Primal Fury by Piper Davenport



I walked into the living room to find Bellamy pouring a glass of wine. She handed me a bottle of beer with a grin. “I think you’ve earned this.”

I chuckled, taking it from her and twisting off the top. “Thanks.”

“How’s Indy?”

“Okay, I think,” I said, sitting in the recliner by the window.

Bellamy sat on the sofa, pulling a blanket over her legs. “You really like her, right?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Because if you hurt her, I will maim you, but also, you’re going to have to figure out your aversion to kids, because she has about twenty and only wants more.”

I took a swig of my beer. “I already got that.”

“Are you going to do the classes?”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before focusing back on her. “Have you ever considered interrogation as a career path?”

She grinned. “Have you signed up already? It can take a bit to get in, but I have contact—”

“I’m already signed up, Bellamy. First class is on Monday.”

“No way,” she breathed out. “That’s a brand-new session. How did you get in? There’s a waiting list.”

“If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”

She let out a quiet snort, then chuckled. “Oh, okay, whatever. No, really, how did you get in?”

I took another swig of beer and smiled. “Not tellin’ you that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not gonna give you information before Indigo has the chance to ask.”

“Awwww, you really do like her.”

“Yeah, already said that.”

She nodded, finishing her wine. “Okay. I’m gonna trust you for the moment. I’ll grab you a pillow and a blanket. I’m going to crash.”

“Okay, sweetheart, thanks.”

She rinsed her glass out in the sink, then pulled blankets and a fresh pillow from the closet, obviously at home in her best friend’s space. Admittedly, I couldn’t wait to move as freely. I couldn’t wait to be as close to Indigo as Bellamy was. I just had to make sure I didn’t fuck it up.

Bellamy left me with the bedding, then closed herself in with Indigo. I took off my boots and cut, checking on a sleeping Mina before stretching out on the sofa. This precious little girl was breaking down my defenses and I found my heart softening toward her.

I wanted to fight against it, and I might have, had it not been for the woman who was also breaking down my defenses. My heart wasn’t just softening toward her, however, it was falling.


This part freaked me the fuck out, but I decided to take a leap of faith and trust in my ability to read people. I only hoped it didn’t bite me in the ass.

* * *


I cried out as pain shot through my leg, and I blinked my eyes open as I came out of a deep sleep.

I heard a noise, then a “Shit,” before Jekyll rushed into my room. “What’s wrong?”

“Shh,” I hissed. “Bellamy’s asleep.”

“I’m awake,” she said sleepily. “What’s going on?”

“It’s okay,” I lied. “I just need meds.”

“You’re supposed to be monitoring her,” Jekyll growled.

“My alarm is set, Yogi Bear,” Bellamy sassed back. “She’s not due for meds.”

“She was due for meds two hours ago.”

“Bullshit,” Bellamy argued.

“I turned off her alarm,” I admitted.

“Why the fuck would you do that?” Jekyll snapped at the same time Bellamy cried out, “Why?”

“I thought I could deal,” I said, squeezing my eyes shut.

“Oh my god, bitch, I’m going to cut you. I knew you were up to something when you offered to charge my phone on your side of the bed,” Bellamy growled.

“All the plugs are full on that side of the bed.”

“I could have unplugged the fucking lamp, Indy,” she snapped, throwing the covers off and stalking toward the bathroom in her T-shirt and thong.

“Bell!” I snapped.


“You’re, like, naked.”

“It’s not my fault your man decided to barge in here, it’s also not my fault my best friend decided to be an idiot and turn off my alarm. Y’all get what you get when you fuck with my system.” She stepped into my bathroom, returning with a glass of water and a pain pill. “Take it.”

“You go take the couch, Bellamy,” Jekyll said, his eyes on me, avoiding Bellamy and her curvy as sin body. “I’m gonna stay in here.”

“I’m quite capable of taking care of my best friend,” she argued. “It’s not my fault she sabotaged me.”

