A Touch of Brimstone by McKenzie Hunter


I’m living through a pandemic. Of the many things I thought I’d say in my life, that definitely wasn’t one of them. I believe that adversity can lead to renewed appreciation. Before I acknowledge the people who made this book possible, I want to thank my readers. I appreciate you for reading my stories and following Luna’s journey. I’ll never be able to truly express the joy of producing a book and having people read it, join my group to discuss it, or email me about my stories. I’m able to tell my stories because you all read them. I truly appreciate it and want to thank you.

Thank you to my family and friends who force me out of my writer’s cave and check on me to make sure my characters aren’t running amuck in my head and take breaks.

Elizabeth Bracker, Márcia Silva, Robyn Mather, Sherrie Simpson Clark, Stacey Mann, thank you so much for being the best Beta readers an author could ask for. Your feedback allows me to create a better book, and thank you for it. Meredith Tennant and Therin Knite, my editors, I appreciate all your hard work with helping me tell a better story.