Her Dirty Archeologists by Mika Lane

Chapter 28


Turned out that was entirely too much to ask because when we all woke up, mid-day, Drake reminded us a new crew would be arriving the next day, and that some of us had to double up on our accommodations. Our little love fest was coming to a screeching halt.

But maybe it was for the best?

How the hell would I explain what I was doing with three guys? Even my open-minded sister would have a hard time with that one.

I looked around my tent and sighed. In the weeks I’d been at the camp, I’d let my shit spread out all over the place. But now that I was sharing with another woman, it was time to get my act in gear and tidy up.

Or should I just pack up and get out while things were going well?

Maybe it was time for me to head home. I’d done good work, having been the one to find the most important artifact the group had found in years. That was a pretty good track record, especially for one’s first major dig.

I had no complaints.

While I wouldn’t mind staying longer, there wasn’t much left for me to do. And with the arrival of new folks, the little fling between me and the guys had to come to an end, too.

“Hello,” a female voice called.

Crap. It had been ages since I’d heard another woman’s voice.

I pushed the tent flaps open. “Hey. Come on in. I’m Fleur.”

My new roommate looked around the tent at all my luggage and set her backpack down in a corner, then looked me up and down.

Jesus. Even more reason to get the hell out.

She approached me, hands on hips. “So, I heard you had some pretty awesome discoveries. What did you find?” she asked, like she was testing me.

I so wasn’t in the mood.

I shrugged. “Drake will brief you.”

And I went back to packing my shit.

* * *