were completely numb. I could only imagine what my makeup looked like. Though, if I had to guess, it probably be that it came off long before now.

All around us, more people filtered onto the dance floor, and the temperature in the room was rising right along with them. Our bodies were peppered in sweat and my sides were hurting from laughing so much, so we all decided to take a break and step outside into the courtyard to cool off.

The instant the cold air kissed my skin, it hit me just how tired I was. I think it might be time for me to call it a night. Unfortunately, before I could voice that fact, Max stepped outside with a new jug of cocktails.

“All right, ladies, who’s up for another?” he asked as he poured the drinks after falling into the chair between me and Heather.

“One more for me and then I am going to call it a night. I’m not as young as I used to be,” I announced.

Max shook his head at me in disappointment. “You need to learn to live a little, Hettie. I know you’ve not always had an easy time, but this is a whole new chapter for you. Live it the way you want. You don’t need to carry the ghost of your past around with you. It’s time you stop allowing it to keep you from having fun. You look like a princess and it’s time you realized just how special you are.” I couldn’t help but blush at his words.

I loved Max. Meeting him helped restore my faith in men after my divorce. It has never been romantic between us though. I see him as more of the brother I never had. I cherish how open and honest we can be with one another, and his compliments tonight warmed my heart and made me feel as though my future might be okay.

Maybe this will finally be the right time for a new start instead of the perpetual pause I seem to have been living in for the last few years, I thought to myself.

“Right, girls? Come on, let’s raise a glass to new chapters.”

“To new chapters,” we all chanted as we clinked our glasses together.

“Speaking of new chapters...” Heather began, giving me a wink. “Did you see who was here?”

“Who?” Max asked excitedly, twisting his body so he could look back inside at the crowd gathering on the dancefloor.

“The Viking.”

“Who, what, where? I need to see who we’re talking about,” Lou excitedly exclaimed, searching the room for anyone that might resemble a Viking.

After a few moments, she gasped. “Oh. My. God. Is that him? Please tell me that’s him. In fact, I hope that’s not your Viking, Hets, because then I can throw myself at him. I will have no shame. He’s so hunky.”

Hunky? Who says hunky anymore? Lou, that’s who.

I love her, but Lou is like a teenager trapped in an adult woman’s body. Give her a costume to wear and a fairy story to read and she’s the happiest person on the planet. It’s a shame she can’t seem to find a man with the same innocent, insatiable, slightly kinky outlook on life.

Max shuffled his chair closer to mine so he could get a peek at the ‘hunky’ man Lou had referred to. Hoping to avoid being too obvious, he threw his arm over my chair and pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth of his embrace as my mind drifted back to my earlier encounter with The Viking.

“Reid Hudson?” Max muttered, appearing shocked. “Your Viking is the asshole known as Reid Hudson.” He shook his head. “Hettie, he is the worst. Angry, cold, distant––he’s a heartbreaker.”

Before I could say anything, he took my hand in his and pleaded, “Please, promise me you’ll stay far away from him. You deserve so much more than that in life. Your heart wouldn’t be able to take what he would do with it. I’ve heard some stories over the years…” he paused, appearing conflicted about whether or not to continue.

“From what I’ve heard, he just uses women for one night and then never sees them again. Promise me you’ll keep your distance, Hets. I don’t want to see you get hurt again. Especially not over a guy like that.”

I opened my eyes and glanced in his direction. Finally, The Viking has a name.


It suits him. Strong and unforgettable… just like him.

My mind was left to wander as I took in his body from a distance without fear of distraction by those beautiful blue eyes. Viking was the perfect way to describe him.

It was then I noticed the people he was with. They were both tall and good looking, but Reid still towered over them, looking as if he was carved out of stone. Perfect in every way.

From where I sat, I had the perfect view of him. His wide, bulky shoulders, tapering down to a thinner waist, and his impeccably tailored trousers, which clung to his thick, muscular thighs. Since our chance encounter earlier in the evening, he had removed his suit jacket and rolled his shirt sleeves up to his elbows, showcasing his powerful forearms and huge hands.

Oh, the things he could do with those hands. They certainly look like they would know what they’re doing. The longer I looked at him, the more my mind began to race with impure thoughts.

What he would look like standing in front of me, completely naked? Is he in proportion… everywhere? What would it feel like to be under his huge, hard body? How would his ripped muscles feel as he came? Despite Max’s warning, the thought of being alone with this man flushed my cheeks and flooded my sex with desire.

Until our chance encounter at the coffee shop, I would have never known I could be attracted to such a big man. But based upon my reaction to him, it appeared I had moved on from the boy next door look to something much riskier and more exciting.

Perhaps I could handle one night with him. No commitment. No reruns. No getting hurt again. Maybe he is exactly what I need to get over my past, I began to wonder, but I quickly shook my head at the absurdity of it all.

He wouldn’t be attracted to someone like me. Besides, I’m not interested, I tried to convince myself. I don’t do relationships. Or romance. And I definitely don’t do one-night stands. Yes, he’s divine to look at, but that’s all I want. Look, but don’t touch Hettie.

“No chance of me being interested, Max. Please don’t worry. You know how I feel about romance. I will stay clear. I promise.” I squeezed his hand and smiled at my protective friend.

“Why are all the best-looking ones always dickheads?” Lou sighed. “Who is he with?” Lou asked, referring to the two men standing next to him.

“The man on his left is Billy West. He owns that gym in town, near the train station. If I’m not mistaken, he’s some ex-big shot boxer. And before you ask, he’s a bit of a player as well. Next to Billy is Thomas Lanton. He runs Lanton House. You know the place I mean, don’t you?” We all nodded.

Lanton House is the tallest building we have in our small little town and it’s become quite an important structure. Granted, it was initially a huge sore point for many of the old-school town folk who wanted to keep the place traditional and quaint. Thomas quickly put a stop to all of that.

It’s amazing what money can buy you.

I must admit, it was nice to finally put a face to the allusive Thomas Lanton. Everyone knew of him, but few people actually knew him. Although looking at him now, I couldn’t help but see the misery and boredom etched across his handsome features.

“Right, enough staring at hot men, ladies, you’re giving me a complex. Let’s dance!” Max shouted excitedly just as Starship’s Waiting for a Star to Fall began to play. Despite our aching feet, we all jumped up and made our way back onto the dancefloor, arms in the air, singing the words at the top of our lungs.