Interrogation Techniques by Charlie Richards

Chapter Eleven

Del knew fucking in the hallway closet wasn’t a good idea. That didn’t mean he was going to stop. Miggs had been so close to being attacked... with him standing right there.

I need to sink into him, to touch him, to stroke my hands over every inch of his body and verify that he’s injury-free.

His animal drove him hard to possess, to claim, to reassert their connection.

With Miggs’s welcoming body—naked from the waist-down—pressed against him, Del yanked the single-use packet of lube from his pocket before shoving them down further. He lifted Miggs, pressing his back against the wall. To Del’s pleasure, his mate immediately wrapped his legs around him.

Del kept one arm around Miggs’s waist, holding him in place. Bringing the packet to his mouth, he tore it open with his teeth. He held it out to Miggs.

“Take this,” Del ordered gruffly. “Pour it on my fingers.”

Miggs immediately obeyed, taking it. “Have you always carried these?” he asked as he poured the slick onto Del’s fingers.

Hearing the note of jealousy in Miggs’s word, Del grinned. “Only since I met you,” he told him, moving his hand beneath Miggs’s bottom. As he pushed one finger deep into his mate’s hot channel, Del winked and told him, “Was recommended by another enforcer who recently mated.”

Instead of answering, Miggs tipped his head back, resting it on the wall, and moaned.

Del grinned, satisfaction flooding him upon the knowledge that he’d found Miggs’s prostate on the first try. He eased his finger out, then pushed it back in again. Since his mate was partially stretched from their early morning bout, one finger quickly became two, then three.

Seeing Miggs rock in his hold, clearly enjoying Del’s ministrations, along with the way his face had flushed and his cock jutted from his groin, drove Del’s own need even higher. His dick throbbed and twitched. He felt a bead of pre-cum slide across his crown, sending tingles to his balls.

Unable to wait a second longer, Del eased his fingers from Miggs’s clenching channel.

Miggs whimpered, his fingers digging into Del’s shoulders. “Hurry.”

“I am,” Del assured, gripping his shaft. He gritted his teeth upon feeling the stimulus to his hard flesh. After a couple of swipes to coat himself with the remaining slick, Del guided his crown to Miggs’s prepared hole. “Push out.”

Del didn’t wait for a response. He couldn’t. With his need too great, he gave in to his animalistic base urge and thrust.

Miggs’s body immediately gave way, and Del kept pushing, sinking deep into his mate’s body, all the way to the root, in one long smooth glide.

Once Del had his balls pressed to Miggs’s ass crack, he paused and let out a long groan. The pressure to his cock felt so damn exquisite. Every time he sank into his lover felt even better than the time before.

Del shifted his hold to each of Miggs’s ass cheeks. Prying them apart a bit allowed him to sink just a smidge deeper into his forever love. The base of his spine already tingled, and his testicles threatened to draw up.

Unwilling to lose it so quickly, Del focused on Miggs’s features. He took in his mate’s glazed expression and slightly parted lips. His lover rested his head against the wall and peered up at him through heavy-lidded eyes.

“Del,” Miggs whispered, pleasure and need making his voice rough. “S-So good. You always feel so good.”

“So do you,” Del replied just as gruffly. Dipping his head, he rested his forehead against the wall beside Miggs’s, placing his mouth close to his mate’s ear. “You called me your love.”

Miggs turned his head a little and nuzzled their temples together. “Yeah. Hope that’s okay.”

“More than,” Del confirmed. Then he admitted, “Loved you damn near from the second I met you.”

“I was a mess,” Miggs whispered back, sounding confused. “Couldn’t even make one decision.”

Del turned his head so he could lick at Miggs’s temple, relishing the taste of his mate. “That’s what I’m here for. To help with anything you need, my little love.”

Miggs nodded, then turned his head and met his gaze. “Love you, too.” Before Del could reply, Miggs urged, “And now I need you to move.”

Then Miggs clenched his chute muscles, squeezing Del’s erection in an exquisite vise. He relaxed before doing it again.

Groaning, Del held still, reveling in the way the sensation went damn near straight to his balls.

“Move,” Miggs urged, nipping at his ear. “Massage my prostate. Give your mate what he needs.”

Unable to deny any request from his little mate, Del obeyed. He lifted his head a bit and peered between them. Easing his hips backward, he watched his erection appear from Miggs’s gorgeous hole.