“Not really up for argument,” he continued, his eyes still on me. “I’m staying in here.”


I sighed. “It’s fine, Bell. If you’re okay.”

“Yeah, whatever,” she said, grabbing her pillow. “You touch her, you die,” she growled, before strutting out, closing the door behind her.

“You didn’t ogle her,” I whispered.

“Why would I?”

“Um…tits and ass on ten?” I hissed.

“There’s only one set of tits and ass I care about, GoGo, and they’re not on your best friend.”

I slid my fingers through his beard. “I like that, honey.”

He smiled, but his mirth didn’t meet his eyes. “That fact doesn’t get you off the hook.”

“In my defense, I thought I could go the whole night and didn’t want to burden anyone.”

Jekyll frowned. “I’m not dignifying that bullshit with a response.”

“Fine,” I said. “I need to pee. Will you get Bellamy, please?”

“Nope,” he said, shoving my covers aside, and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Up.”


“Swear to Christ, woman, you try to argue with me, I’m gonna lose my shit.”

I wrinkled my nose but looped my arms around his neck and let him lift me off the bed. He helped me to the bathroom, then tucked me back into bed, stretching out beside me after he turned off the lamp.

“I’m sorry I woke you,” I whispered.

“I wasn’t asleep.”

“Are you okay?”

He sighed. “Yeah.”

“You can talk to me, honey.”

“I know. Just not ready to bring up the shit with Scrappy, yeah?”

“Okay. But please don’t bottle it.”

“I’ll do my best.” He linked his fingers with mine and growled, “Don’t fuck with my alarm.”

I closed my eyes. “I won’t,” I promised, the meds kicking in and taking my pain away as I fell back to sleep.

* * *

I awoke to the sound of little girl giggles and rolled my neck to find Jekyll no longer next to me. He’d woken me at about six to take more meds, but I’d fallen back to sleep quickly, so I had no idea what time it was now.

“I’m awake,” I called out, only because Jekyll had threatened me with being tied to the bed if I tried to move without help.

“Indy!” Mina squealed, and little feet slapping on my hardwoods sounded before the blonde tornado rushed into my room.

“Careful,” Jekyll warned, right behind her.

“Belly made pancakes,” Mina said, excitedly making her way to my side and stroking my arm.

“She did?” I smiled. “She makes the best pancakes, huh?”

“Yes,” she hiss-pered. “And Grandpa made bacon.”

“My dad’s here?” I asked Jekyll.

“Yep,” he said, turning to Mina. “Why don’t you go hang with Bellamy and have more pancakes while I help Indigo?”

“Or you could get Bellam—”

“Nope,” he bit out, cutting me off. “Don’t even try.”

I sighed. “Fine.”

“Go hang with Bellamy, Mina.”

Mina walked away and Jekyll threw my covers off, helping me sit up.

“Do you want a pill now?” he asked. “You’re due.”

“I’m okay,” I said, but when he helped me off the mattress, I grabbed his arms, hissing in pain. “I’m not okay.”

“Right. Pill now,” he said, settling me back on the bed.

He helped me dress and then carried me into the living room, lowering me into my giant chair where I was able to join in the fun without danger of getting hurt.

Mina scooted her butt off the kitchen stool and came running to me. “Do you want a pancake?”

“I would love a pancake, thank you.”

“How many?” she continued.

“Two, please.”

She gave me a hug, then made her way back to the kitchen to give my dad the order while Jekyll set a cup of coffee on the table beside me. “Those meds kickin’ in yet?”

I nodded. “Yep.”

He stroked my cheek, then went back to the kitchen. I watched as he focused on Mina, chatting away, telling him all about the book she wanted him to read to her at bedtime, and he nodded, and chuckled at all the right times, solidifying his hero status in both Mina’s and my book.

I let the sweetness of the morning fill me up, and I couldn’t wait for more of this domestic bliss in the coming weeks.