The Liar Next Door by Nicola Marsh



I can’t wait until the morning to see Roland. I’m too wound up. And if I see him now, I can forewarn him about meeting the girls so he can prepare. Then again, maybe the element of surprise is better? “Hey, Roland, look at this, your girls are reunited, isn’t it fantastic?”

Though I know him. He’s not fond of surprises and that’s why I have to talk to him tonight.

I check on the girls, relieved they’re both sound asleep. I leave a note propped in the middle of the kitchen table in case either of them wake and find me gone. While Vi can’t read yet, I’m glad Luna can.

Dear Vi and Luna,

Hope you’re enjoying your grand adventure. I’ve gone for a walk along the beach, back soon. There’s milk in the fridge and cookies on the counter in case you want a snack. I’m so excited to be here with you two. We’re going to have so much fun together.

Mom xx

One kiss for each of them. I must remember to treat Luna as my own, even though Vi holds my heart. She’s fragile and easily scared, and I’m hoping some of Luna’s boldness will rub off on her. I would hate for Roland to make comparisons between the girls and like Luna better. I know all too well what it’s like to be second best and I won’t have my daughter tolerating the same shoddy behavior.

I hate how the world we live in these days values beauty above all else. How a trumped up nobody like Francesca Mayfair can reinvent herself as Frankie Forbes and become famous. How looks are prized more than intelligence. How fake peppiness garners fans when a quiet resilience is often seen as a sign of weakness.

Frankie is my opposite in every way but I won’t have her daughter being Violette’s opposite. I need them to meld, to complement each other. Only then can we be a true family. I won’t tolerate anything less.

I check all the windows and the front door to ensure they’re locked before pocketing the keys and slipping out of the back door. I hear the lock click behind me but I jiggle the knob just in case. I need to keep my girls safe.

It’s an easy half-paced jog from the cottage to Roland. The wind is strong tonight, the sea spray misting my skin, the sound of crashing waves resonating in my ears. I can’t believe he thought it would be easier to bring me to our favorite spot to break up with me. When he’d first mentioned we take the trip I’d been filled with hope. A nostalgic trip to our spot could only mean one thing: he was going to propose. Little did I know.

The thing is, I always forgive Roland anything. But then he’d started saying all that stuff about Francesca and Luna and…

We’d never quarreled like that. How can someone so rationally calm one moment lose it the next? I guess we all have hidden violent tendencies that explode when pushed too far.

For me, that trigger is Violette.

Nobody, not even her father, can get away with disparaging her while lauding his other child over me.

I reach our spot, a secluded part of the beach with a rocky outcrop that creates a semi-cave.

When I see him, my heart expands with love.

My man.

Mine. Not hers.

No matter how much he wished otherwise.

“Hey, it’s me.” I hover at the entrance to the cave so I won’t be tempted to rush inside and fling myself at him. “I’ve missed you.”

I don’t expect him to answer. Besides, I have enough to say for the both of us.

“I know it’s weird, me showing up here in the middle of the night, but I couldn’t wait to see you. I’ve got news. Big news. And I hope you’ll be happy for us.”

I take a step closer and peer into the darkness, wishing he would hold me, knowing he won’t. “The last time we spoke, when you were raving about ‘Luna this’ and ‘Luna that’ and how you’d never give me another child because you already had one and it’s her, I know I lost my cool and I’m sorry for that, but I hope you’ll forgive me when you discover what I’ve done.”

I throw my arms wide like I’m expecting his embrace. “I’ve brought her to you. Luna. She’s so close with Vi. Best friends who are actually sisters. How amazing is that? They’re alike in so many ways and I’m sure you’ll pick up their similarities as quickly as I did. She’s sweet, but not as good as our Vi, and I hope you don’t favor her because I won’t tolerate that and you know what happens when you anger me.”

A gust of wind sends my ponytail vertical and propels me forward a little. I should go to him. But I can’t. I have to wait until the girls are with me. Only then will he be inclined to forgive me.

“Sleep tight, my love. I’ll be back.”

I’m pleased with how our conversation has gone, until I turn to head back the way I came, and see Frankie standing three feet away.