Her Dirty Archeologists by Mika Lane

Chapter 23


“What is this? A fucking vacation day?”

I made myself at home in Fleur’s tent, where she was still snuggling with Drake from the night before, and tried not to laugh.

I’d heard them going at it, and I was sure my brother had too. I was happy they were having some one-on-one time. Fleur’s little sighs, moans, and then orgasmic cries were so sexy I jerked off not once, but two times.

And slept like a baby.

Drake, who I found spooning Fleur when I barged into her tent, lifted his head from her pillow, squinting against the light flooding in through the tent door, which I’d unzipped all the way and left open.

It was a dick move, but I wanted to torment them a little.

“Close that door up, man, the sun is blinding me,” Drake croaked. “C’mon, do it.”

“Okay, whiner, give me a sec,” I said, and re-zipped the thing closed.

I stood over them, staring down. “She still asleep?”

“Yeah. She is. So why don’t you keep your voice down, asshole,” Drake hissed.

I had an idea.

“Drake, get out of bed and let me take your place.”

“Why?” he moaned.

“Because you have shit to do. Now get up and out of my way,” I said.

He groaned quietly, but slipped out of the bed, reaching for his boxers and other clothes.

I, in the meantime, had slipped mine off and crawled in behind Fleur in the exact spot he’d been occupying.

After Drake took off, I buried my nose in the crook of Fleur’s neck, deeply inhaling her sweet scent.

She stirred beneath me and emitted a quiet girl snore.

Fuck, she was cute.

I pressed my lips to her ear lobe, and when she began to stir, reached between her legs where I found her hot and ready.

“Hey, baby,” I whispered. “Good morning.”

“Mmmm,” she murmured, stretching against me.

She twisted just enough to see me, and did a double take, smiling. “You don’t look like Drake. What did you do with him?” she whispered, tugging on the bandana around my neck.

I pulled on one of her pretty nipples until she gasped. “He’s gone. You’ll never see him again.”

She flipped over to face me. “Oooh, did you bury him somewhere in the desert?” she giggled.

“I certainly did,” I said, brushing my lips across her forehead. “But don’t tell anyone, okay?”

She reached down between my legs and grasped my cock.

“Whoa there, baby, not so fast. I don’t want to explode all over you before I even get going.” I sucked in my breath as the palm of her hand whispered around my cockhead.

“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do if I don’t?” she teased.

Fuck, she was killing me.

So, in one swift movement, I flipped her to her back, holding her arms above her head. “You think you can be naughty, little girl?”

Trying to pull out of my grip, she pouted. “Okay, okay. I’ll be good.”

I stared down at her. “Will I ever get tired of looking at you?”

She gasped and turned bright red. “That’s… that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

Well shit. I hadn’t even thought about it. The words had just come flying out of my mouth.

I meant them, though.

When we all got home, she’d get to see Drake and Jonas every day at the university. But I’d be on the other side of town at the museum. Alone.

But it didn’t matter. If she was open to it, I’d find a way to see her as often as she could stand me. Which, hopefully, would be a lot.

I moved between her parted thighs so that my cock bounced against her, and slid up and down between her juicy pussy lips.

“Ahhhh…” she moaned, her eyes closing as her head dropped back onto her pillow.

I ground against her like that until I nearly had her coming. “Baby, are you ready? Are you ready for my cock?” I rasped.

“Oh god yes, Penn, please,” she mumbled.

I shifted my hips and aimed my dick at her opening, then rammed her as deeply as I could.

She started to buck under me, and her moans grew louder and louder.

“Fuck me, baby, just like that, Penn,” she cried.

She shuddered under me as I brought her to orgasm again, and then, just before I came, I pulled out and spurted all over her stomach.

I bent to kiss her as she continued to convulse under me.

“Want to hear something funny?” I asked her after a while.

She slowly opened her eyes. “Of course.”

I flopped over on my side, supporting myself on an elbow. “When we first arrived here, Drake was going on and on about how a romance brings a curse to a dig. He was pretty serious about it.”

I shook my head with a chuckle.

“Isn’t that how he met his wife?” Fleur asked.

