Unsung Requiem by C.L. Stone




Mr. Blackbourne was sans the gray suit jacket inside the principal’s office at Ashely Waters High School.

Victor, Gabriel and Luke had no problem passing by the front desk wearing the old fake Academy clothes they’d worn since near the beginning. Somehow it made a difference, an instant recognition for who they were, the opposite of their intentions at the start. But now it worked to their advantage. They were top of the class. Guest students from an academic private school.

A target, generally. Except now they weren’t in classes. Now, they came and left as they pleased. Making appearances had become part of their routine just so no one suspected anything different: they simply told other students they’d changed classes mid-year, but now no one seemed to notice they weren’t in classes at all, or even if they weren’t here in the school at times. There were too many students to notice if seven—eight with Sang—were all missing at the same time.

As they entered though, Victor noticed at the end of the first long hallway, a cluster of students out of class.

Talking to each other.

It wasn’t too unusual. It was maybe thirty kids. Perhaps the school group was heading to the library or to a science lab or similar.

What caught his eye was Wil. Someone Mr. Blackbourne had once said to keep an eye on by request from within the Academy.

And he was walking, and talking, to Rocky.

If there were two completely incompatible people, it was those two. The school brain and the school jock, for one. Did they even know each other?

It was the way Rocky spoke with Wil. Not bullying. Not making fun.


What was more strange was other students suddenly joining in, and Rocky smirked, slapped Wil on the shoulder, and said something, but Wil walked off.

Victor dismissed this, catching up with Gabriel and Luke on the way into the main office.

Mr. Blackbourne didn’t break his concentration as they entered. He was at the computer, typing at a speed that was blinding. Luke automatically closed the door behind them. They waited until Mr. Blackbourne was finished typing and looked up at them.

“Good morning,” he said to them.

“Got a bit of time?” Gabriel asked.

“Always,” Mr. Blackbourne said and motioned to the various collection of chairs across from the principal’s desk. “Believe it or not, things are quiet since the old principal and vice principal have left. Still working out where the money went, but we know where it came from at least.”

Gabriel and Luke immediately shucked off the Academy jackets. Victor sat down directly across from the desk, leaning forward. “It was the food? They were selling it?”

Mr. Blackbourne nodded it. “One of many. That was the problem. We were looking for an individual thing before. That’s where we went wrong. They cleverly dipped their hands into everything that they controlled. Selling off the newer, larger busses and overstuffing children into unsafe, overcrowded old busses. Strange insurance claims on the oversized sports teams. Claiming salaries for employees that weren’t here and forcing teachers to work overtime without pay but also taking their pay on claim sheets.” He shook his head. “It was all the little things we saw, and individually we dismissed because we thought it wasn’t worth the trouble. Together it adds up to a lot of money. The only question now is, where they put the money.”

Victor’s heart sunk. “We’re still here until then.” Luke had rolled a chair up next to Victor, only backward, and leaned against the back of the chair with his torso.

Gabriel sat behind them, tilting a chair back against the wall so he balanced on two legs. He rocked a bit, knocking his chair into the wall as he spoke. “We know they took the money. Check their accounts.”

“It’ll be a secret account,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “And we can’t go look for where it might be—at their homes—until their investigation is over. And I can’t find a replacement for myself until we find it. With the money back, we can correct everything without spending eons in courts. We got lucky they were arrested on different charges, but I’m hoping they’ll keep quiet until we can restore the money.”

They were all quiet for a moment, considering the consequences. Even now, after everything they’d done, had they earned their favors to graduate? More importantly, this school was in desperate need of that money. Kids could be killed in those dangerous busses.

Mr. Blackbourne seemed to understand their thinking and continued, “We’re fixing everything as quickly as possible with what we have. We’ve cut off the selling the food out the back door scheme. We’ve ordered new busses, but in the meantime have borrowed busses from other districts to decrease the overcrowded capacity, and have cut off fraudulent claims on sports teams and cut back on the fake salaries. Finding the money to replace the money we’re borrowing would be the final step to get everything fixed.” Mr. Blackbourne shook his head and then touched the corner of his glasses, assuring they were precisely as they needed to be. “How is everything?”

“Not the best,” Luke said. “Kota and Gabriel and I were out to see Lillian yest—”

“Do we really need Mr. Buble around?” Gabriel asked overtop of Luke. “I mean, let’s cut to the point. What’s the deal here with a manager? What do we need one for?”

“A new potential member and the ungraduated require adult supervision to be available at all times. Mr. Buble is a stand-in. He’s here to help find new suitable housing and to assure our team’s safety, and he does it without costing a favor.” Mr. Blackbourne threw them all a stern look. “I hope you haven’t been impeding his progress in any way.”

