Coaching His Babygirl by Rory Reynolds

Chapter Three


I watchCoop drive away from the window. I can’t help questioning if tonight really happened. Did I really stumble into a sex club? A real for real BDSM club that not only is my closest friend Darlene a part of but the man I’ve been crushing on for years now.


Sleep doesn’t come easy for me. I can’t quit thinking about what I saw at The Playground. Once I do finally doze off, my dreams are plagued with Cooper and The Playground. My subconscious runs wild with possibilities. So much so that I wake up wet and needy. So needy that I slip my fingers under the waistband of my panties and touch my wetness.

I’m not unfamiliar with masturbation. I might be a twenty-seven-year-old virgin, but I’ve gotten myself off plenty of times… I’ve just never felt this kind of desire before. My pussy is hot and soaked, my clit overly sensitive. My fingers slip through my slickness, teasing up and around my clit, causing me to gasp at the light touch. I circle my clit imagining what it would feel like to have Cooper’s fingers on me instead of my own. How rough his calloused hands would feel. Would he go soft and slow, or would he drive me over the edge in a fervor of passion?

Then my mind goes to even naughtier thoughts. Coop tipping me over his lap and spanking me with his big palm. Part of me wishes I knew what it felt like to be spanked, but another part is scared of how badly it might hurt. That thought pushes me closer to climax. I dip my fingers into my pussy and thrust them in and out, my thumb pressing against my clit. I throw my head back against my pillow, moaning into the empty room as my orgasm flows through my body.

I don’t stop fucking myself with my fingers until I’ve eked out every ounce of pleasure. I collapse back to the bed breathless. A naughty thought of Cooper bringing his wet fingers to my lips and making me suck them clean comes to mind. I’m tempted to clean mine, pretending that he’s ordering me to do it, but I restrain myself.

I get up and quickly clean up before I can give in to such a dirty temptation. I’m definitely not acting like myself. I’ve also never come so hard in my entire life. If just thinking about Coop is enough to get me off so powerfully, how would the real thing be? I shiver at the thought, reminding myself that there’s no way that will ever happen. I’m not Cooper’s type at all. He’s the kind of man who would be with the sexy cheerleader, not the geeky band nerd.

I let out a rough sigh. Don’t get me wrong, I love who I am. I love making music, but sometimes I wish I could be that sexy siren. Before I can fall down that rabbit hole of self-doubt my phone rings. I barely make it to it before it rings off to voicemail. I answer with a breathless hello.

“Hey, girl!” Darlene says cheerfully.

“Uh, hi,” I stumble on my words. I don’t talk on the phone often, and Darlene has never once called me, so it feels weird. “Is everything okay?”

“Oh, yes,” she giggles. “Everything is great. I just wanted to check on you. I heard from Tessa last night.”

Ah. It makes sense now. She’s calling to check up on me from my little impromptu visit to The Playground. “I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?”

This time Darlene’s giggle is a little strained. “Well, I mean… you did just find out that there is a sex club, and several of your friends are members.”

“Well…” I don’t really know what to say. I haven’t really given much thought to the fact that her and Colt are part of the same club as Coop. Maybe that should bother me more than it does. I mean, my closest friend has kept a huge secret from me. I decide to go with honesty, “I don’t know how I should feel right now.”

“Fair enough. So did Cooper give you a tour of the place?” Darlene sounds way more excited about the prospect than she should. If I didn’t know better, I would say she set it up. But she couldn’t have because a flat tire and maybe fate brought me to The Playground’s doorstep.

“No… he escorted me out pretty quickly. Though we did talk a little about what the club is and that he’s a daddy dom.” I slap my forehead. “I asked if he was a submissive.”

She giggles. “Cooper? A submissive?”

I plop down on my couch and cover my face with my hand. “I know, I’m such a dummy.”

“Oh shush,” she scolds. “You’re not a dummy. I’m sure you were just shellshocked. I mean, it’s not every day you find out your friends are kinky.”

“This is true. It was like a page out of one of my books,” I admit to seeing the parallel.

“Now you know why I like the books so much!” Darlene giggles.

“I never would have guessed. Though I can totally see Colt being dominant. He’s got that air about him.”

“He is totally dominant… So tell me… what did you think of the club?”

I chew on my bottom lip, unsure on how much I want to reveal. I hardly know myself how I feel about it. I think part of me is still in shock, and then there’s the whole masturbating to thoughts of Cooper spanking me thing.

“It was definitely interesting.”

“Hmm. Interesting like you want to learn more or interesting like we’re all crazy?” she asks.

“I honestly didn’t realize there was such a place. Of course, I know about BDSM clubs, but a place that is special just for daddy doms and littles. I had no idea. I’ll admit I’m curious. But just because I read about it doesn’t necessarily mean I want it in real life.”

I feel my cheeks flush because I can taste the lie on my tongue. I’m thankful that I’m on the phone because I’m a terrible liar. One look, and Darlene would call me out.

“But you do want it. Don’t you?” she asks boldly.

