Don’t Fall for the Doctor by Lacey Bolt

Chapter 8

“So let me make sure I understand you. You’re on probation at work, got rejected from another graduate school, and can’t afford your apartment anymore?” Emily picked at the edge of the menu on the table in front of her.

At least her cousin came to happy hour tonight. Misery loved company.

Ashley nodded. “And I lost my favorite coffee travel mug at work.”

“Well, now I know what to get you for your birthday.”

“Assuming I have a kitchen to put the mug in. I’m about to be homeless.”

“I won’t let you be homeless. You can sleep on my couch. You were there for me when I needed you. I’ll be there for you.”

She watched for a second as Emily fiddled with the fake engagement ring on her finger. Ashley had lost count of how many pies, brownies, and ice cream sundaes she made for Emily in the weeks after she discovered that her ex-fiance had cheated on her for two years. She started wearing the fake engagement ring to shield off men until she felt ready to enter the dating world again, and Ashley didn’t blame her.

“What can I get you ladies to eat tonight?” Their favorite server, Danica, walked up to their table with a wide smile on her face.

“Burger for me.” Emily placed the menu to the side.

“Same here.”

Danica leaned forward towards Ashley and Emily, smiling even wider and talking slightly more quietly. “Did you two see who’s sitting up front?”

“No . . .” Ashley raised her eyebrows and looked at Emily. Emily just shrugged.

“Well, I probably shouldn’t tell you, because we value the privacy of our customers, especially the famous ones.”

Ashley fought the urge to roll her eyes. What famous person would possibly want to come to this bar? It had decent food, but most people came because it was close to the hospital and had cheap beer.

Danica pulled a magazine out of the large pocket of her apron and held it in front of them. A vaguely familiar face stared at her, upside down.

“Who is that?” Emily turned her head to get a better view.

Danica glanced around again as if she were about to share important governmental secrets. Then she slowly sat on the empty seat at their table.

“He’s a doctor, a cardiologist,” she emphasized slowly, “also known as the most eligible bachelor in this area.” Danica placed the magazine on the table.

Ashley turned the magazine around so it was facing her, and slowly read the words Dr. Sexy written in large letters below the now-familiar face. Her jaw dropped open.

“Yep, he’s handsome, and he’s here right now,”Danica whispered loudly.

No, no, no, no, no . . .

“Where?” Emily asked, clearly catching Danica’s bait.

“He’s up front, over there.” Danica pointed in an obvious manner, no longer pretending to keep the conversation secretive. “But honey, you’re engaged. Let’s set him up with your friend here. What’s your name? You engaged too?”

Ashley stared at the magazine picture. She tried to move her mouth, but the muscles wouldn’t work.

Emily jumped in quickly. “Ashley’s not engaged. She’s not even dating. And she had a bad day. She could use a hot date.”

“Leave it to me. I’ll set them up.” Danica was out of her chair and several feet away from their table by the time she finished the sentence. The magazine remained on the table.

“Emily! What the—” Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She didn’t even know how to finish the sentence because her brain was frozen or something. She coughed and took a sip of water.

Emily just stared.

“She can’t set me up with him. Do you know who he is?” The restaurant must have some back door to the alley she could escape through. Maybe over by the restrooms?

“Some super-hot doctor. You had a bad day. Just have some fun. Let’s turn your day around.”

“No! He’s that entitled jerk who yelled at me this morning because there was vomit in a room for seven minutes before I could get in there to clean it up!”

“Please don’t talk about vomit when we are about to eat.”

“Then he called me Katie and acted like I was stupid for not realizing that he was talking to me. After that, he expected me to clean up his spilled coffee when he was standing right next to a pile of paper towels. Plus, I think he was the one who complained to Gwen and got me put on probation. He’s the worst kind of doctor, arrogant and conceited and pompous and—”

“Walking this way right now.”

Ashley’s mouth went dry. Sure enough, barely two tables away, Danica was simultaneously pushing and pulling Dr. Tobers in their direction.

Ashley picked up the nearest napkin and started shredding it to pieces.