Unsung Requiem by C.L. Stone


(The concluding, rapid, audience-rousing section of an aria)


I listened to the Jeeps’ rumbling engine, anticipating it’d blow up like the last one. Or maybe the battery would die like Dr. Green’s car.

For a while, there was silence. I hadn’t even paid attention to where North had gone off to because I was so fixated on the car and not screwing up.

I hoped Luke got back. Or North. Anyone…

In front of me, suddenly, lights from a car turned on. In the beams, Mr. Buble took center stage, alongside Mrs. Ruiz.

From the edge of where I could see, there were more people. I caught legs, about three pairs.

And then the edge of a large, four-door truck crept backward, on the other side of the group.

Tentatively, in anticipation, I turned the wheel until I thought the wheels would face right where the truck was. With the hill, and pushing the gas just before jumping out, I pictured it like the movies. The Jeep would roll into the truck.

Both might explode. Like those movies…

I shook my head, worried. North’s Jeep…

With the door open, I could just barely hear talking in the distance, although what was being said, I was unsure.

Mr. Buble moved forward, toward the truck.

The three people who were in view, they came to him.

There had to be at least four. Someone had rolled the truck back into position.

At first, I thought maybe they were stepping closer to talk, but suddenly the three were too close to Mr. Buble. Mrs. Ruiz rushed at them. Then, Corey was with them. I recognized him, and knew he was on our side.

And then Silas appeared, joining in.

With all of them in the middle of it, I hesitated. I wasn’t sure if they could handle what was happening. Were they fighting? Were they just arguing? There was no way to tell.

Not until I saw Mr. Buble land on his back, just in view, glasses flying off his face.

I knew it and I still hesitated.

Only for a second.

Mostly because Mr. Buble was on the ground.

I had to trust Silas would know this was coming and could carry him off.

I let go of the break and immediately the car started to move.

I didn’t have to hit the gas. The slope of the hill was enough to start it going quickly. I was going to crash along with it if I hit the gas, too.

I jumped, although instead of rolling, I landed on my side. The hill caught me sooner than I anticipated.

I remained on the ground, watching the black Jeep, with the door open wide. It rolled toward the group. I couldn’t really see them now, but the Jeep picked up speed, out of control, aimed right at the truck.

Voices shouting.

Lots of running footsteps.

I got up on my hands and knees in time to witness the Jeep taking a nosedive into the back bumper of the truck, bouncing back, and engine still running. It slowly moved backward before it started rolling forward again. It didn’t hit anyone.

My heart still pounding, I didn’t notice my phone buzzing in my bra until just that moment. I checked the screen, Victor.

I answered. “Where are you?” I asked.

“I have the V28. Where are you?”

Was he driving? I didn’t understand. “Where are you?” I asked.

“Go behind the maintenance building. Meet me. Keep me on the line.”

He didn’t sound like before. I scrambled to get around, scooting through trees and trying to keep out of view of whatever was going on at the Jeep and truck crash.

I only hoped I did it right, that they were okay.

There was no way to tell.