Mating Fever by Susan Hayes



The hot little blonde was going to be a big fucking problem.

After a year of living undercover, Agent Jack Noble was used to being surrounded by criminals and darkness every day. He’d damned near forgotten who he’d been before becoming Rodney ‘Ramrod’ Steele, but what little humanity was left to him would not allow an innocent like Lily to fall into the hands of a group of bastards like the Legion. They’d break her body and shatter her spirit until there was nothing beautiful about her, inside or out.

And that was before he considered the fact that his wolf was convinced she was theirs. If his furry side was right then this operation, and his life, just got a lot more complicated.

He’d have to make the call. Once he got her safely to his motel room, he’d make contact and tell his people he was ready to come in. He had one more meeting to attend before that could happen. With any luck it would give him enough to put away the few remaining big players left after a massacre had killed off most of their leadership.

He’d been ready to end this op weeks ago, but Rocket, the new president of the mother chapter of the Legion, had sent him on a fact-finding trip to some of the other chapters. The trip had produced evidence linking several more clubs to the drug and weapons trading going on. It was too good an opportunity to pass up, so Jack had extended his time as Ramrod.

Now things were different. Now he had to protect the blonde.

Lily was a complication he didn’t need, not to mention a serious distraction. He hadn’t gotten laid in months, and her smoking curves and big blue eyes were making him painfully aware of exactly how long it had been since he’d fucked anything but his hand. At least the rain had dampened her scent a little. Putting his jacket on her helped, too. It muted her scent enough he could think clearly.

The storm was easing by the time he got Lily settled on the back of his bike. He and the others pulled out and started the drive back to Cummingford. The air was fresher now, but he couldn’t enjoy it. There was nothing on his mind but the way Lily’s sweet body was plastered to the back of him, her arms locked tight around his rib cage. Judging by the squeak of fright she uttered when he first drove off, she hadn’t spent much time on the back of a bike.

Every bump and pothole in the road had their bodies bumping and rubbing together, shredding his concentration and putting him in a constant state of arousal. The flat, boring scenery did nothing to distract him from the X-rated thoughts flashing through his head. By the time they got back to the clubhouse, Jack was hard, horny, and in a foul mood.

He helped Lily off the bike and clamped an arm around her shoulders, drawing her in tight to his side. If she got scared and bolted, she wouldn’t like what happened next. Hell, she wasn’t going to enjoy anything about the next few hours, but he needed to be at this meeting, which meant the only safe place for her was at his side.

“I’ve had time to think about it and I definitely hate you,” she muttered, but there was a tremor in her voice despite her defiant words.

“I have that effect on women. You’ll be singing a different song once you get to know me.”

She reached up to sweep a wind-tangled lock of blonde hair out of her eyes and gave him a dubious look. “I doubt it.”

He leered and cupped a hand over his half-hard dick. “Trust me, it’ll happen. One night with me and you’ll be singing my name to the heavens.”

For a brief second Jack could have sworn her wide-eyed expression turned stormy, but before he could be sure of what he’d seen, tears were spilling down her soft cheeks and she was shaking her head so hard he feared she was going to hurt herself.

“No, please. This all has to be some kind of nightmare and I want to wake up now.”

“Afraid not, sweet cheeks. This is as real as it gets.”

Lily whimpered and tried to twist out of his hold. He stopped her easily enough, but he knew he was going to have to do something drastic to put an end to this bullshit. Once they went inside, he was going to be the only thing standing between her and a lifetime’s worth of nightmares. He turned and backed her into the wall of the clubhouse, ignoring her soft gasps and frightened eyes. He pinned her against the sun-warmed bricks, leaning in hard enough to keep her in place. Letting him feel every curve of her hot body. Setting a hand flat against the wall on either side of her head, he caged her in close enough she couldn’t turn away from him when he lowered his head until they were only a few inches apart.

“You don’t have a fucking clue how much shit you’re in, do you?” he asked.

She tried to shake her head and bumped her cheek against his forearm. “I just want to go home.”

“Not happening. Your bottom-feeding scum of a half-brother offered you up as payment on a debt he owed, remember? As far as anyone here is concerned, you are now club property.”

He moved in even closer, so his lips hovered just over hers. “Here’s how I see it, sweet cheeks. If you belong to me, then I’ll protect you. You don’t fuck anyone but me, and I make sure you’re taken care of. If you keep fighting me, then the others are going to think I can’t control my woman. If that happens, either you’re going to end up across my knees getting spanked in front of everyone, or I decide you’re not worth my time and I let them have you. All of them.”

“You already said you’d let them have me when you leave,” she pointed out, her voice barely above a whisper.

He had to give her credit. She’d been paying attention. “I did say I’d leave you here, didn’t I? Doesn’t mean I can’t change my mind. Give me a good reason to take you with me, Lily, and I’ll consider it. Piss me off and I’ll cut you loose.” He’d never do it, but there was no way to reassure her without risking his cover and both their lives.

She blew out a tiny puff of breath. “Some choice.”

“Better than no choice at all. I’m a bastard, but I’m not a complete bastard. You could do worse.” He lifted a hand from the wall to brush away her tears, ignoring the way she flinched from his touch.

“For fuck’s sake, man, at least take her inside before screwing her,” Mutt called out as he walked past.

“Just setting some ground rules for my new bed warmer,” Jack replied. A half second later, Lily opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off with a kiss that set his entire world ablaze. He’d only intended to silence her, but once his lips touched hers, all bets were off. She tasted like cinnamon candy, sweet and spicy at the same time, and he plundered her mouth with his tongue, craving more. He buried his fingers in the silken tangle of her blonde hair, wrapping it around his hands as he ground his aching cock against her flat stomach. He wanted her naked and under him, and he wanted it right fucking now… which was going to be a problem, given he was supposed to be one of the good guys.
