Butting Heads With A Gargoyle by Charlie Richards

Chapter Five

Ridger knew that Basques was dropping the tracking device off with Ninevah. While he figured he should have been the one to do it, there were a few other things that he found more important. Well, there was one more important than the others, but Ridger figured he needed to make a halfway decent report to Krispin.

Plus, Ridger and Vermidian would need to know where Phineas and Keefe would be staying.

As soon as Ridger opened Krispin’s office suite’s door, his master shook his head without even looking up at him. “I can get a report from Vicon or Donny when they arrive.” He pointed toward the door Ridger had just walked through. “Go to your suite, get cleaned up, and start your bond.”

Ridger was more than on board with that idea. Except, a low growl rumbled from two of the three gargoyles accompanying him. He glanced over and noticed Vermidian’s scowl and clenched jaw, as well as Keefe’s curled lip.

Rethinking a swift retreat, Ridger squeezed Vermidian’s hand. “Uh, I believe introductions are in order first, Master Krispin.”

Probably due to hearing Ridger’s formality, Krispin snapped his head up. He saw the ever-so-slight widening of his buddy’s eyes before the master vampire schooled his expression. Rising from his chair, Krispin smiled at them.

“Ah, forgive my manners, Elder Vermidian.” Krispin managed to paste on an abashed expression as he rose to his feet. “The attack has distracted me.” Starting around his desk, he held out his hand. “Please, allow me to welcome you to the Maven coven.”

Vermidian reached out, and they shook. “Thank you for having me.”

Krispin turned to the others. “Your enforcers? Phineas and Keefe?”

Each gargoyle nodded in turn, revealing who they were to Krispin.

“Nice to meet you as well.” Lifting his hands in placation, Krispin continued, “The private elevator in the back garage where you came in comes directly to the thirteenth floor. Floors thirteen and up are the coven. You’re welcome in any of the public areas.” Krispin peered between them as he added, “As I’m sure you can understand, I ask you not to descend below this floor, seeing as there could be any number of unknowledgeable humans about.”

“Perfectly understandable,” Phineas stated with a smile. “We do have our elder to protect, so”—he glanced between Ridger and Krispin—”we ask that you don’t encourage him to go outside the coven proper until we can get a bonded enforcer here to accompany him.”

“You know my people will guard Vermidian with their lives,” Krispin commented, frowning. “As would I and Ridger.”

“First, Vermidian would not want anyone to give their lives for him,” Phineas countered. Pinning a smile filled with mild annoyance on the elder, he added, “It’s part of his charm, even if it makes him a pain to watch.” As Vermidian snorted, Phineas added, “And it’s our asses on the line if something were to happen to not only Vermidian, but now to Ridger, too.” Grinning, showing off a mouthful of really sharp teeth, the gargoyle added, “It’s just the way of the gargoyle.”

Vermidian lifted his hands, palms out. “I won’t be going downstairs,” he assured. “But I get a say in what mated gargoyle you get to be my guard.” With a warning look, Vermidian reminded, “Landran’s mate is afraid of vampires, and Xandran thinks gargoyles should be ruling the paranormal races since we live the longest.”

“He’s also an asshole,” Keefe deadpanned. “I wouldn’t want to work with him, either.”

Phineas chuckled as he rested his brown hands on his hips. “We’ll compile a list of possibles to go over with you before making any calls.”

“Thank you.” Vermidian turned back to Krispin. “I apologize, but I guess I’ll be needing three suites for my men.”

Krispin nodded slowly. “Well, I’d originally set up a two-bedroom suite for these two.” He pointed between Phineas and Keefe. “Will that not work?”

“That’ll be fine,” Phineas assured.

At the same time, Vermidian stated, “In the short term.”

“Excellent,” Krispin replied smoothly. He turned and headed back to his desk. “I’m going to call Ninevah. I’m sure he has your cards ready and can show you to your room.”

Phineas dipped his chin in a curt nod. “Thank you, Master Krispin.”

“Where will you be, Elder?” Keefe asked, frowning. “Not far, I hope.”

“Ah, of course.” Ridger grinned at Krispin, knowing he might end up having a conversation later with his master about the three dominant gargoyles he was bringing into their coven. “I’ll show them the stairway and elevator as well as how the key cards work while we wait for their own to arrive.”

Krispin picked up his phone. “Thank you, Ridger.” Pausing with the phone halfway to this ear, he smiled warmly at him. “And congratulations. I am truly happy for you.”

