Malta with My Best Friend’s Dad by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Twenty-Five


“Where are we going?” I yell over the sound of the speedboat, the reverberations of the water moving up through my body and making me tingle.

This morning I woke up to Kane staring down at me, a wide smirk on his lips. He had a wolfish glint in his eyes. My body still sore from the sex we had the night before, quiet and intimate as I sat atop him and felt his massive length pushing up inside of me.

I was stunned at the way I was able to sink down against him, sitting down until he was buried deep inside of me, taking the lead as I dug my fingernails into his chest until I felt like they were going to snap.

“I’m taking you somewhere,” he said, leaning down and brushing his lips along mine softly.

“Where?” I asked, my voice breathy from the contact, my heart light with the impossible reality of our starry situation, of Lena and Mom and Dad’s approval, of our future, suddenly opening up before us like the most inviting road in the world.

“Don’t ruin the surprise,” he said, his fingers dancing down my side and coming to rest possessively on my hips. “But it’s somewhere good, Kelly. Somewhere perfect.”

He turns to me now, completely calm despite the erratic juddering of the speedboat. He’s wearing a suit despite the sun, his watch glinting like a beacon from his massive wrist. Even the controls of the boat look tiny in his hands. Everything about him is so huge, it sets my body alight, my clit thrumming as the speedboat sends more and more vibrations through me.

“What did I say about ruining the surprise?”

I glare at him, but it sort of loses its effect when I’m smiling at the same time. He grins back, unfazed, as he speeds us around Malta – Valetta passing to our left, the slopped city watching us, the open ocean to our right, glittering and seemingly infinite. He takes us past the old fort and out into the open sea, everything glimmering for miles and miles around.

Finally, when Malta is becoming a small point behind us, I spot a larger boat on the horizon. It looks like a small yacht, lonely in the distance, but then it gets bigger and bigger the closer we get. By the time Kane guides the speedboat next to it, I realize it’s actually quite big.

“Why are we all the way out here?” I murmur.

“Why do you think?” Kane growls, reaching over and grabbing onto my thigh in that firm possessive way of his. “Out here you can moan as loud as you fucking want. I can fuck you ragged and roughly and there’s no escape for you… not that you’ll want to escape when you’re creaming down those thick luscious thighs of yours.”

He leads us next to the boat, to a metal ladder that leads to the deck.

“Need some help?”

He looms over me, his manhood the same height as my head, throwing my mind back to the first time I sucked on his throbbing cock and how new and exciting it felt. It was like jolting awake to find myself inside one of my fantasies, his carnal moans filling the air, telling me I was doing it just right.

“I should be okay…”

I giggle and scream in delight when he lifts me up and places me on the ladder. “Goddamn, I’ve got the best view in the world right here. Shake that ass as you climb. And don’t worry about falling. I’ll catch you. I’ll always catch you.”

Fire moves through me as I move up the ladder, doing as he says and swishing my hips from side to side.

Soon I’m at the top and I haul myself over.

The yacht is small and beautiful, with a hot tub on one side, a dining area on the upper deck, an inside section with a bar and seating and a large television mounted to the walls. It’s like a little slice of heaven.

“Like it?” Kane says, hopping over the railing and landing in a tight crouch, smirking as he swaggers over.

My eyes are drawn to the easy way he moves, every muscle honed to animal perfection despite his size.

“It’s amazing,” I say. “Did you really bring me all this way just so I could moan for you though, hmm?”

“Maybe I want to hear you sing too.”

He grabs my shoulders and pulls me closer to him.

I gasp as our bodies crash together, as his hard torso presses against my breasts, my nipples tingling as he grinds against me. Our lips fuse and heat up and burn with passion, a whole torrent of it flaring around us as we sink deeper and deeper in the embrace.

“Goddamn, I love you so much,” he growls when we break the kiss off.

I let out a whimper and lean back in his embrace, confident he’ll always support me. He’ll never let me fall. “You what?”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “I wasn’t supposed to say that here. Come on.”

“I don’t understand…”

“Come on. Or do I need to tell you I love you again to get you moving?”

Taking me by the hand, he leads me up the stairs to the upper deck. He wraps his arm around me and leads me to the edge, gesturing out at the open ocean, countless miles of glittering beauty.

“I wanted to tell you for the first time here,” he says, turning to me and taking my hands firmly in his. “Because it represents our future, Kelly. It represents how open it is, how bright, how full of potential it is. I know I sound cheesy as hell right now, but I don’t care. You’ve opened up parts of me I never even knew existed. I love you. I love you. I love you.”

Tears sting my eyes and slide down my cheeks, my lips juddering and making speech impossible. I try to summon up words from deep inside of me. But all that comes out is a croak.

Finally, I pushed past the paralysis.

“I love you.” My chest tightens as the long-withheld words flutter into the summer air. “I love you so much, Kane. Oh, heck, I’m so glad you feel the same.”

“Of course I do,” he growls. “I love you more than I even knew a man like me could. After Lena’s mother… after I wasn’t able to feel anything for her, I wondered if I was a little broken if all that fighting had deadened something inside of me. But now I know. I wasn’t dead. I was waiting. Waiting for you, my perfect innocent gorgeous sassy singer, my Kelly, the love of my life.”

More tears spill down my cheeks as he lets go of my hands and falls to one knee, a smile playing at his lips. “Can you guess what I wanted to ask your father?”

For my hand in marriage, I try to say, but speech has become impossible again.

“Kelly Jones,” he says huskily, “before I saw you climb out of that taxi, I didn’t believe in destiny. I didn’t believe in fate or any of that stuff. But now I do. We belong together, so Kelly… my sweet Kelly…”

He clears his throat as though pushing away his nerves.

“Will you marry me?”

For a second I just stare, the tears streaming down my cheeks and the sea glittering all around me, as though I’m floating atop of pure heaven.

I stare down at the ring, the diamond large and full and glittering just like the sea, set within an elegant white gold band, every part of it perfect.

And then I push past the aching emotion and force the word out, the only word I could ever use in this situation.

“Yes,” I yell. “Yes, yes, yes.”

“Yes?” he roars, leaping to his feet.

“Of course it’s a yes,” I tell him, giggling. “What other answer could it possibly be? I love you and I want to be with you.”

“Forever,” we say at the same time, as he takes my hand and slips the ring onto my finger.

I hold it to the sun, letting it catch some of the light.

“What do you think?” he asks as he moves his arm around me.

“It’s perfect, Kane. Just like you. Like us. Like what we have. Like everything we’re going to have.”

“I love you so much,” he snarls and then leans down to claim my lips.

I kiss him back, floating in the majesty of this moment. Everything sparkles and intense warmth moves through me, the sort of warmth that tells me happily ever afters really do exist.