Coaching His Babygirl by Rory Reynolds



The club is packed tonight.Luckily Coop and I were able to snag a table at the bar for the evening. I look around nervously, waiting for Darlene and Colt to show up with Charity in tow. I met Charity last night at dinner, but I’m still trying to figure out my place in the dynamic between Darlene and her. Coop thinks I’m being silly at being worried about losing Darlene for a friend when obviously a person can have more than one close friend… I’m just feeling insecure, and I know it.

I can’t help how I feel, though. I’ve never had friends like I do now, and it makes me anxious that things will be changing soon. Charity is just here to visit during winter break, get the lay of the land so to speak, but this summer she will be moving here and starting her new job at Thurston Academy as the cheer coach.

“Relax, kitten,” Coop whispers in my ear, nuzzling my neck. “It’s going to be fine; you’ll see.”

I take a deep, centering breath and release it, relaxing my shoulders and letting the tension flow out of my bones.

“Good girl.”

I turn red at the compliment. I’m still not used to hearing it even after these last couple of months. I’m definitely not used to the reaction in my body at the words. My core tightens, and my panties dampen at his praise. I crave more of it. More of him. Always.

“Hey guys! Mind if I join you?” Tessa asks, sidling up to where we are sitting.

“The more, the merrier,” I say.

She pulls out one of the empty stools and takes the seat beside me. “How’s it going?” she asks, looking around the room. No doubt she’s looking for Ransom. Probably trying to avoid the gruff, hulking man as per usual.

“Good. We’re just waiting for Darlene and her friend Charity. Colt too.”

“I forgot she was coming tonight. I’m excited to meet her!”

I smile at Tessa, wishing I could feel that level of excitement for my friend having her bestie here. I feel like an awful friend for the green-eyed jealousy I’m harboring. Because let’s face it. That’s exactly what this is. I’m fearful and jealous of sharing my best friend with someone she has a longer relationship with. I’m scared of being left out or left behind.

“You’ll like her,” I say, trying to feel genuine happiness.

Cooper grips my thigh and drops a kiss to my cheek. “I’m going to go talk to Jasper and Ransom. I’ll be right over there.” He nods towards the bar where I see the men standing.

“Okay, daddy. I’ll be right here.”

He growls, nibbling on my neck. “You better be.”

I gasp and wriggle in my seat at the tease. He knows exactly what attention to that particular spot does to me. In case you can’t guess, it drives me insane with lust. My pussy is wet, and my clit throbs, wanting attention that I know it’s not going to get until much later.

“Tease,” I chastise without any heat behind it.

“You know it, babygirl.” He pinches my bottom before sauntering away.

Tessa lets out a little sigh, looking longingly at the ring on my hand. “You guys are so perfect together,” she says wistfully.

“Are you okay?” I ask, sensing the change in her mood.

“Yeah, just a little melancholy these last few days. Nothing a bit of fun won’t cure,” she says, brightening up to her usual peppy self.

I’ve noticed the last few times we’ve been here that her and Ransom seem to be at each other’s throats more and more. They are like gasoline poured on a flame when they are together. I get the feeling that it’s not hate that she feels for him, but I could be wrong.

Before I can dwell on it, I see Darlene and Colt pushing through the crowd along with a wide-eyed Charity as she takes in everything the club has to offer.

“Hey girls!” Darlene says with a flourish before hugging both Tessa and me. “Sorry, we are late. The princess couldn’t decide on what to wear,” she says, pointing her thumb back at Charity.

I giggle a little because I know exactly how she feels. I still have a hard time picking out my outfits, but I’m getting better at feeling at home in my own skin. No longer confining myself to baggy, shapeless clothes. As Darlene has pointed out, I radiate a confidence I’ve never felt before. I have Coop to thank for that. He’s really helped me come out of my shell and prove to myself that the world isn’t some big scary place. I even took part in a karaoke contest here at the club—I totally won too.

“Charity, this is Tessa,” Darlene introduces. “And of course you met Mel already.”

Tessa stands from her seat and, ignoring Charity’s outstretched hand, hugs her in that exuberant way she has about her. “Nice to meet you. Welcome to The Playground.”

“This place is crazy,” Charity says, sounding a little bit in awe of her surroundings. “I’ve never been to a club that caters to people like us before. This is like a little’s paradise.”

We all laugh at that because it’s true.

“I’m going to go chat with the guys. Will you be okay here with your friends?” Colt asks Darlene.

“We will be fine. Shoofly, go have a nice chat with your manly friends, leave us girls to our girly talk.”

