The Liar Next Door by Nicola Marsh



“That went well, don’t you think?”

Lloyd is clearing the dinner table, upbeat when I can barely stand I’m so tired.

“Yeah, it was nice to meet the neighbors,” I say, standing near the living room window, looking out.

The park is in darkness, barely illuminated by the old-fashioned lamplights ringing the periphery. It makes it easier to see the house on the other side of the park, directly opposite to ours, which is lit up like they don’t care about the cost of electricity.

I can’t believe Ruston lives there.

Even now, hours after the gender reveal party finished, I can’t comprehend the coincidence. We didn’t get to speak at the party because I avoided him, clinging to Lloyd whenever it looked like he might approach. Thankfully, Ruston got the message. But one of my neighbors had kindly informed me of “the hottie that lives at number 56” and how every mom in Vintage Circle has a crush on Ruston.

I don’t blame them. That had been me once, when I’d been foolish, believing every line he fed me despite being let down time and time again. I should be wiser, but I fear I’m not. I can’t deny the irrational surge of attraction that made me buzz when I first laid eyes on Ruston in the park.

I shouldn’t focus on his house but I can’t help it, my gaze unwittingly drawn, like wanting to avoid staring at a car wreck but unable to look away. He’s moving around the front room, flicking through a stack of DVDs. Unusual, considering most of us stream movies these days.

He’s wearing gray cotton sweatpants slung low on his hips, and a plain white T-shirt molding to a strong chest, highlighting broad shoulders, accentuating his height… I step back from the window, annoyed at myself for noticing.

“What are you looking at?”

I jump at Lloyd’s nearness and force my body to relax when he hugs me from behind, his palms splayed possessively across my belly.

“I like looking at the park at night. I find it peaceful.”

The lie slides from my lips, increasing my guilt. But how can I tell my husband the ex I tried so hard to get over by marrying him now resides opposite us?

“That’s because there are no screaming kids running around like there usually is during the day.” He chuckles.

“Hey, you’re about to have a screaming kid in the near future and that comment doesn’t sound too paternal.”

He laughs at my teasing and I’m happy to be distracted for a moment. “I’ll be a great dad and you know it.”

He nuzzles my neck and tightens his hold. It should make me feel safe. Instead, I’m claustrophobic, smothered, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to shrug off his embrace. I’m edgy because of the guilt and for a moment I contemplate telling him about my past. But I’m too exhausted to get into a big discussion now, let alone fend off the inevitable probing if I reveal how Ruston used to be a major part of my life.

“Do you mind making me a cup of ginger tea?”

He releases me and spins me around to study my face. “Are you feeling nauseous again?”

“A little.”

“You’re probably overtired after all the excitement. Put your feet up, sweetheart, and I’ll bring it in.”


I press a kiss to his lips, hoping he knows how much he means to me. He’s right, I am overtired, and as he heads into the kitchen, I find myself looking out the window again. Ruston’s sitting on the sofa now, with his feet up on the coffee table. Big feet. Big everything. I hate myself for remembering. And I hate how I found myself watching him at the party earlier. He’s a popular guy, mingling with everyone. A real man’s man. One of the boys. Good with the kids too, making them laugh. It shouldn’t affect me but it did.

Because I’m not stupid. I may have succeeded in avoiding him today but a confrontation is inevitable. If I don’t want him revealing our connection to Lloyd, I’m going to have to preempt it. Who knows, maybe if I do that we can co-exist as neighbors and the new life I’ve carefully built won’t come tumbling down?

I can’t allow Ruston’s presence to distract me from my goal.

As I wrap my arms around my middle and continue to watch him, I know I need to focus on my baby.

And preserving my secrets.