Forbidden Romance by Lena Lucas



Iknew it was a bad fucking idea coming with her to the club tonight. I knew I’d end up wanting to kill some fucking asshole for even looking at her. And there had been plenty of them.

Every one of these pricks had glanced at my girl. And she was mine. Only mine.

But I was too jealous to let her go by herself.

And when one drunken prick tried to dance with her, I’d pulled his ass away and tossed him onto the floor as if he were nothing but an annoying fucking fly.

She is mine.

She looked up at me with wide eyes, her perfect pink, bow-like lips parted, her hips swaying as she danced, grinded against me. She was playing with fire. My emotions for her too fucking wild to ever be contained.

It would burn us alive.

She wanted me. She had for a long damn time. I knew that by the way she bit that full, pink bottom lip as she watched me.

I’d wanted her since the moment I knew what the emotion was, since I was old enough to feel the rush of the blood in my veins whenever she was near.

I’d kept her close, kept her safe. I’d waited, boded my time until I knew there was no going back for her, until she’d know without a shadow of a doubt I’d never fucking let her go.

And when I’d found out she was going to this club tonight, I sure as fuck invited myself right along.

I leaned in and smelled her hair, closing my eyes as that sweet scent surrounded me. My hands were on her hips, my fingers digging into her supple flesh. “You wear this outfit so these motherfuckers can look at your body?”

She kept grinding against me. And in turn I pushed my monster erection into her belly. She gasped for me.

I wanted her liquid.

“I’m not dressed like anything,” she murmured against my neck and I clenched my teeth. I smelled the alcohol on her breath, and it turned me on. She’d only had one shot, but I knew she was a lightweight, knew just because she wasn’t drunk didn’t mean she wasn’t feeling all kinds of good from a buzz.

I didn’t mean for us to be like this right now, my cock digging into her belly, her sweet body grinding against mine. I’d just meant to stay back, watch her, keep fuckers away.

But having her this close, touching her, smelling her, I couldn’t have pulled myself away even if I tried. I scented her over and over again, running my nose up and down the length of her neck, dragging the tip of my tongue along where I smelled, lapping up the slight saltiness of sweat on her skin.

My cock jerked ferociously, my blood rushing through my body, my muscles feeling hard and tight. I couldn’t stop the animalistic groan that left me. I held her tighter, pulled her closer. I didn’t want any other fucker seeing her, getting it into their heads she wasn’t claimed.

Because she fucking is.

She stared at me, her pupils dilated, her lips parted, pink, supple. Her breathing came out harsher, faster. I let my hands slide along her body, up the curve of her waist, back down again so I could curl them on her hips.

I was so fucking needy to feel her pussy clamping down on me that I groaned.

I let my arousal, my possessiveness of her claim me. Fuck waiting. Fuck anything and everything that didn’t revolve around making Piper mine in every single way.

The heat that came from her and the way her eyelids fluttered told me she was feeling this just as deeply—badly—as I was. I couldn’t help myself as I leaned closer so our mouths were only separated by an inch. I stared into those pretty blue eyes, the ones I’d thought about so many times staring up at me as I fucked her.

Without thinking I started moving with the music, going slow, being obscene in how I ground my dick into her. This wasn’t about dancing, but about showing Piper what I had to offer her.

And what I had to offer her was big, thick, and would tear her in half.

My dick was a steel rod between us, pressed tightly against her belly and all but throbbing in time with my pulse. Taking my other hand and sliding it over the small of her back, lifting the hem of her shirt up slightly, my breath quickened as my bare skin touched her.

I wanted her right here and now, on this fucking dance floor. I didn’t want anyone to see her, yet I wanted everyone to watch as I fucked her, claimed her primarily.

I wanted to show everyone that I could have her and they couldn’t.

She turned in my arms, and I let my finger skim along her bare skin as I lifted her shirt a little bit more.

“You’re tempting a fucking beast, baby,” I growled by her ear and felt goosebumps move along her arms. I let my lips brush against the shell of her ear, feeling her shiver at my touch.

I bet she was fucking primed for me.

I skated my fingers along her arms, her skin still puckered from my words, my touch. She moved against me, rocking back and forth, giving herself to me sensually.

She moved against me like she was ready for me to… fuck her.

When the song ended and switched to another one, she turned back in my arms so I could look into her eyes. She stopped moving, the arousal on her face clear with her parted, pink lips, her rosy cheeks, the blood rushing under her alabaster skin as desire moved through her.

I lowered my gaze to her chest, saw the way her nipples pressed against the thin material. My mouth watered.

God, she was perfect, not just in the way she looked but in the way she felt against me, the way she smelled, and all the things I wanted to do with her.

And the animal deep within me that was only for Piper, the one that would protect her at all costs, rose up viciously. There was no denying it.

I leaned in, my lips almost touching hers, our breaths mingling. “You’re mine tonight.”

What I didn’t follow up with was that I wasn’t letting her go. But she’d feel that, know it without a shadow of a doubt after tonight.