Del paused for an instant when his crown stretched Miggs’s ring. His cock throbbed, attempting to twitch, but was held securely in position by his swollen head still in his mate’s body. Moaning at the sensations, Del slowly sank back into his mate, watching himself take his man.

Miggs moaned into his ear, and the sound was music to Del’s ears. The hairs on his arms stood on end, and his control began to slip. He only managed to watch himself take his mate twice more because the visual was just too much to resist before his need became too great.

Releasing Miggs’s ass cheek with his right hand, Del wrapped that arm tight around his lover’s waist. He moved his left forearm to the wall beside his mate’s head. Holding Miggs steady, Del began a steady pounding.

Sweat dripped from Del’s temples as he sawed into Miggs’s hole over and over. The skin of his rod sliding within the depths of his mate sent delicious zings to his balls, which spread out through his groin. When the base of his spine began to tingle, he somehow managed to speed up his ruts.


Miggs’s breathy cry, the sweet scent of his mate’s release perfuming the air, and the feel of his lover’s chute clenching upon him all combined to yank Del over the edge and into bliss.

Letting out a rough cry of his own, Del held his lover steady as he poured his release into him. Each burst of his balls sent a wave of ecstasy coursing through him. His body shuddered with aftershocks, and Del had to lock his knees to keep them from falling.

When Miggs began mouthing kisses along Del’s neck, he hummed and tilted his head, offering his lover more room. He loved his mate’s mouth on him, and he would take it any way he could get it. Even the scrape of his teeth over his flesh didn’t pull Del from his post-coital haze.

The stab of teeth into the flesh where his neck met his shoulder yanked Del back to the here and now. Then tingles flooded his chest, and his nipples beaded pleasantly. The sensation shot straight to his balls, and to Del’s shock, a fresh orgasm blind-sided him.

As Del bucked his hips once, then buried his length deep into Miggs once more, he groaned as he rode out the heady sensation. Spots danced across his vision as his balls unloaded over and over. His dick continued to throb, as if Miggs were sucking on his prick instead of his neck.

Finally, Miggs eased his teeth free, and Del managed to suck in a much-needed breath. With his legs feeling like jelly, he turned them. Del allowed his feet to slide from under him, and he eased down the wall.

Del landed on his ass with a soft thump and let out a long sigh of satiation. “Damn, Miggs,” he mumbled, easing his hand under his mate’s shirt so he could rub over his back. “So that’s how that feels.”

Miggs rested his temple just below Del’s shoulder and peered at him through his lashes. “Hope you didn’t mind. I couldn’t help myself.” His brows furrowed as Miggs admitted, “You got into a fight for me, and I... I guess—”

When Miggs stopped talking, clearly struggling, Del smiled. He threaded his fingers through his shifter’s hair and finished for him, “You needed the connection.”

Miggs nodded.

Dipping his head, Del pressed a light kiss to Miggs’s lips before he told him, “I loved every second of it, and you are welcome to bite me anytime.”

The way Miggs beamed at him told Del that he’d said the right thing.

Del felt his dick begin to soften, and he realized that it was time to move the party to their own room.

“Come on, my sweet.” Del encouraged Miggs to get his feet under him. “Let’s get dressed and back to our room.” Smiling wryly, he added, “We’ll see if we can get there without too much razzing.”

Ten minutes later, Del spotted Dakota coming from the opposite direction.

His brother appeared concerned at first and began by saying, “Hey, Dane texted me. Told me what happened. I didn’t find you in your room and wondered—” By then, Dakota had drawn close enough to get a whiff of their scent. Barking a laugh, he grinned broadly. “Oooohhh, so that’s what took you so long.”

“Shut up, asshole,” Del snapped, but he couldn’t help but grin, too.

Dakota reached over and tugged his shirt away from his shoulder. Even as Del pulled away from him, his brother beamed at him. “Hot damn, man. Congrats.” Then he held out a fist before Miggs. “Nice mark, Miggs.”

Even though Miggs’s face had turned bright red, he gamely returned Dakota’s fist-bump, saying, “Thanks.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with me going back to work?” Del asked from where he sat on the end of the bed. “They still haven’t tracked down your ex-alpha.”

Del hated the fact that Shaun and a couple of the enforcers that had ended up involved had somehow managed to give their trackers the slip. Maybe it was because Koin hadn’t checked in in a reasonable timeframe, but the alpha’s home had been abandoned. Not only that, but his computers had been wiped, and the laptops and hard drives were gone.

