I Hate, I Bake, and I Don’t Date! by Alina Jacobs



“Welcome home, new residents!” the DJ announced when we walked onto the roof terrace. In addition to the indoor glass-enclosed pool on the amenities level, there was a huge outdoor roof deck. Now that it was starting to get warm, we were holding the welcome party out here.

“I love your bikini,” Annie told me. She and Enola were wearing bathing suits that were Captain Marvel themed.

“You are rocking what you got!” Vera whooped, toasting me from a lounge chair.

“I had an excellent shopping buddy!” I said.

Ethel, looking old-school New-York elegant in her teal one-piece, gauzy wrap, and large hat, smiled.

“If I had a rack like yours, I’d do nothing but shop,” she said.

“Belle has a fantastic swimsuit and a rockin’ bod,” Vera said as Belle in a black one-piece with strappy cutouts walked across the wood deck over to us.

“Drink?” I asked her, snagging one from a passing server.

She toasted me. “Nice party.”

“Alcohol, hot guys…” I said. “What more do you need?”

Greg was standing with his brothers. All shirtless and wearing swim trunks and sunglasses, the Svensson brothers made a very sexy picture.

“Sure you don’t want to move in here?” I asked my new boss. “I have an extra room in my condo. Belle?”

I snagged a glance at Belle; her eyes were a bit wide.

I elbowed her. “Enjoying the view?”

“I wasn’t looking at him. There was a blimp,” she said defensively.

As if he knew we were talking about him, Greg sauntered over, Beck trailing him.

Greg moved a bit too close to Belle than what might be deemed appropriate for two people not wearing much except bathing suits.

“I thought you said you didn’t want to see any more of me than you had to,” he said to Belle.

“I’m here on business,” she replied tartly, sipping her drink.


“You’re going to be seeing a lot more of her,” Enola informed him. “She’s on our board.”

“Your what?”

Belle smirked at him. “I bought into their recipe app company. Now Artemis Investment owns thirty percent.”

“What the hell?” Greg was stunned.

Beck barked out a laugh.

“Did you know about this?” Greg turned on his brother.

“No,” Beck said quickly. He smiled at Annie and Enola. “I think that’s great that you have a female role model.”

“That’s right,” Greg said magnanimously. “It’s adorable, really.”

Belle’s nostrils flared. “I don’t make business decisions because something is cute. Their verified user growth rate is fifteen percent a week, and they’re on track to do five million in revenue this month.”

“Five million?” Beck stammered.

Greg looked shocked. “How?” he said after a moment.

“We tried to tell you about our company,” Enola said with a frown, “but you wanted to wait for the Q3 reports. We have to strike while the iron is hot. We can’t wait for anyone.”

“They’re about to sign a deal with several major food brands for advertising,” Belle said, “including the dairy industry. Tess is helping to arrange it.”

“I love food!” I said happily. “As soon as I told them we would have a viral video contest for the best mac ‘n’ cheese using American dairy products, they were totally on board.”

“Fuck. I’m still an owner,” Greg said.

“Yeah, five percent,” Belle retorted.

“It’s okay, Greg.” Annie patted him on the arm. “You still have a board vote.”

“But Belle has three,” Enola added.

Beck pulled me away from Belle and Greg as they started arguing about the girls’ company.

“I was going to call you madam president in bed tonight,” Beck joked, “but I think I might have to start calling you boss babe since you’re scoring better deals than all of us.”

“I can definitely boss you around,” I teased, trailing my fingers down those washboard abs.

“I still make pretty good business deals, though,” Beck said, wrapping his strong arms around me. “Loving you is the best deal ever!”

I hooked two fingers at the waist of his swim trunks, satisfied to feel the muscles twitch against the backs of my fingers.

“You know, one thing that was at the top on my hate list was having to take your work home with you, but I’m happy to wear a tie and nothing else and have a very loud, satisfying negotiation session with the man I love most. Especially if there is cake at the meeting!”