The Liar Next Door by Nicola Marsh




For someone who acts like the hostess with the mostess online I’m not good in social situations and I don’t hold dinner parties. I’ve never had to. With Walter, he was more of a homebody than me and only socialized with bank colleagues occasionally, usually at a bar for farewell drinks or to welcome a new worker. Living with Andre in Manhattan, his graphic design crowd wasn’t the type to host dinner parties. They preferred lurking in dingy underground jazz bars or attending gallery openings. After tagging along to the first few I deferred and he never minded.

So I have no idea what the seating etiquette is and am surprised to find my name tag at the end of the table next to Ruston, with Saylor on his other side, which places Andre opposite me, Celeste to his right and Lloyd at the end. I’m relieved to see Celeste at ease with Andre and my husband showing no hint of his once-wariness toward our new neighbor.

But I’m also awkward sitting next to a good-looking guy like Ruston and because I’m hopeless at small talk our limited interaction is clumsy. To make matters worse, he seems to be as reserved as me so our conversation, what little there is of it, is stilted at best. Saylor tries to engage him several times but he almost turns his back on her and angles toward me.

Increasingly gauche, I start drinking, consuming three glasses of Chardonnay in quick succession, and my reservations loosen.

“What do you do, Ruston?” I ask, trying to make more of an effort.

“I’m a photographer, but I do a lot of modeling too.”

As he looks at me, I notice his incredible eyes, a unique pale green, like jade mixed with aquamarine, a color I’ve never seen before. They’re fringed with long dark lashes the same color as his dark brown hair, an attractive contrast. I’m oddly flustered and it doesn’t help when I note his sharp cheekbones and strong jaw remind me of the gorgeous heroes in the romance novels I devoured by the truckload when married to Walter.

“You definitely should be in front of the camera, not behind it.”

The corners of his mouth quirk in amusement and I realize I’ve spoken aloud, articulating my thoughts. Heat flushes my cheeks and I’m beyond embarrassed.

“Thanks for the compliment.” He smiles, looking more relaxed.

“It’s the wine,” I say, picking up my glass and bringing it to my lips. “I rarely drink.”

“You should, if it makes you that honest.” He leans closer, like he’s about to impart some great secret. “I like it.”

I have no idea how to respond. I didn’t date in high school and Walter was my first boyfriend. Before bumping into Andre at the beach house I hadn’t entertained the idea of being with another man so soon. Only having two relationships with men means I have no idea if Ruston is flirting with me. By Andre’s glare when I glance up after Lloyd places a dessert plate in front of me, he is and my husband doesn’t like it.

I flash Andre a “you’re my one and only” smile but it must get lost in translation because he ignores me and resumes his conversation with Celeste. She’s not flirting with him. There’s no coyness or giggling, just a genuine interest in what he’s saying. It makes me like her more. I can’t stand women who deliberately flirt with every man in the room.

Is that what Ruston thinks I’m doing, flirting with him? I’m mortified at the thought.

“You’ve gone quiet again, Frankie. Maybe you should have some more wine?” He’s teasing me, being friendly, so I nod and hold out my glass to Ruston for him to top up.

I’m not sure if the three wines I’ve already consumed make my hand shake but before I know it he’s steadying the glass by wrapping his fingers around mine while pouring with the other.

I know that infuriating blush is back. My cheeks are burning, a beacon to my inexperience with an attractive man. With any kind of man, come to think of it.

Once the glass is half full he releases my hand and I hope my flustered reaction has gone unnoticed.

I look up, half expecting to find Andre glowering at me from across the table.

Instead, I see Celeste watching me.