Colt growls and spanks her ass for her cheek. “Watch yourself or I’ll have you over my knee and paddled before you get to hang out with your friends.”

She smiles at him. “Promises promises.”

He shakes his head and wanders off to where the guys are hanging out.

“So, do you want a tour?” Darlene asks Charity.

“Absolutely, but first, I want to know about tall, dark, and handsome over there talking to Colt,” she says, fanning herself. “He’s hot.”

Tessa glares at Charity but then turns and sees that Colt is talking to Jasper, and Ransom is nowhere to be seen. Her face turns pink, and I swear she relaxes, realizing that it’s not Ransom she’s talking about. Interesting. Maybe there is more to their relationship than I previously thought.

Darlene titters. “That’s Jasper.”

“Is he single?” she asks. “I’d hate to lust over someone else’s man, but damn he’s hot.”

We all giggle at that. “He’s very single,” I say.

She stares at the guy longer than is polite, her attraction clear on her face.

“Want me to introduce you?” Darlene asks.

“No way. He’s eye candy and nothing more. Besides, I’m only here for another three days. You know I’m not looking for a temporary fling.”

Darlene nods. “Then how about a tour of the club instead?”

“Absolutely. Show me all that The Playground has to offer.”

We give her a thorough tour of the club. She ooh’s and ahh’s at everything. “This place is perfect,” she finally says when we are back in the bar. “I can’t wait to move here and become a member.”

“I feel like I should say, ‘I told you so,’” Darlene says, pursing her lips.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. You were right. This place is great.”

“It’s nothing like the clubs back home,” Darlene says. “It’s a whole different world here.”

We sit and chat for hours, talking about nothing and everything. I relax the more I’m around Charity and Darlene. I don’t feel in the least bit excluded like I thought I would. It feels like we’ve always been friends, and I love it.

* * *


“Jasper,” I say for the third time, trying to get my friend's attention.

“What?” he barks, drawing his eyes away from where the girls are sitting a few feet away. He’s been staring ever since Darlene came in with her friend Charity.

“Jesus, man. What crawled up your ass and died?”

He scrubs a hand down his face, shaking his head. “Nothing, just tired. Been working long hours on this job. Who knew private security was more exhausting than being a police officer would be? Not to mention it’s a thankless fucking job when you’re working for rich pricks.”

We all chuckle at that because Ransom tried to tell him, but the stubborn ass wouldn’t listen. Even though he’s complaining, I know he loves his new job. He was burnt out on being a cop and working within the confines of the law. Private security is less… structured.

Jasper’s eyes wander back towards the girl’s table. “Tell me about Darlene’s little friend,” he asks Colt. “She looks familiar, but I can’t quite place why.”

“That’s Charity. Her and Darlene have been friends for years, and she’s the new cheer coach at Thurston. She’ll also be coaching girls’ physical education. If you listen to Darlene tell it, she’s the best of the best in everything she does.”

“Is she single?” he asks, shocking the hell out of me. Jasper never asks about women and their relationship status. He finds his play partners in the club and doesn’t do attachments.

“As far as I know, yes, she’s single. She moves here in a couple months. She’s just here for winter break right now.”

He nods like what I’ve just said is the most interesting thing he’s heard all night, never once taking his eyes off the woman.

I slap him on the shoulder, grabbing his attention once more. “Well, guys, I think it’s time I swooped in and swept my fiancée off her feet. Talk to you later.”

I prowl towards Mel, giving her a hungry look. She looks up at me as if she can feel my eyes on her. She nibbles on her bottom lip and returns my hungry stare. It’s always this way with us. We are starved for each other every second of the day.

“Sorry, ladies, but I’m going to steal my girl,” I apologize half-heartedly a second before I pull Mel off her seat and throw her over my shoulder. She lets out a little squeal of surprise but doesn’t protest. She simply tells her friends bye making promises to see them for brunch tomorrow.

“Where are we going, daddy?” she asks, wrapping her arms around my waist from behind.

“Private room,” I growl, thinking about all the things I have planned for her.

“Okay.” Is her only response, but I can tell she’s excited by the way she wriggles her body over my shoulder.

We get to the private room, and I toss her on the big bed, crawling on top of her, so she’s pinned beneath me. Before she has a chance to catch her breath, my lips are on hers. I brush my tongue over her closed lips, and she instantly opens for me like I knew she would. My tongue glides between those sweetly parted lips, and I kiss her hungrily. Our tongues dance together, sliding along one another, dueling for control.

