Ruined Sinner by Becker Gray



“Next time we do this,” I murmured to Aurora as we walked down the aisle, “you’re going to be in a white dress with my ring on your finger.”

We were proceeding down the outdoor aisle between rows of white wooden chairs after our cousins had just tied the knot. Music was playing, and flower petals were being thrown everywhere. The reception would kick off immediately for the guests, although I suspected Aurora and I were doomed to an hour or two of standing like mannequins for pictures we’d never see. But such was the fate of being in a wedding party.

“Maybe I don’t want to wear a white dress,” Aurora said as we emerged onto the green lawn.

“I see you haven’t disputed my underlying premise that you’ll be Mrs. Yates though.”

“Or,” she said, with an arch of her eyebrow, “that you’ll be Mr. Lincoln-Ward.”

“If it gets me married to you, princess, I’ll take any name you’d like. Mr. Fucktrumpet. Mr. Whatever That Thing You Called Me in German Was.”

“Oh, you don’t want to know what I called you in German,” she said with an evil grin.

The music ended, and guests stood and gathered their things, ready to decamp to the large white tents where servers were waiting with metric fucktons of champagne to cool us down. It was an early May evening, but it was unusually hot, and Aurora’s cheeks were flushed, along with her chest.

“Come on,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her behind me. “They won’t start the pictures for a few minutes yet, and I know a way to cool you down.”

“I can’t argue with that,” she said, letting me pull her up to the house and into my family’s conservatory. Once we got in there, I pushed her against a wall and shoved the silk skirt of her ivory bridesmaid’s dress up to her hips. It was long, but it was light and drapey and easy to get under, which was all I cared about.

“Phin!” Aurora hissed. “You said we were going to cool down! This is not cooling down! This is warming up!”

I tutted at her. “Look, sweetheart. I’m lifting up your skirt so you can feel the air on your legs. See?” I nudged her high-heeled feet apart with my foot. “Isn’t that cooler?”

She narrowed her eyes. “You are a trickster and a—oh. Oh.

I’d just run my fingertips along her thigh, running them up to the place where her little lacy thong met her hip. From there, I tickled my touch over her lace-covered seam, which she seemed to like very much.

“You were saying?” I purred.

Her head dropped back against the wall as I quickly scanned the room. We were mostly hidden by the statuary, and given that there was no champagne or no opportunity to be photographed in here, I figured we’d be left alone, but still. She was a princess and getting railed in public typically wasn’t covered in the palace’s press kit. I didn’t want to give any publicists a headache.

I was a stand-up guy like that.

But there was no one here, and then with some relief, I saw the distant form of a security team member standing by the entrance to the house where we came in, effectively preventing any interruptions while also giving us some privacy. Thoughtful people, royal security.

“Come on,” I said, sliding my fingers into her panties now. Her clit was soft and ripe and when I slid farther down, I could feel how she was getting slick and ready for me. “You were saying I was a trickster, right? Luring you here under false pretenses just so I could have a feel of this wonderful cunt. It’s okay, Aurora. I’m not mad. I am a trickster. I did lure you. Because I couldn’t spend one more second out there without wedging my cock inside you and coming so hard.”

She groaned as I gently fucked my fingers inside her. “Seeing you walk down the aisle,” I whispered, leaning my head down so I could kiss her, “made me so fucking hard I couldn’t stand it. I want to see you walking down the aisle to me. I want to wear your ring and have you wear mine, and for everyone to know that we have everything together.”

I kissed her cheek, and then her temple, spending some extra time lingering over the silky, ticklish hair there. Rather than dye it all black again, she’d cut the remaining black hair off, and she now had a short little pixie-cut of white-blond hair. It was fucking adorable and beautiful, just like her.

She sighed a happy-sounding sigh and slipped her hands down to the fly of my tuxedo trousers. “Okay, but only because you look so sexy in a tuxedo.”

“I’ll make sure to replace all my clothes with tuxedos then,” I murmured, kissing her jaw as she unbuttoned me.

At the first clasp of her hand around me, I was nearly undone. The sensation lanced right through me, quick and urgent, and then suddenly I couldn’t wait any longer.

“These are coming off,” I muttered, yanking at the thong until the delicate lace tore and I could stuff the fabric into my inside pocket. She rolled her eyes at me, but she was smiling too, because it had become something of a habit of ours. We fucked so often—and so spontaneously—that there was a veritable Aurora’s Underwear Graveyard in my dorm room.

I used one hand to guide her thigh up to my hip, the other to fist myself at the base, and then I pressed against her wet folds. With the first kiss of her slippery petals to my swollen crown, I had to clench my thighs and breathe in through my nose.

It felt too good. Her cunt, with nothing between me and it, felt too fucking good.

“God, I’m still not used to this,” I breathed. “Going inside you bare… it’s like a dream come true.”

You’d think that constant sex would dull the bliss eventually, but so far, it only made me hungrier. Needier. Which I’d feel bad about if she wasn’t right there with me, sneaking into my dorm room every night and riding me until she was satisfied.

“I know,” she said. “I love feeling you, and feeling you come…” Her words caught as I pushed all the way inside, seating myself fully so that her clit could rub against me.

I dropped my forehead to hers, panting a little at the feel of her around me, so slick and snug and sweet. My hips began moving of their own accord.

“It feels a little like the old days,” she said on a shivery sigh. “When you were making me settle up.”

“You like that, princess? You like feeling like we’re sneaking around so you can pay me what you owe me?”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Until you say it in German, I refuse to believe you truly want to wound me.”

She made a cute face and then shivered again as I picked up the pace, working my way in and out of her slick hole, rubbing her clit with each stroke. “That’s right,” I murmured, watching her face then giving up and leaning down to kiss her soft, full lips again. “Let me make you feel good.”

“On one condition.”

“What’s that?”

She stared up at me with her golden eyes, which were soft and open as she looked at me. “That you never stop,” she whispered.

“If that’s your command, princess,” I said, slotting my lips against hers as my hips worked harder, “then I can do nothing but obey.”

*     *     *

Thank you for reading RUINED SINNER! We hope you loved the royal romance of Phineas Yates and Aurora Lincoln-Ward. The Hellfire Club book is SWEET DEVIL

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