“We’re not in his way,” Victor said. “But Kota was concerned about telling him about… Sang… and what she means to us. And he now knows she and I are dating, but I didn’t tell him the rest.” Mr. Blackbourne opened his mouth to respond to this but Victor hurried to finish. “I think we should tell him. He doesn’t seem worried about if she’s in a relationship, only that we can work together even if something happened to the relationship.”

Mr. Blackbourne frowned softly and raised a brow. “Is there a concern about something happening to this group? Something that would detract from Miss Sorenson, and her future plans, including her desire to join the Academy?”

Victor paused, unsure. “I don’t… I don’t think so.” He checked with the others for answers.

Gabriel shrugged. Luke didn’t move, his eyes going toward the ceiling as if considering… who knows what.

“Doubt casts doubt,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “I don’t like to hear of it.”

Luke snapped himself out of his dazed expression. “Lillian said Mr. Buble told the Academy everything about them back in the day. Kota and I think we should be more careful, and not mention as much as possible.”

“Can she not graduate with us?” Gabriel asked. “If she’s not on the team yet?”

“She can’t graduate if she’s not a member, and she has to finish trials, which she’s in the middle of now,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “So if you want her to graduate with the team, I’d suggest supporting her in every trial and not get in the way.”

“What does that mean about… us?” Victor asked. “How much do we tell him?”

Mr. Blackbourne leaned back in the chair, taking his glasses off and rubbing at the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. “We don’t lie to the Academy. However, you’d only report anything if you believe it would be to her detriment to this team, her joining, or likewise. The Academy disdains being told nitty details of otherwise private information. That’s not their purpose.”

Victor understood. “So we don’t announce if it doesn’t appear to be a problem.”

“If you believe it to be a problem, you should say so.”

Victor pursed his lips and shook his head vigorously. “No. Not a problem.”

“Then there’s nothing to report to him,” he said. “We won’t stand in her way, and the relationship she has with whomever she desires isn’t a crisis of concern.” He hovered a finger, pointing at their direction. “So don’t get in her way.”

Right. That was why when Mr. Buble asked about Brie, that’s what he was worried about. Since Brie wasn’t a real concern for anyone, he had no real problem with Victor and her dating. He just wanted confirmation that there wouldn’t be drama or any weirdness happening that would hinder Sang… or himself from the Academy. “Maybe… maybe you can put off finding the money for a while…”

“Doing my best,” he said in a low tone. “But I can’t do this forever.”

Victor smirked. Mr. Blackbourne was always ten steps ahead of them. Victor spent a few hours already in this office, breaking into drives and recovering data for him so he could get to what he needed. The others took turns doing what he asked, without questioning too much so they wouldn’t distract him. It took a team to make this job happen, but Mr. Blackbourne brought it all together.

“How long do you think we have?” Gabriel asked.

“Likely the end of the school year. After that, I’ll have to hand over authority to whoever takes my place, and those interviews are starting. If we want to earn those favors for this job, this means we need to find the money and put it back before then, and she has to be a member to graduate. So end of the school year, I have to stop slowing myself down and find it. Likely they won’t touch the money until after or it’d be too obvious, especially after they were let go and the police are watching. So you have that much time to get her to member status, ready to graduate. Otherwise we have to completely finish the job and she’ll have to take her time on other jobs.”

That sounded like a good plan. So in a way, Kota was right. Getting her graduated with the team guaranteed she’d be a full member… and they couldn’t take it back even if they found out about the relationship afterward and it became a concern. Victor was right, too… only he didn’t need to be so eager to tell Mr. Buble.

The relationship wasn’t a problem. It wouldn’t get in the way of her graduating. It was just hard when Mr. Buble seemed so nice and he’d be around for a while most likely.

It was odd. Victor was ready for it to take a while for Sang to graduate, however… Mr. Blackbourne seemed to think she would graduate with the team.

She should get the favors for her part in the school project. It was only fair.

“I hope I didn’t… cause a hinderance,” Victor said. “Mentioning to Mr. Buble… He sort of caught us unaware.”

“I haven’t heard of any issues,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “Although, downplay it… just for a little while. Dating, but not boyfriend status yet.” He motioned to the others. “I know it’s happened, but I’m afraid we’ll have to restrict sharing beds for the moment, at least if not alone. Don’t do so while he’s still around, not unless it’s an emergency and limited bed space. Check your surroundings before doing anything he’d ask about. I’ll talk to Miss Sorenson when I get the chance.”

Not what Victor wanted to hear, however, it was better than an alternative. At least there was an end in sight, and the sooner they found a house and were secure, Mr. Buble would be around a lot less.

Shifting priorities. House. Prove to Mr. Buble they didn’t need him around too much. Get Sang to member status. Graduate. It sounded so simple, but there was so much to do. And they only had a few months to complete it all.

And they still had Volto to contend with, among other things.