Ridger grinned back at his friend and master. “Thank you.” Clapping his hands, he turned on his heel and faced the door. “Okay, guys. Let me point out what’s behind each door.” Then Ridger returned to the central area of the office suites. “Obviously, that was Master Krispin’s private office. There’s mine.” He began pointing. “That’s Enforcer Basques’s, and that’s a large conference and sitting room for meetings.”

Continuing out of the space, Ridger pointed out the other two vampire’s living space as well as his own. He crossed to another door and pulled out his key card. The door opened easily under his touch, and he led the way into the stairwell. When the door closed behind Phineas, Ridger heard it lock.

Pointing at the card reader, Ridger explained, “The doors can be entered on any level, but only the street level door will open from the inside.” He grinned as he added, “And the street level door won’t open from the outside unless a matching key card and room number is entered, and as soon as it’s used, someone in the security office verifies who entered.” Upon seeing the frown crease Keefe’s features, Ridger continued, “That’s twenty-four-seven security. We’ve stepped it up since the priests tried to break in.” With a laugh, he scanned his card to open it to their level. “It was damn fun allowing them into the loading bay and elevators only to surround them and take them out.”

Once they were all back inside the main foyer for the thirteenth floor, Phineas pointed at the key card. “How many people, including everyone, have access to this floor?”

“Twelve,” Ridger replied easily. Lifting his hand, he began to tick names off on his fingers. “Master Krispin and Wash. Enforcer Basques and Dloben. Myself. The three top enforcers. The two top trackers. The master of the guards, the gardener, and our security expert.” Then Ridger pointed at the trio. “Now add three.”

Phineas and Keefe exchanged glances.

“Then how do people meet with your master?” Phineas seemed confused.

Chuckling, Ridger asked, “How many people drop by Elder Vermidian’s home unannounced for impromptu meetings?”

“Touché,” Keefe rumbled, smirking. Then the male cocked his head. “Why a gardener?”

Ridger cleared his throat and pointed at an elevator door off to the right. “Uh, that goes to the rooftop garden.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he glanced around at them. “It’s the master’s private garden. The average coven member can’t even get in here, let alone up there.” Resting his hands on his hips, Ridger admitted, “Wash and Dloben go up there to fly. I’m sure once he’s comfortable with you, you could, too.”

Vermidian nodded slowly. “Hadn’t really thought about that,” he admitted, his green eyebrow ridges furrowing. “Never lived anywhere in a city before. Always been in remote areas.”

Grimacing, Ridger assured, “We’ll take day trips”—shaking his head, he amended—”evening trips, when you feel a need to stretch your wings.”

“Thank you,” Vermidian replied, still scenting of discomfort.

Before more could be said, the elevator door dinged before the doors parted. A six-foot, wiry vampire stepped out of the car. He had his nose in his tablet as he started toward the office suite.

“Hi, Ninevah,” Ridger greeted, causing the clearly pre-occupied vampire to jerk his head up. He lifted a hand in placation. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

Staring, and not at Ridger, Ninevah muttered, “Um, no, sorry, Second Ridger. I didn’t realize our guests had arrived.” The socially awkward male yanked his gaze away from their new arrivals and focused on his satchel. “I, um, have these.” Ninevah rustled around in his bag for a few seconds before withdrawing an envelope, which he held out to Ridger. “Three cards, all with full access.”

“Thank you.” Ridger took the vampire’s offering. “I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.” Ninevah pivoted and hurried back toward the elevator. “It was nice meeting you,” he called, even though he hadn’t actually met any of them. “If you need anything, you know where I am.”

The elevator car hadn’t moved, so when Ninevah pushed the button, the doors immediately opened. A second later, they closed again, taking the vampire with them.

Turning, Ridger took in the varying expressions on the trio’s faces—amusement, amazement, and surprise.

“So, that was Ninevah, our technical expert,” Ridger told them. “He prefers his computers.” Unable to help himself, he smirked at Keefe. “Was he your mate?”

Keefe snapped his slightly parted lips together and focused on him. His brow ridges furrowed. “No,” he denied, appearing confused. “Why would you think that?”

Ridger realized he would seriously need to work on the large, powder-blue gargoyle’s sense of humor. “It was a joke,” he admitted. “You know. From the car?”

“Oh.” Keefe shrugged. “Okay.”

