Mating Fever by Susan Hayes



Leta didn’t know what this guy was, or who sent him, and she had no intentions of sticking around to find out. Her instincts were screaming at her to get away from him. Not only because he was an unknown creature and an obvious threat, but because there was something about him that was messing with her head. She never talked to the ones who hunted her. She didn’t do banter or witty conversation. She either fought or fled.

This time, something was different.

“Bound and gagged, huh? I bet that’s the only way you can get a woman to come anywhere near you.” Even as she tossed the barb back at the big man, Leta knew it wasn’t true. He was the walking definition of sex on a stick. Well over six feet tall and clad from head to boot in black bike leathers, he moved like a predator and looked like a god. Dark blonde hair hung to his shoulders in waves. His hard-edged features could have made him a fortune in Hollywood if it weren't for the fact his eyes were a strange, glowing amber with a thick ring of black around the outside.

The big guy smirked as she lashed out with her knife again, swatting her hand away as if he was dealing with an annoying fly and not six inches of razor-sharp steel. “I don’t need to tie up my women, sweet cheeks. But sometimes I like to.”

She snarled and ducked an incoming punch, trying to ignore the effect his words were having on her. She loved to fight; she was born for it, but whatever they were doing felt more like flirting…or foreplay. “That’s more than I need to know, thanks.”

His next blow caught her in the midsection, knocking the air from her lungs and making her see stars. Leta doubled over, fighting to refill her lungs while her ears rang and the ground tried to slide out from under her. She couldn’t do more than stagger a few steps, but she managed to put a little distance between them as she fought to stay on her feet.

It was a losing battle.

Before she could regroup, something huge and hairy crashed into her, slamming her to the ground and forcing all of the air out of her body for the second time in thirty seconds.

What the fuck hit me and where did it come from?

She raised her hand to stab whatever or whoever was still on top of her, but the moment she moved, a deep, ominous growl filled the air and a set of sharp, pointy teeth closed around her throat, stopping a micro away from drawing blood.

She froze and waited until she had breath enough to speak again. “Call off your pet, asshole, before I fillet it.”