“Yeah. As far as I know.”

“Well. Do you think I’ve proved him wrong?” she asked, her eyes twinkling.

“If he hasn’t changed his mind yet, I am sure he will soon.”

* * *

“You’ll never believe this.”

My brother and I turned to Drake, having helped ourselves to giant mugs of coffee. We needed to ingest the addictive stuff before the day got too hot to drink it.

I sincerely hoped Drake hadn’t found anything else missing from our site. As it was, the loss of the pottery shards was devastating enough. Although, I was pretty sure he had a plan for getting them back.

He was no dummy. He’d been attending digs for many years, and had a good grasp on how things worked.

And how to deal with looters.

I glanced around for Fleur, who was already hard at work doing the delicate task of brushing sand away from something that might turn out to be a significant finding.

Her patience floored me. She could sit for hours, gently coaxing something magical out of the ground as if she’d always known it was there. Some people in archeology just had a knack that way.

But she floored me in other ways, too. There she was in her dusty khaki shorts, tank top, and wide brimmed hat to protect that freckled skin, her long red hair gathered into a braid that fell in front of her left shoulder. She kept pushing it behind her back and out of the way of her work, and it kept falling right back in front.

In short, she was adorable and beautiful at the same time.

I’d had no idea a woman could pull that off. But she did, in spades.

“Hey. Earth to Penn,” my brother said, nudging me in the ribs.

“Oh. Shit. Sorry guys. Guess I got a little distracted.”

Drake and Jonas smiled. We were clearly all in the same boat.

“What were you saying, Drake?”

“Penn, he was telling us that Brad, the fucker from the next camp over—”

“I know who that asshole is,” I interrupted.

My brother nodded. “Apparently, our neighbor managed to get photos of us with the lovely Fleur, and now he wants in on our findings.”

Wait. What?

How the hell did that happen?

And when could I pound him into the ground?

Drake pressed his lips together in a thin line. “He’s also extorting money from me.”

My head snapped in Drake’s direction. “What? Why is he hitting you up?”

Drake looked at Jonas.

Did they know something I didn’t?

“Penn,” Jonas started to say, “Drake comes from—how can I say this without sounding tacky as fuck?—he comes from a family of means.”

I looked at Drake, who nodded silently.

Okay. That was cool. Drake had money. That was why he sprang for the fancy hotel we went to with Fleur.

“Is this… like a big secret or something?” I asked. “That you have money or something?”

Drake shrugged. “I keep things like this private. My grandfather was one of the early Wall Street financiers, so it’s all inherited. It’s not like I earned it. Anyway, I’m not going to flaunt my family money around the university. People would look at me in a different light. Money is fucked up that way.”

So, Drake was a secret billionaire. Holy fuck.

But regardless, what Brad was doing, or trying to do, was bullshit.

“You know, I could just walk over there and pummel the shit out of him,” I offered.

Jonas raised his eyebrows at me. He knew I was good for it.

Drake laughed. “Tempting as that may be, his profound interest in what we’re doing has got me suspicious.”

“Yeah? How so?” I asked, trying to relax my clenched fists.

I was itching to teach that punk a lesson.

“I… I just have some theories I want to work through. I hadn’t even been sure whether to share this with you guys, and I definitely don’t want to tell Fleur yet. But you’re all involved now so you deserve to know.”

“How the hell did he get photos of us with Fleur?” Jonas asked.

“He must have hired someone to take photos of our little getaway, by our supposedly ‘private’ pool. The hotel and their ‘security’ will be hearing from me about this. But first things first.”

Holy shit.

“When he initially came to me, I nearly told him to pound sand. But I may have a better approach. Please just be patient with me for a day or two.”

I looked over at Fleur, working her ass off in the dirt. She looked over our way and caught us all looking at her. She smiled and waved and got back to work.

I was fucking pissed. It was one thing for someone to mess with me and the guys, but dragging Fleur into this, especially when she was just starting her career, made me see red.

I really hoped Drake’s plan to address this bullshit was a solid one.

Otherwise, our little friend Brad would be meeting with my solid fist.

* * *