There With You by Samantha Young



Eilidh snuggled sleepily on his lap while Lewis slept beside Regan on the hospital bed. The nurse had not been amused when she’d discovered Lewis asleep on the bed, but Lachlan had made it clear no one was moving his nephew.

Thane had never been more thankful for his brother’s imperiousness.

Robyn was curled up on the armchair opposite Thane’s.

When Regan had collapsed in his arms, Thane almost had heart failure. However, to his everlasting relief, she’d gained consciousness only a minute later. She’d fainted from the shock of her ordeal.

Still, the doctors were concerned because Austin Vale had taken Lewis’s baseball bat to the back of her head before dragging her out to that cliff. The same bat he’d hit Eredine with twice.

If the bastard weren’t already fish food, Thane would have killed him.

Regan was being kept overnight for observation, as was Eredine. They’d both been warned they would mostly likely struggle with headaches for the next week or two. All that mattered, however, was there was no sign of brain injury. Miraculously, neither seemed to have issues with memory loss.

Arro was asleep in Ery’s room.

Thane refused to leave his children or Regan, and the kids didn’t want to be far from either of them. So they’d spent the rest of Hogmanay in the busy hospital in Inverness. Uncomfortable, but together.

He gazed through wearied vision at Lewis sleeping next to Regan, his small hand clasped in hers. Thane’s chest ached.

The attack traumatized his children. He’d have to talk with someone. See if he should get Eilidh and Lewis counseling. This was something that could affect them for the rest of their lives, and Thane refused to allow that to happen.

Lewis’s hand twitched in Regan’s, and he pushed deeper into her side in his sleep. Thane’s eyes drifted from his son to the woman he loved.

He’d almost lost her tonight.

But she was fierce. Determined to live.

Thank God for Robyn and those self-defense lessons.

The hospital door opened, and Lachlan gestured to him. Holding Eilidh close so as not to wake her, he stood slowly and made his way out of the room.

“News?” Thane whispered.

Lachlan reached out to stroke Eilidh’s hair as he replied quietly, “Seth is distraught, as you can imagine. They didn’t have the manpower or authority to keep someone on Austin at all times back in Boston. The last they saw him, he went into a property three days ago belonging to his brother. No one tailed him to the airport. Seth had an alert on his credit card, but he didn’t use it to pay for a ticket. He didn’t use any of his brother’s credit cards either, so we assume he used cash.”

“Regan mentioned a PI?”

Lachlan nodded. “Mac’s still looking into that.”

“Have they found Vale?”

His brother shook his head. “Search and rescue are still out looking.”

Eilidh shifted in his arms, and he cuddled her closer. “When can Regan and Ery leave?”

“Not until later today,” Lachlan sighed. “I know you want the kids with you, but we should really get them home.”

“I don’t want to leave them, which means leaving Regan.” Neither thought appealed to him.

“Let me and Robyn take the kids,” his brother offered. “You stay here with Regan.”

“I can’t.”

“They’ll be fine for a few hours with us,” Lachlan insisted. “And you and Regan need some time alone to talk when she wakes up.”

Thane’s gut knotted. “I doubt she’ll want to hear it.”

“Brother.” Lachlan leaned into him. “Before that bastard showed up … Regan ran to the one place you’d find her.”

It was true. Before they’d walked into the house and his world crashed down, he’d been beyond relieved to see Regan’s borrowed SUV in his driveway.

“Eils and Lew need to eat. If they don’t want to go to bed without you in the house, Robyn and I will camp out on the couch and watch movies with them until you return home.”

Knowing Eilidh and Lewis would be content enough with that, Thane finally nodded. “Thanks.”

Lachlan clamped him on the shoulder and gave him a comforting squeeze. “I’ll go wake Robyn so you can tell her sister that you’re in love with her.”

Thane’s lips trembled with tired laughter. “It’s been a strange bloody twenty-four hours.”

“It’s been a strange bloody year,” Lachlan countered before disappearing into Regan’s hospital room.

* * *


The beeping woke me up.

As the hospital room came into focus, so did the memories of the previous night.

And the last thing I remembered was Lewis falling asleep on the hospital bed beside me.

Where was he?

Panicked, I patted the space at my side.

“Hey, hey.” A large, masculine hand took hold of mine. I followed it up a familiar arm clad in a white shirt. Still in his waistcoat and kilt, Thane sat by my bedside.

“Where are the children?” I croaked.

My tongue was like sandpaper, my mouth and throat dry as a desert.

Thane released my hand but only to get up to grab the cup of water from the small side table. Sliding an arm behind my back to help me sit up, he handed me the cup.

I drank thirstily, my eyes holding his. When I was done, I repeated, “Where are they?”

“At home,” he said in that deep, reassuring voice of his. “Robyn and Lachlan are watching over them.”

I waited as Thane took his seat again. “You stayed.”

Something like despair flashed in his soulful eyes. “I don’t think I can let you out of my sight for a while. As it was, Lachlan had to persuade me that letting the kids go home was best for them.”

“You should have gone with them.” I felt awful he’d had to choose. “I would have understood.”

“We need to talk,” he said bluntly.

Oh, no. Here it came.

The blame. The shame.

