Forbidden Hunger by R.L. Kenderson


Chase watchedRaven groan as Ranulf took her from behind. She was on her hands and knees over Chase, and getting to see her response was magnificent. He shoved his fingers through her hair and kissed her. She whimpered into his mouth, kissing him back with fervor.

He and Ranulf were the luckiest wolf-shifters alive.

Ranulf pounded into Raven hard a couple more times and craned his neck as he came. Raven followed him, crying into Chase’s mouth.

As with last time, her relief was only temporary before pain flashed across her face. So, as soon as Ranulf pulled himself from her body, Chase grabbed his dick and slid into her heat. She was wet from Ranulf, but Chase didn’t care. He loved sharing her with his best friend.

He gripped Raven’s hips as she rode him, and he had to give her props for still having the energy to do so. With her back arched and her breathing increased, she was beautiful, and while he wanted to stay inside her, he knew that it couldn’t last forever.

Ranulf cupped her breasts and whispered words of encouragement while Chase grabbed on to her waist and held her as close to him as possible, emptying himself inside her.

Just like earlier, as soon as he let go, she orgasmed, too. He knew it was biology, but it still puffed his ego that his orgasm was what had caused hers. His cock thickened as it knotted, and he felt the knot secure itself in her body.

Ranulf dropped down to the bed beside him, and Raven collapsed on top of Chase. He pushed her hair out of her face, and Ranulf rubbed her back.

“You doing okay?” Ranulf asked.

“Ye—” Her voice came out as a squeak, and she cleared her throat. “Yes. I’m good.”

The knot in Chase receded, and Raven slid off of him to lie in between the two males.

“That was intense,” she said.

“Sure was,” Chase agreed.

“So, you both said you’ve never done this before, right?”

“Right,” Ranulf said.

Her brow furrowed.

“Why do you ask?”

“Hmm…” She tapped her chin. “How do I put this?”

Ranulf and Chase both waited. Neither felt a need to rush her.

“From what I’ve heard from Kendall and Isabelle, they only had to have sex once for their heat to die down for a while. But so far, every time, it doesn’t happen until I have sex twice. I would think something’s wrong with me, but everything else seems normal.”

She seemed more perplexed than concerned, but Chase had a theory.

And it seemed that Ranulf did, too, because he propped himself up onto an elbow and ran his hand over Raven’s lower abdomen. “Do you think that you need to have sex twice or that maybe you need to have sex with both of us?”

Her mouth formed a perfect O, and Chase laughed.

She sat up. “But how is that possible?” She turned and looked at the two of them. “It doesn’t seem like a real thing.”

Chase shrugged. “I think it could be a very real thing.” He lifted his hand and swirled it around. “Our hormones are in the air.”

Raven seemed to think about it. “I see your point, but when you two were in Vegas, staying in the same hotel suite as Isabelle and Tegan, plus Zane and Reid, then wouldn’t you have had to have sex with either woman when they were going through their heat?”

Chase grinned. “Maybe it’s because they each found their mates then, and you are meant to be with the two of us, so that’s why your body craves our essence.”

Raven rolled her eyes and scooted off the bed. “I’m going to find something to eat while I’m feeling good enough to get food.” When she reached the door, she turned around. “You coming?”

“Yeah, in a sec,” Chase said.

“Suit yourself.”

She left, and Chase looked over at Ranulf. “When do you think she’s going to get it through her head that she’s ours?”

Ranulf raised his eyebrows and shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe after she’s carrying one of our babies?”

“Yeah, it does seem like she’s forgotten she can get pregnant from this whole thing.” Chase sat up. “We should probably talk to her about that.”

“Yes. And I suppose there’s no better time than over food.”

“I suppose not.”

* * *

Raven shoved a piece of fruit in her mouth as Ranulf and Chase walked into the kitchen, naked. It was kind of weird for them all to be walking around without clothes, but at this point, they’d just get in the way.

She pushed the bowl toward them. “Do you want some?”

They both sat down at the counter, and Chase said, “Yes, please.”

Raven handed both of them a fork. “I turned on the oven to reheat a chicken potpie my mom had made. It tastes better than in the microwave, but you two are more than welcome to look around and eat whatever else you want.”

Ranulf got up and went to the fridge and came back with two yogurts. He pushed one toward Chase.

“Where did those come from?” She hadn’t seen any when she did an inventory of the fridge.

“We bought it yesterday,” Ranulf said.

“We had some groceries delivered while you were sleeping,” Chase finished.

Raven put up her hand. “Wait. You had groceries delivered?”


“So, you planned to be here when I went through my heat?”

The two guys looked at each other and back at her.

“I thought that was obvious,” Ranulf said, eyeing her for some reason.

She was about to ask why when Chase spoke first. “Speaking of your heat, you know there is a chance you can get pregnant, right?”

Raven dropped the strawberry she’d been holding.

“I don’t think she likes the idea of having our kids, Ranulf.”

Ranulf didn’t answer him. He only continued to study her.

She picked her strawberry back up and used a napkin to wipe up the counter. “I mean, of course it’s always a possibility,” she said.

“Then, why did you look like we’d scared you?” Ranulf asked.

“I think…it’s just that this is the first time in my life I’ve ever had to think or worry about pregnancy. I took for granted how lucky I was, I guess.”

“Would a baby be so bad?” Chase asked.

Raven had always pictured herself as being a mother someday, so on the face of things, the answer was, “No.”

But what would happen if she did get pregnant? She looked between the two males. Which one would be more likely to knock her up? If she could choose, which one would she pick? Too hard. She didn’t want to pick either of them.

And then a horrible thought occurred to her.

What if she did get pregnant with one of their kids? Would the other be resentful? Would the one who had gotten her pregnant be resentful for being tied down with a kid while the other had no responsibility? What if she was the one who ruined their friendship?

Oh God. She didn’t feel so good.

She clutched at the counter as she started to sway, and both Ranulf and Chase jumped up at the same time the oven beeped to let her know it had reached its preheated temperature.

She quickly put up her hands. She needed to think and couldn’t have them touching her at the moment. “I’m okay. I think I just need to eat. Can one of you put the potpie in the oven?”

“Yes.” Chase spun around, probably happy to have a way to help.

“I’m going to go lie down. Will you let me know when the food is ready?” she asked Ranulf.

“Of course.”

She attempted a smile. “Thank you,” she said and headed back for her room.