Malta with My Best Friend’s Dad by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Twenty


“Have you ever thought about having children?” I ask, unable to stop the question from bubbling up. “I mean… I know we’ve agreed that’s what we both want. But before that?”

We’re sitting on the roof, away from the edge so the people on the street below can’t see us. But we can still look over the glittering ocean to the Sicilian coast, taking in the majesty of it.

I’ve got my hand on her leg, squeezing softly so I can feel the lust burning up and down her body. My princess is wearing one of those tempting summer dresses that do carnal things to me, twisting me up inside and making me want to howl.

I can hardly stop myself from smoothing all the way to her sex and palming roughly, possessively until she has no choice but to cream and whimper.

But somehow I stop myself.

For now.

“Yes,” she murmurs and then turns her gaze away, the afternoon sunlight coming to rest on her flushed cheeks.

“What is it?” I smirk, reaching over to touch her chin and redirect her gaze to mine. “What are you hiding?”

She stares at me, the beginnings of a pout on her lips. “Nothing.”

“It doesn’t seem like nothing.” I chuckle. “Are you really going to pretend I don’t know how to read you?”

She bites her lip and her eyes go wide, reminding me of the way her eyes widened last night when she was filled with me and staring up into my eyes. But I can’t let myself think about that for long, my manhood pushing against my pants.

“I used to dream about us having kids together,” she says quietly, a tremor in her voice. “You know when I had my crush. I used to think about it all the freaking time.”

“How many?” I ask, as my mind populates our future home with laughter and love, and closeness.


The word bounces dangerously around me, threatening to erupt from my lips, but I can’t let myself ponder it for too long.

What we’re building is too delicate already without introducing that atom bomb.

“I always thought about four or five,” she murmurs.

“Boys or girls?”

“I don’t mind,” she says. “I’d like a mixture of both, but the exact numbers doesn’t bother me. And really, if we had all boys or all girls, as long as they were healthy and happy, I wouldn’t care.”

A carnal thrum moves through me. “I like the sound of that we.”

My hand tightens on her leg and she lets out a short moaning noise, prompting something deep to flare awake inside of me. My seed expands and the beast within roars, louder and louder, telling me to claim her, take her, prove to her that she’s mine and she always will be.

“Is it your womb?” I tease lightly, sliding my hand further and further up her leg.

She nods, making that mind-fucking breathy noise again. “It makes no sense. But yeah, Kane, it’s like she’s talking to me.”

She?” I say, bantering my beautiful woman.

She giggles. “Well, my womb’s hardly going to be a he, right?”

I move further and further up her thigh, applying more pressure the higher I go until my hand is a bare inch from her sex. Heat radiates from that precious place, begging me to close the distance and touch her there.

Her moans fill the air and I can’t help but smirk.

“What?” she whimpers.

“You sound like you’re singing when you moan,” I tell her. “And that reminds me…”

I sit back as my smirk widens. “I still haven’t heard you sing for me, beautiful. I think it’s time we rectified that.”

“You have…”

“A long, long time ago. When you were a kid and were basically invisible to me. I want to hear my woman sings.”

“I don’t know if I can,” she whispers. “Jeez, just the thought of it makes me feel like I’m going to be sick.”

“I wouldn’t dream of judging you,” I tell her firmly, smoothing the hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear, causing her to turn her face in the cutest gesture imaginable.

She takes a deep breath. “Do you really want to hear?”

“Of course I do,” I snarl. “I want our home to be filled with song. I want you to be able to make it your career if that’s what you want. I want you, Kelly, every part of you, and singing is clearly a big piece of that.”

“That’s true,” she allows with a nod.

“Can you remember a time you didn’t want to be a singer?” I ask.

She shakes her head fiercely, causing a tempting shiver to move through her body, making her cleavage dance enticingly, hot hungry fire filling me up.

“Nope, never. I used to stomp around as soon as I could walk with Mom’s hairbrush in my hand, singing proudly. I don’t know where the urge came from.”

“Sometimes, you just know,” I snarl, sliding my hand down to her shoulder and giving her a carnal, possessive, squeeze.

She bites her lip again – igniting something inside of me – and then nods. “Hmm, I guess sometimes you do.”

“So?” I wave a hand, a smirk lighting up my face when I watch the cute sassy uncertainty move across her expression. “Are you going to sing for me or…”

“I like the sound of that or.” She giggles. “Honestly, I don’t think you’ll want to hear me. I’m not as good as you probably think, you know, with the way I’ve made it such a big part of my personality.”

“Let me be the judge of that,” I say, passion burning through me. “Goddamn, Kelly, I hate it when you put yourself down. You’re an incredible person and you really don’t have to do it. You don’t have to be so hard on yourself. You’re everything I want, for the rest of our lives. Forever.”

She makes that cute whimpering sound that goes right to the base of my cock, causing hard tension to move through my shaft, making me swell with the need to drag her downstairs and into the bedroom before Lena and Jocko return home.

“Okay, okay.” She stands up, letting out a shaky breath, the redness of her cheeks telling me this is a big moment for her. “But please don’t laugh if you don’t like it. Please don’t make fun of me.”

“I would never make fun of you,” I growl, and then let out a dark chuckle. “Well, unless I was teasing you… but that’s an entirely different matter, isn’t it?”

The corner of her lips twitches, her smile illuminating her gorgeous face.

And then she starts to sing, and my whole world changes, even more than it already has. She doesn’t use any words at first – just lets out a long note, hovering in the air, flooded with sunlight and hope for the future, flooded with all the closeness that has brought us together.

On and on, the note goes, prompting an answering note to thrum inside of me. I feel her reaching inside of me and prodding parts of me awake – emotional and important parts – as her voice swirls and swirls all around us.

“There was a man,” she sings, introducing lyrics as she sways softly from side to side. Her eyes are closed and her lips are turned upward in a profound smile. “And there was a girl… And she said to him it cannot be, and he said to her can’t you see, oh, oh, can’t you seeeeee…”

“See what?” I whisper when she trails off.

Her eyes blink open. “I don’t know. I just made it up.”

I love you, the words blaze through my mind. That’s what she was going to say.

My love for her thunders through me, prompting me to my feet as I stalk across the rooftop and grab onto her hips, pulling her toward me so our bodies are flush together.

My manhood presses firmly against her belly, and my seed burns, boils, and roars at me to claim her.

“You’re incredible,” I whisper, leaning down until I can feel her breath on my face. “Honestly, that was amazing. You’re going to be a very successful singer one day if that’s what you want.”

“You mean it?”

“I do,” I growl, thinking about a wholly different situation where I might use those words.

“Kane, what about—”

I still her words with a kiss, pushing firmly against her, opening my mouth as our tongues dance together.

I feel her melt – the moment where she gives into our lust when she accepts what I knew the moment Jocko left with Lena.

Our bodies are too hungry, too filled with carnal certainty.

We have to claim each other.