Beauty and the Brit by Poppy St. James


“So you’re trying to tell me someone broke into your apartment and stole all your bills?” Olivia asks, wide-eyed.

I nod. “Yep.”

Her expression is one of disbelief, but she closes her mouth and stares straight ahead, blinking.

We’re at the gym, walking around the track that’s elevated over the entire workout area below. Before she was a married woman, we used to love this vantage point for scoping out the hot guys below. Now, we just walk.

Well, I still look, because hello, I’m not dead. It’s something to get me through my workout—totally harmless.

“You probably just misplaced them,” Olivia says.

I know that’s not true. They were on my dining table right before . . .

Sterling! If he saw those bills and late notices, I’ll die of embarrassment. I can only imagine what he must think of me. It’s been days since we talked, and honestly, I’m not sure what to think. Last weekend I set him up for that date, and then afterward he came over and we made out like a couple of horny teenagers. I’m sure he’s just busy with work, but still, a girl can’t help but wonder what’s going through his mind.

I told him to go after the woman he was interested in, assuming that he meant me. But now, this radio silence has left me unsure. For all I know, maybe he’s still hung up on his ex. I’m honestly not sure what to believe.

My cell phone buzzes against my thigh. I pull it from the pocket of my spandex workout capris and see it’s a text from a certain sexy British troublemaker.

Are you free on Saturday? I’d love to hang out again.

A smirk pulls up my lips. I type out a reply. Is “hang out” a euphemism for . . .

I have only half a second to question myself before his reply comes through, making me smile.

Dessert? Yes. Be at my place at seven.

My breath catches in my throat as his bold words stare back at me.

“What is it?” Olivia asks, sensing the change in my mood.

“Nothing,” I lie.

With trepidation, I realize this Saturday night could change everything. Three more days until I figure out, finally, what is going through Sterling’s mind.