He’d had an escape plan in place. So where would he go?

Fortunately, they’d managed to scoop up Professor Gilly. The number of people that shifter had been able to implicate was... daunting. That was one of the reasons Head Enforcer Mycroft had asked Del to return to duty after only a week-and-a-half off with his mate.

They were seriously understaffed for all the problems they were rooting out.

“It’s fine, Del,” Miggs assured, smiling so sweetly from his place sitting against the headboard. He held up his tablet and said, “I’m researching recipes for pastries, and I’m going to meet up with Desmond in the kitchens. He said he’d help me make one of them.”

Del nodded, knowing Desmond was a red fox shifter who worked in the massive kitchens for the council’s headquarters. He was a nice guy, who didn’t mind speaking out against problems, regardless of the source. The guy also cooked a mean steak with all the delicious sides.

“You’re doing that today?” Del asked, rising so he could finish buttoning his shirt. “I totally forgot.”

Of course, that could have been caused by the brain-melting sex they’d enjoyed that morning. As Del recalled the taste of Miggs’s cum on his tongue, he swept his gaze over his naked mate’s torso. Narrowing his eyes, he wondered if he had time for a quickie.

Miggs snickered. Grabbing a pillow, he used it to cover his chest. “No,” he stated, pointing at him. “You go to work. I want to soak in the tub while I look at recipes before I have to go to the kitchen, and I need to be able to walk at least semi-normal in public.”

Groaning, Del adjusted his semi-plump dick before striding toward his lover. “Okay,” he grumbled good-naturedly. Leaning down, Del pressed a light kiss to his mate’s delectable lips. “I’ll seek you out in the kitchen for lunch.”

After getting a confirmation from Miggs, Del pecked his mate’s lips again. Then he turned and hurried from the room while he still could. When others had talked about mates, no one had ever told him about how difficult it was to leave them and go to their job every day.

Shaking his head at himself, Del locked the door behind him and strode down the hallway. He and Miggs had decided to stay there for the time being... at least until the rogues from his mate’s muddle were caught. There had been no way Del would have felt comfortable taking his mate to live in his home—regardless that it was near to his brothers’ places.

Dane and Dakota had completely understood. The pair had even half-moved into their suites at the complex, too. When Del had told his brothers that it wasn’t necessary, they’d scowled at him and reminded him how family always came first.

Del had thanked them and dropped the subject.

Reaching Councilman Lorian Bakerman’s office, Del knocked. The door was immediately opened to reveal Enforcer Igor. The massive gray wolf shifter stepped backward and beckoned him into the office.

“Ah, welcome, Enforcer Delanrue,” Councilman Bakerman greeted from behind his desk. A wry smile curved the man’s full lips. “I heard you’re with us today. Thank you for being so flexible.”

While Del couldn’t remember the last time he’d acted as a bodyguard for a councilman, he knew their ranks were spread too thin, and everyone had to pitch in. After all, he didn’t have anyone to interrogate at the moment. While Del had been on vacation settling his bond with his mate, Malone and two other interrogators had cleared out their cells.

Hopefully, we’ll fill them with Shaun and his people soon.

“It’s my honor to assist the council in any way that I can,” Del told the buffalo shifter, moving closer to the desk. “May I ask how many meetings we’re sitting through today?”

“Sadly, three,” the councilman replied with a grimace. “One with a vampire council representative. Another with a pack alpha from Florida.” He tapped at his tablet’s surface and winced. “Damn.”

Del cocked his head. “Something wrong?”

“The third’s an early brunch with my mother.”

From the pained way Councilman Bakerman admitted that, Del couldn’t help but ask, “Is that a problem?”

The councilman sighed deeply, his shoulders sagging. “No, it just means I’m going to be fielding all kinds of set-up attempts... again.”

Fighting back a chuckle, Del struggled to keep a straight face.

Almost three hours later, as Del listened to Councilman Bakerman’s mother ask for the third time why he hadn’t found a nice girl to settle down with, Del appreciated that he’d never experienced having a mother meddle in his love life.

When an alert chimed through his phone, Del almost felt grateful for the interruption... until he checked in for an update and learned the disturbance was in the cafeteria.

My mate is supposed to be in those kitchens right now.