Mel lets out a little whimper when my hand lightly encircles her throat in a reminder of who is in charge here. Despite being reminded of her place, she still kisses me feverishly, and I can hardly punish her for that. My cock is thick and hard behind my zipper, begging to be let free. She rocks against me and I just know her panties are soaked with her sweet honey.

I release her lips and kiss down to the front of her corset top. My girl has gotten more and more confident since we started dating. She no longer feels the need to hide behind her clothes, not that I care what she wears. She would be gorgeous in a burlap sack but knowing that she’s confident and happy makes me happier than I’ve ever been in my life.

I make quick work of untying her top. As soon as her breasts are free, I take one turgid peak into my mouth, sucking on the berry-sweet nipple.

“Oh, Coop,” she moans my name, and I growl into her soft flesh. I nip her sensitive tip, and she gasps at the slight pain I inflicted. “More,” she begs.

Who am I to deny my sweet kitten anything? I lavish her breasts with attention as I work her skirt down her legs until it’s discarded on the floor along with her top. It’s then I notice that Mel isn’t wearing any panties under that sexy skirt of hers.

“Naughty girl,” I snarl. “You mean to tell me you’ve been bare under your skirt all night?”

She nods. “Yes, daddy. I thought it would be a nice surprise for later.”

I growl. “Anyone could have looked up that short skirt and seen what’s mine.”

Her eyes grow wide as she realizes that she’s in trouble. “I-I didn’t think about anyone else being able to see… only you, daddy.”

My tone softens because I know she did it for me and only me. “If I had known you were bare for me, I would have dragged you off sooner.”

“Next time, I’ll tell you.” She barely breathes out the words in a whisper-soft voice. She’s just as turned on as I am by being naked under her skirt for me.

“There won’t be a next time unless we are safe at home where no one else could potentially see what’s mine.”

“Okay, daddy,” she readily agrees.

I stand from the bed and tug her with me until she’s standing before me in all her naked glory. I admire the swell of her breasts and the curve of her hips. She’s fucking perfection. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky, but I’ll never take it for granted.

Sitting on the end of the bed, I pull her belly down over my knees. She wriggles excitedly. My girl has grown to love her spankings, especially when they are over my lap. She’s told me that she likes the intimacy of it so I make sure to spank her like this often and well. Especially when she doesn’t deserve it.

I quickly lay down three swats to her cheeks, loving how the jiggle from the impact of my heavy-handed palm. I squeeze her bottom, rubbing in the sting. It doesn’t take long for me to work up a rhythm that has Mel writhing on my lap, trying to wriggle away. She loves her spankings but also loves fighting against how much she enjoys them.

I spank her until her ass is a bright pink and warm to the touch. As this isn’t a punishment, I stop long before tears can fall. No, tonight I want my girl moaning my name. I need her crying out for her daddy in mindless pleasure.

Her folds are wet and glistening when I slide my fingers through them. She moans as I tease over her clit then pump my fingers deep inside the hot well of her cunt.

“Oh, God. Daddy,” she moans.

“You enjoyed that spanking a little too much,” I accuse.

She whimpers as I tease up her crack and circle her puckered ring. We’ve been working up to anal sex, using my fingers and plugs to get her used to the stretch of taking my cock. Tonight is the night she’s been begging for. Tonight, I’m taking her sweet pussy, then I’m going to fuck her tight ass.

“I can’t help it, daddy. It hurts so good.”

I slowly tease my finger against her ass, lightly pushing. Not enough to enter her, just enough to drive her crazy. She’s been begging for this moment. At first, she was scandalized when I told her I wanted to fuck her ass, to own every part of her, but when I started playing with her, she became excited by the prospect. Now when I play with her ass like this, it hardly takes a tease to her clit before she’s coming like mad.

I lift her off my lap and stand her on shaking legs. I stand in front of her, tilting her head back with a knuckle under her chin. Her lust-filled eyes meet mine, and she lifts on her tiptoes to kiss me. Her hands fist in my shirt. She opens her lips for my seeking tongue. I lose myself in her kiss, letting her lead for the moment before I wrench all control away.

“I love you, daddy,” she moans into my lips.

“Mmm, babygirl. I love you. Now, up on the bed. Hands and knees,” I correct when she starts to turn to lay back.

She climbs up, settling in on her hands and knees. She looks back at me with desire in her eyes. I strip off my clothes quickly, then kneel behind her. I spread her cheeks, admiring her wet heat. Her little clit is peeking out of her folds, begging for my mouth. Not one to disappoint, I lean in and lick that swollen bundle of nerves.

