Royal Wolf Box Set by Haley Weir

Chapter Thirteen

Aeron walked along the balcony on the side of castle, from the front, where he could see the city, to the back of the castle and the woods. Now that Rubius had been released and was roaming free back in the forests, and there seemed to be no threat of imminent danger following the killing of the wolf hunter, Aeron decided that at the next full moon, the packs would gather together in peace and celebration deep in the woods. Everyone needed it.

They all needed a night of fresh and raw bonding between pack members and lovers alike. Leaders needed to strengthen ties, young ones needed to frolic and play, and the royal family especially needed to get back to the wilderness again for a bit of uninhibited reprieve. All of the packs, even the rival ones, respected Aeron’s rule and appreciated the gesture to bring them all together in a night of revelry. Full moon nights were the best nights of all to engage in the delights of the wild. The pull of the moon made emotions run high and amplified the shifters’ senses in every way.

That night, when Aeron and his family arrived, it was already a sight to behold. There was a slight dusting of first snowfall on the ground and the shifters’ breath danced in the air like little moving steam clouds.

Aeron was in great spirits as he held onto Theo’s hand, at least until the boy darted off to go play with his friends. Cassandra looked astonishingly beautiful with her dark hair cascading down against the stark white of her dress and fur robes. Soon, she would shift and be warm inside of her own fur, and she would be every bit as beautiful then, too.

She felt more frenzied by the moon than she usually did. Something about her emotions seemed unchecked and even more difficult to tame than normal. Perhaps the pull of the moon was just extra-strong tonight, although she figured if that was the case, then everyone would be feeling it and not just her.

“It’s probably just all the stress from being in the kingdom.” Aeron patted her arm as they walked across the grounds toward the forest. “After a good run and a solid howl, you’ll feel yourself again.”

She hoped he was right.

When Rubius came up to greet them, his pack parted to let him through. They all had a heftier respect for Rubius now, after hearing of all the ways that he had protected Cassandra and come to the aid of the others. It almost seemed as if Rubius’ power was starting to match that of Aeron.

But neither of them thought of it that way. Rubius laid eyes on Cassandra and was immediately entranced by how stunning she looked under the light of the moon. Aeron tried not to notice the way that Rubius was looking at his wife, but it was impossible.

“Let’s go for a run,” Aeron suggested. “Shall we?”

Everyone was keen on the idea, and in a blurry matter of moments, they had all shifted into wolf form and taken off on the padded. As they ran, the wolves weaved around each other, sometimes brushing up against each other’s sides as they sped over the ground beneath them at record pace. Some of them ran until they reached the ocean, and then they circled back around and ran some more. Others decided to break off and go into a hunt for game. Rubius stuck closely to Aeron and Cassandra. He had never attempted to pull her away from her husband at any time when they were together. But tonight, Rubius could feel Cassandra’s frantic energy and he could see it in the way that she leapt the small streams and pounded her paws against the earth. Her jaw was partially open, and her teeth were bared as she ran slightly behind and to the side of Aeron. Without thinking, Rubius leaned into her and veered her off course before anyone had even noticed. She shook her muzzle at him as if asking him what he was doing, and his ears stood up to hear the sound of a deer walking through the trees beside him. His eyes flashed at her and Cassandra ran after Rubius as he led her toward the kill.

After the carnal hunt, the two of them found themselves near the same small stream from the day he had watched her through the trees. She shifted into her human form and waded into the water to rinse off the blood from their hunt. After only a moment of pause, Rubius did the same. She watched as he stepped into the water and she ached as she saw his weighty cock submerge beneath the stream. Rubius walked up to her slowly and purposefully, and as soon as he was within a distance to touch her, he reached out and wrapped his hands behind her back, twisting his fingers through her long tendrils of hair and pushing his mouth onto hers. His cock swelled against her legs as he pressed into her. Cassandra whimpered with the sounds of longing until Rubius lifted her up around his waist and carried her just far enough onto the bank that he could lay her down and push his body into hers with one, swift movement. Cassandra arched her back and urged her body against him . He kissed her unrelentingly as his tongue filled her mouth and his cock filled all of the space within her. When they had both reached the point of trembling convulsions, Cassandra unraveled around him, and Rubius collapsed onto her in an echoing moan.

She stayed out all night with him, lying in Rubius’ arms while Aeron and the others ran, and played, and hunted, until they too fell asleep somewhere in the woods. On nights like these, the forest was one big sanctuary in which they could all fall wherever they like until the morning woke them. But when morning did arrive, something was wrong.

It was already late into the morning, and Aeron and Theo had surely already returned to the kingdom. He lifted her up into his arms and carried her back to Aeron at the castle.