Mating Fever by Susan Hayes


Lucifer cleared the image from his scrying mirror with an idle wave of his hand, then picked up his drink and toasted himself. “That worked out even better than I hoped. Well done, me.”

“Cheater. Carnage never had a chance after that whammy you pulled on him. Talking Fate into giving them all mates was a stroke of genius.” The woman who entered his office was the walking definition of a sex kitten, from the sultry purr of her voice to the slow, sensual sway of her hips as she sashayed across the floor to stand at his side.

“Lilith, my sweet, what brings you down here? Don’t you have a bar to run topside?”

“Haven can run itself for a few hours. I wanted to check in and make sure Carnage was okay. He’s had a rough couple of days, no thanks to you.”

“Please, he’s been moping for months, trying to decide if he was going to opt out and let himself be reborn. What a waste that would have been. Now he’s happy, Leta’s happy, and I’ve added to my army instead of losing one of my best warriors. I should be getting a medal. In fact, I’m going to decree one be made for me, to honor my brilliance in handling all this.”

Lilith tucked a strand of blood red hair behind one ear and sighed. “Do you think Leta’s still going to be happy when she finds out who her father really is?”

Luc shook his head. “She’ll never know. I told her that her father was one of my sons and that he died loyally protecting her and her mother.”

“You’re a lying bastard, you know that, right?”

He reached out and pulled Lilith onto his lap. “I’m the Prince of Lies, babe. Besides, I already have several daughters running amok in the universe, I don’t know if Hell could survive it if I announced I had another one, especially considering Leta’s angelic lineage. I may be the King of Hell, but there would be trouble if anyone found out I’d broken my own rules. Best for everyone if no one ever finds out the truth.”

“Best for you, you mean. If God finds out you seduced one of his angels…”

Luc pressed a finger to his lover’s full lips. “He would be pissed at me, which would be business as usual. Are we done talking now, or are you going to continue trying to make me jealous by taking too much interest in my Hounds? They’re off limits to you, lover. You know that.”

“I’m fond of them, that’s all.”

“Be fond of them from a distance. Thanks to my deal with Fate, they’re all destined for mates. I’ve got it all lined up. None of them is leaving my service, not when I’m finished with them.”

“You’re an evil man, you know that?”

“Me? Never. I’m just a firm believer in stacking the odds in my favor before I let anyone get around to making their choices.”

“So, who’s next?” she asked in a sultry whisper.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

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