“I know!” I blurted out before he could continue. “I promised you my problems wouldn’t bring trouble, and I got Eilidh and Lewis hurt. I’m so sorry, Thane. I can’t ever make it up—”

“Hey, hey, hey.” Thane moved to the bed, pulling me into his side, cuddling me close. “No, don’t say that. Oh, mo leannan, you’re breaking my fucking heart. Please don’t blame yourself. This isn’t your fault.”

I sobbed at his kindness, because of course, it was my fault, and of course, he wouldn’t see it that way. “I didn’t see it … I didn’t see the dark in him, and I let him into my life and if I hadn’t forced myself into your life—”

“I would be the same man I was a year ago,” he cut me off, “existing for Eilidh and Lewis. Not unhappy, but not excited about life beyond them. I love my kids. I’m content to live for them. But I never imagined I’d wake up each morning feeling this much anticipation for what the day would bring. All because I have a woman I look forward to seeing every day, to talking with, to laughing with, to loving.”

I pulled away from him just enough to look into his eyes.

My breath caught at what I saw shining in them.

“I found Eredine and the children so quickly last night because I was chasing after you.”

“You were?”

Thane nodded, his eyes searching my face as if memorizing me. I didn’t care that I probably looked like hell. He was looking at me like I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

“I never thought I’d be the kind of man to have insecurities,” he said ruefully. “The Adair men are a cocky bunch.”

I grinned at that.

He reached up to trace my smile with his thumb as his tone grew serious. “Fran’s betrayal came out of nowhere. I couldn’t have imagined that she would cheat on me. It shook me. It shook everything I believed in … Yet I also never thought it would stop me from moving on. While I hadn’t searched for anything serious with someone new, I wasn’t averse to it happening if the right person came along. I thought she’d be around my age, maybe have kids of her own, be settled in life.”

He caressed my cheek, a dark hunger in his expression. “Then you showed up. I knew from your first day on the job, that morning in the kitchen, when I caught you looking at me and I teased you about my hands … I knew you were dangerous to me. Young, vibrant, beautiful, my brother’s almost sister-in-law, with a bit of a reputation that I didn’t know at the time wasn’t earned.”

My heart pounded so hard, it was a wonder he didn’t feel it banging against him.

“But it was the way you were with Eilidh and Lewis that made me realize I was falling for you. The attraction got harder to ignore … and that first night I made to love you … I knew it then.”

“Knew what?” I dared to ask.

“That I’m so in love with you, it scares me.”

My breath caught as tears stung my nose.

He gave me that rueful smile again. “If it had just been about physical attraction, I could have controlled it, ignored it, never touched you, knowing how complicated the situation was. But I couldn’t stay away from you.”

“Me neither.”

“And when you protected Eilidh … I was so far gone for you. I kept telling myself to enjoy what I could, to remember you weren’t staying here permanently.”

“You didn’t trust me,” I whispered, the pain of his faithlessness still fresh.

“No … I just couldn’t get past my own damn insecurities.” He turned into me, clasping my face in his hands. “Regan, to me, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. Inside and out. Sweet and hilarious and kind and smart. Sexy and uninhibited and loving. You could have anyone, go anywhere, do anything you put your mind to. You’re extraordinary. I didn’t trust in myself. I didn’t trust that I was enough for you. That me and the children and Ardnoch are enough for you. I thought we were too ordinary.”

His confession killed me. I wrapped my hands around his wrists. “Ordinary? You couldn’t be ordinary if you tried. Don’t you know you’re everything to me? Only you can make my stomach flutter with just a smile. Only you can make my world perfect just by holding me in your arms. Only you can get me hot with just that look in your eye.”

He grinned wickedly.

“Only you make me feel good about myself, make me feel wanted and at home in my own skin. When we’re all together, you, me, and Eilidh and Lewis, it feels so right, it almost hurts with how wonderful it is.”

He nodded, brushing my tears with his thumbs.

I tightened my grip on his wrists as I licked the salty tears off my lip. “I know with a certainty I’ve never had about anything before that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t care if that scares you. I need to be honest and up-front, especially after last night, because life is too damn short, Thane. This isn’t ‘let’s see how it goes and cool if it works out or cool if it doesn’t.’ I am madly, desperately, deeply in love with you, and I never want to be without you again,” I sobbed.

He swallowed the cry with a hungry kiss that stole my breath. When he finally released me, it was to pepper kisses over my cheeks, his beard a familiar, delicious tickle across my skin. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he repeated between kisses. My heart felt like it might explode in my chest. “You’re never leaving us again.” He scattered kisses down my throat and continued to murmur, “I want you back in the house. My bed is your bed, living together out in the open. No more sneaking around. This is us.”

He paused to look me deep in the eye. “You’re my woman and I’m your man, and fuck what anyone else has to say about it.”

I reached for him, pulling him back to my mouth, wanting to seal his promise with a kiss.


We broke apart, turning in each other’s arms to find a nurse standing in the doorway. She gave Thane an amused but irritated look. “Do you mind detaching yourself from the patient while I check her over?”

Thane grinned before turning that boyish smile on me.

My belly fluttered.

“I just promised her I’m never letting her go,” he said gruffly, “so I guess you’ll have to do your checks with me right where I am. I’m not going anywhere.”