Mel gasps and pushes back into my mouth. I slap her ass in reprimand. I control this moment, not her. She whimpers but ceases her movements. She knows I will stop if she doesn’t and that’s the last thing she wants right now. I flatten my tongue and lick her from clit to asshole. I twirl my tongue around that tight ring of muscle causing her to jerk at the sensation.

I keep teasing her ass while I slip two thick fingers deep into her cunt. I thrust them in and out, hitting her g-spot with every motion. She whimpers and whines as I build her pleasure up and up until I can tell she’s ready to come. I stop before throwing her over the edge, not letting her find her release.

“Please,” she whines.

“Not until I say, babygirl.”

I move back to her clit, sucking the tender nub between my lips and nibbling on it lightly. “Oh…” she squeals. “Daddy. Please!”

I decide to have mercy on her. “Come,” I command. I redouble my attention on her clit, fucking her deep with my fingers. She explodes on my mouth, and I lick it up, eating every drop until she’s shaking in my hold. Her upper body collapses to the bed, pushing her ass further in the air.

Before she can recover, I kneel behind her, lining my cock up with her pussy and slamming into her. She screams my name as I fuck her hard and fast. My balls draw up, and it takes every ounce of my self-control not to come inside her right here and now. Her pussy clamps down on me as she comes for a second time tonight.

I massage her bottom, coaxing her through it. She whimpers when I pull out then gasps in pleasure when she feels the head of my cock press against her bottom hole. She moves forward, away from my pressing cock.

“Relax, babygirl,” I coo. “You can take me.”

I stroke her ass and back until she’s relaxed and ready for me. This time when I press against her, she pushes back helping me enter her.

“Oh God, you’re huge,” she gasps.

Not wanting to scare her, I don’t tell her that she’s barely taken the head of me. I reach down and slowly pet her clit. She instantly relaxes into the touch, taking another inch of my cock. Not wanting to hurt her, I snap open the lube I set aside when I undressed and drizzle the cold liquid on my dick. I slide in the rest of the way with very little resistance. Mel cries out when I’m fully inside and clenches down on me.

“Shh… it’s okay. Just breathe. You’ll get used to me.”

“N-no,” she whimpers. I’m one hundred percent ready to pull out and stop at her stuttered word, but her next words are music to my ears. “Felt good. Too good…” She moves forward then pushes back against me with a guttural moan. “Move, daddy.”

Normally I might reprimand her for being bossy, but I can hardly fault her for telling me to do the very thing I want to do most in the world. I pull out until just my head is poised inside her, then slowly enter her again. I fuck her like that for several strokes making sure to be careful. The last thing I want to do is hurt my girl.

“More…” she says. She tries to force the issue by pushing against me, but I grip her hips hard, stopping her.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. Feels so good… so fucking good.”

I smirk at her dirty words. My girl doesn’t curse often, and I love the loss of self-control. She’s telling me exactly what she wants without an ounce of shyness. Far be it for me to deny her.

I pull out and slam back into her.

“Yessss,” she hisses.

I repeat the motion over and over until I set a punishing pace. She loves every second of it, just like I knew she would.

“Fuck, babygirl. You’re so goddamned tight like this. I’m not going to last long.”

“Me either,” she gasps.

“Are you going to come with my big cock in your ass?” I growl.

“Yes! Oh, God. So naughty…”

“That’s right. You’re a naughty girl coming for daddy’s fat cock buried deep in this tight ass.”

She clenches down around me and screams out her release. Dirty talk gets her every time. She loves my filthy mouth.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I grunt, fucking her harder. Flicking my hips forward and back in rough drives that have my balls drawing up tight. I pull out of her ass and pump my cock, releasing my seed over her ass and pussy.

She moans when I rub my release into her with my fingers. I circle her clit and push my fingers deep into her cunt. Her muscles flutter around me as her orgasm ebbs away. Mel collapses to the bed and I lay beside her, tugging her against my chest.

I push her sweaty hair off of her face and kiss her slow and sweet.

“You okay?” I ask.

She lets out a pleased sound and nods.

“Words, babygirl.”

“I’m perfect. Boneless. Maybe a little braindead.”

I smirk down at her. “Good. That means I did something right.”

“Mmm,” she murmurs.

I lay with her for a moment longer then get up to clean us up. Once that task is taken care of, I crawl back into the bed with her. She cuddles up against me and promptly falls asleep.

I kiss the top of her head, happier in this moment than I’ve ever been. Mel is everything I could’ve asked for and more. She’s the love of my life, and I can’t wait to spend forever with her.


Want more from Mel and Coop? Check out their bonus story or find it here:

Did you miss Darlene and Colt? Read their story here.