Uncharted by Adriana Anders


Thank you to my family for bearing with me through the writing of this book—it’s been a long, arduous journey. To Mary Altman, editor extraordinaire, thank you for taking these words and polishing them to a shine. You are the best. To Christa Soulé Désir, thank you for your thoughtful edits. It was a pleasure working with you. To the wonderful Sourcebooks copy editors and proofreaders and cover designers who have come together to make Uncharted into a beautiful, finished book, I am so grateful for all the work you do. It’s a labor of love and I’m so lucky to be a part of this team.

To Kasey Lane, Alleyne Dickens, Amanda Bouchet, Tracey Livesay, Alexis Day, and Andie J. Christopher: I’m pretty sure I couldn’t have written this book without you guys telling me to just keep going, push ahead, forge on… Kinda like Leo and Elias, right? I love my writer clan.

Arnaud, you’re my real-life yeti. Je t’aime.

And thank you to my readers: This has been one hell of a journey. Glad you came along for the ride.