Forbidden Romance by Lena Lucas



Icouldn’t even recall the details on how we got from the bar to my penthouse apartment, but here we were. This was like a fucking dream—a fantasy. Having her here, our breathing so fast and hard I was surprised neither one of us passed out yet. I wanted to take Daisy right there in the back of the Mercedes, my driver waiting for me while I’d gone inside. I thought about putting up the privacy screen that would block the front from the back and give us privacy, but waiting seemed to build up the anticipation even more. This sweet torture of what was to come.

“You look—”

“Hungry?” I finished for her. And I was. I was starved for Daisy, this arousal in me so pronounced I never imagined I could feel this way toward another person.




The territorial need to claim every part of her.

I felt like I had this animal in me, like I wasn’t a mere mortal human, but had a feral creature she awakened inside me. I wanted to mark her, my hands on her flesh, my teeth at her throat, holding her in place, my cum on her flesh. I saw an obscene image in my mind of laying her out on my bed, tearing at our clothes until we were both gloriously naked, then taking my cock in hand and stroking myself over her. In my mind, I jerked off, ran my palm up and down my length with so much friction I came almost instantly. And I’d spray my seed all over her, coating her skin, watching as she rubbed it in because she wanted it on her, wanted to smell like me.

I was vaguely aware of this deep sound filling the room, realized it was me, the growl percolating until it was a roar in my head and surrounding us. Her eyes widened, her breathing picked up, and I knew there was no stopping this.

I had Daisy in my arms a second later, not about to stop this, not even sure I could have if given the option.

No. There is no way I can stop myself from claiming her.

I pressed my body even harder against hers, dug my hard cock into her belly, and couldn’t hold back the gruff sound that came from me at the contact and friction. She gasped, her head tilted back, her eyes hooded, and her mouth parted.

Oh yeah. She was primed for me.

“This is crazy,” she whispered.

“This is perfect,” I countered. I had my hand tangled in her hair, gently keeping her head back so she was forced to look at me.

“This is fast.”

“This feels like it’s taken forever.” For you to be in my arms. A lifetime. “But I want you to be sure about this.” I was giving her an out if she needed it. I didn’t want her to feel like this was rushed.

She lowered her eyes to my mouth, licked her lips, and I clenched my jaw at how sexy that small act was. “I want this.” She lifted her eyes back to mine. “I want you.”

I purred in approval. “Good, because once we start, there’s no stopping until you’re bowlegged and can’t sit down without remembering how deep I was inside of you.”

Daisy parted her lips and sucked in a breath, no doubt my words shocking her.

“You like me talking dirty, don’t you?”

Her pupils were blown and she nodded slowly.

I hummed and let a smile play across my lips. I felt like this animal had broken free inside me, one that had always been caged, a feral creature that had its first taste of blood and grew powerful from it.

There was something about the woman in my arms that drove me to the brink of insanity. But losing my mind to her had never sounded better. I was going to devour her tonight, tear her up in the best of ways, and make both of us so tired and sore come morning she couldn’t move, let alone think about leaving.

I leaned down and ran my tongue up and down the arch of her throat, groaning at how good she tasted. “Tonight, Daisy…” I whispered against her flesh, letting those words hang between us for a moment. “Tonight, you’re mine, and every night afterward. I will not let you go.”

She could play my words off like a heat of the moment kind of thing. But they were real. They were the truth. And I'd prove them to her.