Don’t Fall for the Doctor by Lacey Bolt

Chapter 4

Michael stood alone at the end of the hallway and watched the scene unfold between Dr. Evans and Ashley. If he had any backbone at all, he’d march up to Dr. Evans and demand that he treated Ashley with respect.

After that, he’d turn to Ashley and finally ask her out. He could find a way to make it work. He could balance the overwhelming demands of the hospital and a personal life.

But no, there couldn’t be balance. He made the choice years ago to devote his life to his patients. He took the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm and always care for his patients. Women were a liability—a distraction.

He had enough to deal with. His entire body protested as he turned and walked to the empty provider room, which was equipped with a few small desks set up with computers for charting in-between patients. His next patient wasn’t due for another ten minutes, which wasn’t nearly enough time to recover from the anxiety attack. But he didn’t want to risk Dr. Evans’s wrath again by canceling his appointments today and going home on sick leave.

He pulled up the first patient’s chart on the computer when a movement by the door caught his eye. He didn’t have to look up to know who was there; the scent of cheap perfume and the annoying tap of fingernails on the open exam room door revealed all the information he needed to know. Theresa was back from vacation.

“Well, today must be your lucky day. I’m assigned to assist you with your patients this morning. Now you won’t have to deal with any of the other nurses. Just me.” She sat down confidently on one of the vacant chairs next to his workstation.

Michael managed to silence the growl that formed in his throat. Instead, he stared at the screen. She continued talking anyway.

“You would not believe everything that happened on my vacation. The beach was amazing, and the weather was absolutely perfect. I even got to work on my tan every day. See how tan I look?” She pulled up her sleeve to reveal her wrist and forearm.

His eyes automatically moved to her arm, and she smiled smugly, leaning in farther. His stomach churned. He turned back to the computer and started typing.

“I’m tan all over. Well, almost all over, if you know what I mean.” She let out a small giggle that sounded like nails running across a chalkboard.

Michael didn’t even try to hold back the groan this time as he rolled his eyes. The last thing he wanted to do was think about her in a swimsuit.

“Shouldn’t you be in the nurses’ morning meeting?”

She shrugged and settled back in the chair. “Those meetings are always so boring. I figured I’d skip it and chat with you. I wanted to make sure I’m available to help you this morning.”

“Feel free to go back to the meeting. I’m trying to review a few charts before my next patient.” Hopefully, she would get the hint and leave.

“Of course you are.” She crossed her legs and started examining her manicured nails. “Always so serious and full of business. You should really relax more. A few of us are getting together after work Friday. You should come out and join us.”

“I’m busy Friday. I need to finish reviewing this chart now.”

“Don’t worry. You have plenty of time to review that chart. I can’t bring your next patient into the exam room until the mess is all cleaned up. You should have seen Dr. Evans a few minutes ago! He was so mad. That girl is cleaning our clinic today, and she already made a huge mess. She’s so clumsy. I’m surprised she hasn’t been fired already.” Her annoying giggle echoed in his ears again.

Michael gritted his teeth. He needed to tread carefully. He witnessed Theresa relentlessly attack another nurse last month when both women were interested in the medical supply representative. Apparently, Shelia started to flirt with the guy even though she knew that Theresa liked him. Or at least that’s what he, and the rest of the clinic, heard during one of many loud arguments in the break room.

In the days that followed, Michael could barely walk around the clinic without finding Shelia crying. It was painfully awkward to walk into an exam room, which he thought was empty, and find an adult woman crying in the corner.

Shelia transferred to another section of the hospital one week later. Unfortunately, Theresa switched her gaze to Michael. He knew very little about women, but he did know that Theresa’s interest in him was likely to disappear as quickly as it started. And until she found a new target, any woman who might stand between Theresa and her happily-ever-after dream would have a target on her back.

He would not let Ashley succumb to the same fate as Sheila. “I’m more interested in getting my work done than hearing about drama.”

“Hmph.” Theresa pouted and crossed her arms. “Don’t be mad at me for laughing at her. I know you used to like her. I don’t know why. She’s a hot mess. You could do so much better.”

A sour taste took over his mouth. He narrowed his eyes and frowned at her. He needed to do this right. Swallowing first, he chose his words carefully. “I have no interest in engaging in workplace relationships.”

She smirked and leaned forward, her eyes unblinking. “Me neither. But there’s no need for anyone at work to know our personal business. Some things are better kept secret.”

Michael hit the button on the computer to log off and stood abruptly. “I’m going to check the exam room and get to work. I suggest you do the same.”

He walked to the door with her close on his heels. The day was already wearing on him. First the panic attack, and now Theresa.

At least Ashley was in the clinic today. Even though he would never have the time for a relationship, her presence still made him feel hopeful. Like he could have everything. A career he loved, a woman he loved even more, possibly even kids one day.

But he knew better. Besides, a woman like Ashley would see right through him. Her eyes were too deep, too intense. She’d figure out his secret in no time and realize that he was a man who couldn’t stand up to the pressure of his job without breaking into panic attacks.

No. He couldn’t afford to daydream about impossible situations. He needed to focus on work and saving patients. Nothing else. That’s exactly what he’d do, after he made sure that Theresa didn’t view Ashley as a threat to be demolished.