Mating Fever by Susan Hayes



“The alarms are resetting! Get out! Get out now!”

The twins were yelling into his earpiece, but Doyle couldn’t respond. Not now. Not with Tessa’s legs wrapped around him and his dick buried deep inside her tight pussy. He had to finish this, had to brand her body with his mark so that she could never leave him. She tasted as sweet as wild honey and her body fit him like a living glove. She was perfect, and he would make her his. Nothing else mattered.

Claws raked his back, leaving his skin burning. Doyle knew what she wanted, what they both needed. He started moving again, surging into her slick channel as they both raced toward rapture. Tessa came first, her pussy gripping him like a fist. Her inner walls milked his cock as she cried out before sinking her fangs into his shoulder. The exquisite blend of pleasure and pain made his balls tighten and his cock swell. Doyle pounded into her with all the pent-up need of more than a hundred years of loneliness. As the first jets of cum poured into her, he bit down on the tender flesh of her throat. Blood coated his mouth and he absorbed her life’s essence, making it a part of himself.

She is mine.

The mating fever faded enough for him to be able to think again, and the twins shouts finally registered. They were in trouble. His mate was in danger. Doyle released his grip on Tessa’s throat and pushed himself up and away from him. Confusion and hurt flashed in his beauty’s eyes at his sudden withdrawal, and regret sliced through his heart. “Sorry, love. I’ll make this up to you later. Right now, we need to run.”


He surged to his feet, drawing her up with him. “The alarms are resetting, grab your bag and get out of here, now!”

“Why didn’t you mention that earlier? Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she cursed and tore herself out of his arms.

“I was distracted,” he said and she snorted with laughter.

“I’ll say you were. When we get out of here we really need to talk about—” The electronic screech of an alarm cut her off mid-sentence. They were out of time. He grabbed his bag in one hand, taking her hand with the other. They raced for the door at inhuman speed. Before they had crossed half the distance, he could see they weren’t going to make it.

A barred gate was rapidly dropping into place, cutting off the only exit. He knew in an instant what he needed to do. When they were close enough, Doyle came to a sudden halt and used all his strength to hurtle Tessa past him and through the narrowing gap between the descending gate and the floor. She shifted forms as she flew beneath the bars, her naked body transforming to a blur of gold and black fur that landed gracefully on the far side of the barrier, her bag landing in a heap at her paws. The gate slammed shut behind her, cutting off his escape. He felt nothing but relief that she’d made it out.

“Doyle, what the hell is going on in there? Talk to us!” He’d almost forgotten about the twins, and the incessant alarm made it nearly impossible to hear them over the din. “I’m trapped, Tessa’s not. She has the painting. Get her out of here or I’ll have two more wolf pelts to hang on my wall.”

“The sex kitten you were just banging has the painting? What the fuck?”

“Call her that again and I’ll strip your hide off your useless ass while you’re still breathing, pup!”


Doyle tugged the transmitter off his ear and threw it through the bars to Tessa, yelling to be heard over the wails that were threatening to deafen him. “My team will get you out of here. You’ll need this to find them, now go!”

She snarled and shook her head, swiping at the bars with one paw.

Fuck, she’s beautiful in either form.

“Don’t argue, go!” He pointed down the hallway and she growled again, but she carefully picked up transmitter between her jaws and dropped it into her bag. She grabbed the bag with her mouth, gave him one last look and bounded down the hall, taking his heart with him.

He could face being caught, if only she were safe. If she made it out before the house locked down. If she could find the twins. He snarled in frustration, placing his hands over his ears in a futile attempt to block out some of the noise. There was too much outside of his control right now, and he didn’t like it one fucking bit.

He paced the walls of his temporary prison, admiring and checking every painting displayed on the walls as he went. He wasn’t really thinking of stealing them, but it gave him something to do, and there was a small chance he’d find a hidden panel that would allow him to escape. There had to be one somewhere, and he had nothing but time. Well, not really. He had until the police arrived, which wouldn’t be more than another eight to ten minutes.

Whatever catastrophic fuck-up the twins had made, he hoped Rafe took it out of their hides. More importantly, he hoped the idiots managed to find Tessa and get her safely back home. Once they were there, his best friend, Flynn, would take care of her, and Rafe would see to it she had everything she needed. Well, not everything. She wouldn’t have her mate, and Doyle could already feel the mating fever surging again. If they couldn’t be together, both of them would suffer.

His tiger roared, tearing at the walls that caged him inside Doyle’s mind. The beast wanted its mate. So did Doyle, but by now she would be long gone. He turned and slammed his fist into the wall in frustration.

He was trapped.