Custom Love by Chantal Fernando

Chapter Nine

Bronte, Quinn and Crow come over for dinner that night. I make a cob loaf, which is pretty much a cheesy bacon dip in a bowl of bread, with carrots, cucumber slices and corn chips to dip into it. Not exactly a fancy meal, but I know it’s a favorite of Quinn’s. That and I didn’t have much time after work to cook up anything special.

“Did you hear about Taylor?” Crow says, bringing his blue eyes from his daughter to me. “The woman Chains was seeing.”

“I did. How is Chains taking it?” I ask, wincing. I mean, how well can someone take the death of a partner? No matter how short of a time they were together, that still has to hurt like crazy. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

“You know Chains,” Bronte replies, taking a sip of her soda. “He buries everything so deep, I don’t think he can even feel anything. He said they had only just started dating and she did mention that she was on medication for depression, but he didn’t think she’d do something like take her own life.”

It would be insensitive for me to comment on whether I think she did or didn’t, so I just nod and keep my thoughts to myself. “It’s so sad,” I whisper.

“Probably going to put him off dating for life now,” Crow mutters, eating a carrot stick.

“Should we discuss the elephant in the room?” he continues. “What’s going on with you and Trade?”

My eyes dart to Bronte, who shrugs. “I didn’t tell him anything—he has eyes.”

“There’s nothing going on, especially not now,” I reply, shoulders hunching slightly. “Did Bronte tell you about my case?”

Crow shakes his head. “Nope, she said it was up to you if you want to tell me. I just noticed you and Trade flirting at AJ’s birthday party and asked her what was going on.”

“We weren’t flirting,” I deny. “Basically the case I was working on has to do with Ariel’s murder and whether Damon actually did it or not. I told Trade and now he hates me. The end.”

“Oh fuck,” Crow mutters, leaning back in his seat. “Why the hell would you take that case?”

“I don’t know. I felt like I owed it to his mom, Marisol,” I admit. “I’ve known her my whole life. She’s been like a second mother to me. I didn’t see any harm in looking into it for her. She is sure that Damon didn’t do it. But now it’s clear that it’s just a mother’s love speaking. I’ve messed everything up.”

“That’s not right, you reopening a case of a friend of ours that was murdered.” Crow sighs and looks between me and his wife. “Both of you should run shit by me before you make any decisions.”

“Uh, excuse you. What happened the last time you said that to me?” Bronte says with her eyebrow lifted.

“You saved the day.”

“Damn right I saved the day. I don’t have to run anything by you and neither does Nadia.”

“I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant, babe,” he says as he pulls her close.

“It’s over and done with now. I fucked up, and now I have to deal with the consequences,” I say.

“She wasn’t going to tell anyone about it,” Bronte says, eyes narrowing. “So why did you tell Trade? This whole thing was supposed to be hush-hush. That’s why I didn’t even tell Crow.”

“Because we were hanging out a little and I felt guilty,” I admit, wincing. “And he was there when I was following Taylor, and—”

“Wait, what does Taylor have to do with this whole thing?” Crow asks, looking confused.

“Taylor was Damon’s ex,” I explain, shrugging. “I know, small world, isn’t it?”

“So you and Trade liked each other, but then you tried to exonerate the man who killed Ariel, so he’s angry at you?” Crow summarizes.

“Don’t say it like that,” Bronte says in my defense.

“No, it’s not that simple. I did not try to exonerate him. I was just taking a second look at the case for a family friend. I never said I believed he didn’t do it. I just said the evidence was flimsy.” I realize I’m tired of repeating myself. I guess it’s a sign that I probably shouldn’t have taken the case. “Besides, nothing has happened between us,” I assure them.

And now nothing probably ever will.

“This is yum.” Quinn grins, sinking her corn chip into the dip. “Mmmmhmmm.”

I smile at her. “I’m glad you are enjoying it.”

Crow stay silent for a few moments. “I think you and Trade would be good for each other. He loved Ariel, but she’s gone now, and he can’t be alone for the rest of his life. I know it’s complicated, and I realize Bronte is on the fence about the whole thing. But that’s what I think.”

Well, that was blunt. “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself,” I reply. “He won’t want anything to do with me now anyway.”

As usual, my work and business came first. It’s always been that way for me. I’m married to my job, and my other half doesn’t let me stray. I wouldn’t have time to cheat anyway.

“And he lost the love of his life, let’s not forget that little tidbit. He’s probably still heartbroken and will be forever,” I add. And how does one compete with that? I’ll always be second-best to a ghost. I don’t know if I could do that.

“You can have different types of love for different people,” Bronte says. “He will always love Ariel, but that doesn’t mean he can’t love someone new. You can’t compare the two, so don’t even think like that. And Crow is right—I don’t know how I feel about the whole thing. I just know that I care about you both and don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”

We sit in silence for a bit until I decide to change the subject. “So how is life at Fast & Fury?”

Bronte smiles, but allows me to redirect the conversation. “Same old. We’ve been getting a lot of orders, Cam is in high demand. But Trade said we can take our time, not to overwork ourselves.”

“And Crow? How’s the club scene?”

“Also busy,” he replies on a sigh. “There was another huge fight there last night. People can’t control themselves when drinking. We’ve added more security.”

“You guys must be minting money there.”

Crow smiles, flashing his teeth. “Let’s just say business is good.”

“Decker mentioned that place to me before. Says it’s always packed.”

“Who is Decker?” Crow asks.

“Is that the hot cop?” Bronte asks.

Crow scowls at her. “How do you know he’s hot?”

“Nadia has mentioned him before.” She shrugs, giving him a quick kiss and then turning back to me.

“No...yes. The cop I told you about was Felix—he’s married but hot. Decker is someone I just started working with since Felix is away. But for the record, he is also hot.”

“Yes! Did he go in for work or play?” she asks.


“Does Trade know that there’s a hot cop on the scene?” she teases.

I roll my eyes. “There is no one on the scene.”

“Stop saying hot cop,” Crow mutters, lips tight.

“Hot cop!” Quinn calls out, making me and Bronte burst out laughing.

Crow looks like he wants to strangle us. “Quinn, baby, don’t listen to these two.”

“What’s a hot cop, Daddy?” she asks, eyes going wide. Crow looks heavenward.

I speak through my laughter. “I’d tell Decker about this if his head wasn’t big enough already.”

And I’m just glad we got the subject away from Trade.

Trade and I were always going to go one of two ways—it was either going to be a mistake, or it was going to be something wonderful.

Either way, I don’t think Bronte has anything to worry about.

At least not anymore.