Hitched to the Gunslinger by Michelle McLean


Huge massive thanks to Liz Pelletier, my incredible editor and publisher, who fell in love with Gray just as hard as I did. Working on this story with you has been more fun than I could have dreamed. My undying thanks also to Lydia Sharp, who was always there with encouraging texts and emails no matter how many times I pestered you, and whose input on this story has been invaluable. And to the dream team at Entangled, Jessica, Riki, Debbie, Curtis, Meredith, Heather, Katie, and all the amazing people behind the scenes—thank you so much for your hard work and support from start to finish and in between. To Elizabeth and Toni—thank you for making this book gorgeous inside and out! And Toni, thank you especially for being a true friend and support for the last decade plus. You’ve been there since the very beginning and knowing you were a part of this book makes it even more special.

Thank you to my wonderful agent, Janna Bonikowski, for all your support, guidance, and hard work on my behalf. And for always reading my novel-length emails and responding with a laugh and a smile. I love that you get me as well as you do.

To Tom, who keeps things running when I am overwhelmed, who started doing yoga just so I’d have someone to do it with, and who is always there to support me no matter what. I love you, babe. To Connor and Ryanna, who are growing up way too fast. I’m glad you can now drive yourself where you need to go and am extremely grateful you still find running to the store for me fun. You are my rocks and my world. If you’d grow up a little slower that would be great. To Kyelie, Andy, Matt, Mindy, Axton, Casen, Novalee, and Alix, I love you all so much! Thank you for always supporting me and cheering me on. To my parents, siblings, and family who have loved and supported me from day one—you’ll never know how much it means. Thank you all! And to all my readers out there—you guys are why I get to do what I do. Thank you for all the love and support!