My sigh comes straight from the tips of my toes. “I honestly don’t know. It stirred something inside me…”

“So you and Colt are both members like Cooper?” I ask. Even though I know the answer, I’m just trying to change the subject and not very smoothly.

She giggles. “Yes. Of course. It’s how I met Tessa and Ransom.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I ask, feeling a little hurt.

“I wasn’t sure how you would respond. It’s not something easily brought up in conversation.”

“I can see that.” I gnaw on my bottom lip, abusing it more today than I have ever in my life. It’s a nervous tick. “And Coop is a daddy dom?” I ask even though he already told me he was. I want to hear more, and this is my horrible segue into the topic.

“Yes, he is.”

“Does he have a little?” I ask, not sure at all if I want to know the answer. I hold my breath as I await Darlene’s response.

“He’s single. I think he’s got his eye on someone though,” she says almost teasingly.

Jealousy runs rampant through my entire being. I hate the thought of Coop with someone else. But he’s a daddy dom, and I’m not a little. It couldn’t possibly be me who he wants, though that’s what Darlene implies. Unless I’m reading too much into her words.

“So, how do you feel about everything?”

How do I feel? Curious. Excited. Horny. Terrified. So many things that I can’t land on just one. “Curious…”

Darlene laughs. “I can understand that one. There’s a lot to be curious about.”

“No kidding,” I sigh and lay back on the couch.

“What about Coop?” she asks.

“What about him?”

“Are you curious about him?”

I blush and stutter. To admit the truth or not? Once again, I decide to go with the truth. “Very curious.”

Darlene squeals in my ear. “I knew it! You two are perfect for each other.”

“Uh… one little problem with that…”

She laughs again. “Don’t think that’s going to be a problem for long,” she says confidently.

I can’t help but to wonder what she’s talking about. Is she insinuating that I’m a little? Is that possible? Or is she thinking that Cooper will change to be what I need? So many questions and not enough answers. I hate feeling so off-center and in the dark, especially when it’s my own feelings causing the issue.

I hear Colt say something in the background, then breathless giggles from Darlene. “Gotta go,” she says abruptly.

“Okay. Bye.”

Well, that phone call answered some of my questions and gave me about a million more. I’m even more curious and confused than I was thirty minutes ago. I shake my head, dislodging the thoughts. Time to shower and get on with my Sunday.

The hot water feels heavenly. I take extra time shaving every inch of my skin and double condition my hair. After my shower, I slather lotion over my skin, pampering myself. I dress in a cute pair of leggings that hug my curves and a slouchy shirt that hangs off one shoulder. Basically the opposite of my regular day-to-day clothes. This is what I consider my Sunday best. Comfy clothes for doing chores and running errands.

I put on some music then start my laundry. After I’ve vacuumed and scrubbed my kitchen, I decide to go to the grocery store before I clean the bathroom. I swap out my laundry, then sit down with a bag of Cheetos (my guilty pleasure) and write out my shopping list.

My trip to the store is a quick one. It’s a small benefit to living alone. I don’t require much. I turn down my street and furrow my brow and the big black truck parked in front of my house. I recognize it as Coop’s right away. A thrill of excitement followed by nervousness floods my system.

I pull into my driveway and turn off the engine. What on earth is he doing here? I quickly pull up my big girl panties and get out of the car. No use trying to hide because I get the feeling he’s pretty persuasive and will easily talk me out of my car.

He climbs out of his truck and walks toward me. I do my best to keep from drooling at his tight jeans and white t-shirt. The sun shines around him, highlighting the silver in his dark hair. It glints in the sunlight, making him look every bit the silver fox he is.

His smile is broad and welcoming with just a bit of sexy smolder. I nearly collapse into a puddle of embarrassed goo when he looks me up and down. It only takes me a minute to remember what I’m wearing today. It’s the first time he’s seen me out of my usual long skirts or dresses. I blush at the heated look he gives me.

I lick my lips, gathering my courage. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

“I wanted to check in on you after last night,” he says with a warm smile

“Oh.” I look down at the ground feeling extra shy. Did he talk to Darlene? Oh God, what would she have told him? No, I shake away that thought. She wouldn’t have told him anything. She’s my friend and confidant.

To distract myself and maybe him too, I open the trunk of my car and start lifting out bags. With a warm hand on my shoulder, he guides me out of the way and takes the bags from me along with all the others in the trunk.

“You don’t have to-” my words are cut off with a growl from him.

I giggle, something I’ve never really done. “Thanks,” I say, earning yet another growl. It’s then I remember him telling me I never have to thank him last night. My cheeks heat with a blush.

I lead him into my house and through to the kitchen, thankful that I cleaned it up before leaving. Not that it was a mess, but it always feels better knowing everything is sparkly clean when you have company over.

Coop surprises me when he starts unpacking the bags of groceries, putting my ice cream in the freezer. We put things away in companionable silence. Once the last bag is empty, he turns to me and I know the inquisition is about to start.

“How are you?” he asks.

I chew on my lip, abusing it further as I consider how to respond.