“Well, I was going to have Ninevah show you to your rooms, so I could have my way with your elder.” Ridger waggled his eyebrows at his amused soon-to-be lover. “But I sort of forgot how people-shy our tech guy is around... well, nearly everyone.” Heading toward the elevator, Ridger opened the envelope. “Anyway, I’m certain Vermidian will want to know where you’re staying, too.” He frowned as he pushed the button, another thought occurring to him. “You didn’t have any luggage in the car. Is there something we can order for you to hold you over until you get—” Ridger paused, realizing he had no idea what a creature that lived as a stone statue half the time actually needed.

Vermidian slung an arm around Ridger’s shoulders. “We don’t need much. Food, water, a safe place to roost, and loincloths.” He winked at Ridger.

“Loincloths,” Ridger murmured. “Of course.” Cocking his head, he asked, “Even in human form?”

Ridger had seen Wash and Dloben in real clothes a few times.

Shrugging, Vermidian told him, “I guess I’ll let you know. I’ve heard that a lot of gargoyles still wear them when in human form, just in case they decide to change forms.”

“Ah.” Ridger nodded. “That makes sense.”

Upon exiting on the fourteenth floor, Ridger finally paused and pulled the key and information cards out of the envelope. He looked at the room number and turned to the left.

“Okay,” Ridger began, handing a card to each of the elder’s enforcers. “You’re actually right next to the stairs,” he told them, heading down the T-junction. “I guess someone thought you would want to be able to get to Vermidian in seconds by descending the stairs as opposed to having to wait for the elevator.”

“Someone was smart,” Keefe commented.

Phineas reached over and smacked him upside the head. “Be nice.”

Keefe frowned at Phineas. “I was giving someone a compliment.”

“Or insulting everyone who didn’t think of that,” Phineas countered.

Opening his mouth, Keefe looked like he was going to snarl something at Phineas, so Ridger quickly jumped in. “Look, I don’t know who thought about it.” With a laugh, he admitted, “Hell, it could have just been a coincidence and this was the only double room left on this floor even remotely close to any exit.”

“See,” Keefe grumbled as he waved his card at the reader.

The panel light flashed to green with a beep, and Keefe headed into the room.

Ridger watched Phineas follow Keefe, but he hesitated on the threshold. With the back of his hand on Vermidian’s chest, who had been following behind him, he used gentle pressure to keep his beloved in place.

Clearing his throat, Ridger held the door open. Instead of entering, he just pointed. “So, this is obviously the communal space. Living room, dining, and kitchen. The bedrooms are to the left and right, and each have their own attached bathroom.”

“Pretty nice,” Phineas commented, peering around the space. Spotting the big screen TV, he grinned, “Sweet set-up.”

“There’s smaller TVs in each bedroom, too,” Ridger told them.

Keefe pointed at Phineas. “You’re watching your reality TV show shit in your own damn room.”

Phineas laughed. “Aww, come on, Keefe. You know you love it just as much.”

“I do not,” Keefe snarled.

Ridger took that opportunity to begin backing out of the room.

Vermidian must have understood, for he quickly made room for Ridger.

“Uh, well, you know where we’ll be,” Ridger called, hoping to avoid listening to any more comments on their TV preferences. “Oh, I noticed a slip of paper in the envelope with all the important phone numbers.” Ridger placed said envelope on a small table by the door. With a smile and nod, he waved and began closing the door behind him.

“Wait,” Keefe called, and Ridger barely managed to hold in his groan. “We should escort you back to your room.”

“For Pete’s sake,” Vermidian grumbled. “I can make it down one floor.” Then he reached around Ridger and grabbed the door handle. With his other arm around Ridger’s waist, he tugged him out of the way as he closed the door. “Come on.”

“But—” Keefe began to call.

Phineas hollered over Keefe, “Relax, Keefe. It’ll be fine.”

As soon as the door was closed, Ridger started toward the elevator. “By the gods,” he mumbled as he hit the button for the elevator. Peering up at Vermidian, Ridger asked, “Have they ever stayed together before? Are they going to kill each other?”

Vermidian scoffed softly, then followed him into the elevator when it arrived. “I don’t know, and I sure hope not.” With a wry smile, he added, “Are the rooms soundproofed? Maybe we just need to get them both laid.”

Ridger barked a laugh. “They are.” He grabbed his gargoyle’s hand with his own. “And what an excellent idea.” Then Ridger gave Vermidian a heated look. “And speaking of getting laid.”

The growl Vermidian let out caused a thrill to zing down Ridger’s spine.