Make You Mine by K.T. Quinn



I only felt free, truly free, when my bike was between my legs.

It was a 2013 Indian Scout, with midnight-black tires and a burnt red finish. Indian Scouts were the redheaded stepchild of the biking world. They weren’t comfortable for long-distance riding the way Harleys were. They didn’t have the raw speed of a crotch-rocket, either. They barely even had room for saddlebags.

But fuck, they were beautiful. And fun as hell to ride.

I hugged the turn and pulled onto the frontage road, the same one Charlotte and I had cleaned today. I knew where the sheriff liked to set up his speed trap, and it was half a mile back. Everything ahead of me was freedom.

The tires gripped the pavement as the bike shot forward with easy speed. Even a slow bike was faster than any car. The wind blew back my hair and cooled me down, and tears pressed out of the corners of my eyes. This time of year was the best for riding. It was still cool at night, and there weren’t clouds of gnats in the air.

I raced along the road while the bike purred between my legs.

I knew I wouldn’t feel this free for long. I had to enjoy it while I could. For all I knew, this could be the last time I ever rode. Sid could put an end to all my waiting tomorrow.

Fuck, I thought, he could do it tonight.

I’d made some questionable decisions in the past week. I still wasn’t sure if they were mistakes, or the right thing to do.

I’ll find out soon enough.

I had to finish my community service and get out of town. Obviously the Copperheads would probably kill me before then, but a man had to have a goal. Something to keep him crawling out of bed in the morning. Something to live for.

Charlotte’s something to live for.

Since she showed up for community service this morning, she’d occupied a sizable portion of my attention. Smooth legs and a heart-shaped face. A badger’s attitude in a tight little body, the kind of woman you couldn’t control. I shouldn’t have had such strong feelings for her so soon. It was probably just lust. She was a hot thing, the best piece of ass to walk into this town since I could remember. I wanted to fuck her. That was all.

Then why couldn’t I stop thinking about her smile?

No, I thought stubbornly, swerving gently to avoid a pothole. I couldn’t do it. Fuck, dude. Why was I even thinking about it? If something happened between us and Sid found out, it would be like signing her death warrant.

But I couldn’t shake this feeling.

My bike brought me to the same place it always did. I kicked out the stand and leaned my bike over. Just like I did every night, I took a few seconds to collect myself before walking through the gates.

Into the cemetery.