Make You Mine by K.T. Quinn



I froze in bed, too scared to move. Moments later, the knock came again. I shifted to look out the window, but my curtains were drawn.

Thrown into an uneasy situation, my brain automatically created a list of who could be at my door this late. On the harmless end of the spectrum was Billy coming to let me know that cold beer had magically arrived in the lobby. But that wasn’t as likely as the other, more dangerous end of the spectrum. It could be the sheriff coming to complain about my unpaid car parking fees, or snooping around to pin some new crime on me so I’d be stuck in this town even longer.

Or it could be the Copperheads.

A tingle went down my spine as that thought grew roots and buried itself in my psyche. The Copperheads had figured out what we’d done with Carl. Or they’d figured out that Jayce and I slept together last night. I wasn’t sure which was worse.

The knock came again, harder and angrier this time.

I could hide. Lock myself in the bathroom and pretend like I wasn’t home. But it was futile—I’d just gotten back to the motel minutes ago. They would have seen me come inside. They’d knock down the door and then they would be really angry. Upsetting them might change a bad situation to worse.

I walked to the door, numb to my fate and hoping I could feign innocence.

When I opened it, Jayce stood there.

“Didn’t think you were gonna open up, Peaches.”

The fingers gripping my heart relaxed. “Why didn’t you announce yourself!”

“Kinda tryin’ to keep quiet. Didn’t want to go yelling and disturbing Billy at the front desk.”

I frowned. “What’s wrong? Why are you here?”

He fixed me with his cobalt gaze, curious and intense. He didn’t need to say a word.

He’s here responding to my text message.

“You said it was too dangerous,” I said.

“It is,” he replied, stepping into the room until the door closed behind him. “But I don’t fucking care.”

Just like in my dream, he backed me up until my legs hit the bed and I bounced down onto the edge. He fell between my legs, smothering my lips with a kiss that quenched the thirst within me, then ignited a deeper one. I reached for his belt as he tugged my jeans off, then my panties, until the cool air hit my wetness. His manhood swelled into view as his tight grey boxer-briefs came off, and as he sank back between my legs the warmth of his flesh filled me like a lantern, spreading through my body like a shot of good whiskey.

I wrapped my thighs around him to hold him inside of me, savoring how completely he filled me.

There was no slow passion tonight. Jayce’s need for me was urgent, and mine was just as desperate. He rocked his hips into me while sucking on my lower lip, and a whimper escaped my throat as he began making love to me the way I needed.

Fucking me the way I needed, hard and fast.

I moaned loudly, grateful that the rest of the motel rooms were deserted. Jayce’s cries were just as animalistic while he jackhammered into me, both of us reaching for something we’d needed all day. I teased my fingers over his body, across the tattoos and the bulging muscles underneath, touching the man my entire body ached for.

He was the only good thing about this shitty little town, and he was mine.

I tightened my core for him as he pumped. I wanted him to come so badly. I needed it, for his body to release inside of me and fill me with his warm seed. The need bloomed between my legs, melting like steel beneath a welder’s torch, the atoms breaking down and combining into something new. Something beautiful.

Jayce roared as he came with every fiber of his being. Before he could kiss me, I held his head between my palms to witness it. I wanted to remember every second of the pleasure plastered on his rugged face. I needed to memorize the curves and lines at the edge of his eyes, and every single hair of his beard.

And as I did, his eyes looked back at me with more than just lust. With love.

And I looked back at him with the same feeling in my heart.