All-In by Sierra Cartwright

Chapter Seven

Zara awakened late the next morning to the scent of coffee. Because of the thrilling night she had shared with Lorenzo, it might be the only thing that would entice her out of bed.

Even after their hot shower sex, he’d repeatedly made love to her. Each time, he’d snuggled her close and held her as they drifted back to sleep. And honestly, she didn’t recall her body ever being more tender than it was right now.

Then a memory filtered back, making her warm. He asked me to marry him.

Grinning, she rolled onto her tummy and propped her chin into her upturned hands. Ever since she’d set eyes on him, Lorenzo had been the man of her dreams.

He knew how to make her body respond. And he pulled on all her heartstrings. Life couldn’t get any better.

“Principessa! Get your sweet little ass down here before I come and paddle it.”

“Yes, Sir!” she shouted back, giggling as she did so.

Then devilment enticed her. The idea of starting her day with his strong hand on her buttocks was utterly enticing.

She stayed where she was, disobeying him and waiting for the consequences.

In less than a minute he stood in the doorway, an eyebrow arched. “So that’s how it is?”

Her future husband could not be any sexier. He wore only a pair of loose-fitting pants, leaving the rest of him bare. Goose bumps prickled her arms at the sight of his honed body.

He took a step into the room, and the force of his energy supercharged the atmosphere.

“I guess your coffee can wait while I deal with you.”

Her mouth dried. With half a dozen purposeful steps, he crossed to her. Too late, she noticed the wooden spoon he’d hidden behind his back.

“No! No, no! I’ll behave.”

“Too late.”

Ignoring her protests and promises, he scooped up her wiggling body from the bed. He carried her to the chair and sat in it before turning her over his knee.

Frantically she kicked. But her attempted escape failed when he trapped her legs between his much more powerful ones.

Then he bounced his knee, pitching her forward and adjusting her position so that her hair brushed the floor and her behind was positioned upward, inviting his punishment. Relentless, he slid his fingers between her legs. “Be careful what you ask for, my future bride.”

His warning thrilled her. A lifetime of this? She refused to pinch herself. If this was a fantasy, she never wanted to wake up.

He inserted a finger inside her. “You’re wet. Should we start every day with a spanking? Would it help keep you in line?” He skimmed his touch across her upper thighs and her buttocks. “You have a few red marks left over from last night, and I think it’s fitting that we add a few more.”

Without warming her up, he seared her skin with his palm. Gasping from the unexpected force, she kicked her legs in earnest.

“Heed my warnings, principessa.” With a fingertip, he traced the path he’d just blazed.

Then after a few more swats, he eased off, only to rub her vigorously. Though she knew he was preparing for further spanks, she couldn’t help but purr. Lorenzo was already an expert at making her respond.

Before she was ready, he smacked her bottom with the wooden spoon.

“Oww!” She reached back to cool the hot spot on her ass.

“Put your fingertips on the floor, unless you want me to cuff your hands.”

The mood he was in this morning, she wouldn’t put it past him.

To hurry her along, he gave her another taste of the spoon. “That thing hurts, Sir!”

“Hmm. Perhaps in future you’ll think twice before disobeying me.”

Probably not.Still, this time, she placed her hands where he instructed. If she didn’t, balancing would be even more difficult.

Despite the way the implement burned, arousal began to unfurl. Suddenly it didn’t matter how sore she was. She wanted to make love with him again.

He used the kitchen tool several more times in quick succession, and she wiggled ferociously to avoid it. But he was stronger, leaving her helpless to his will.

With determination, he continued. “Is this what you wanted?”

Because of her position, she couldn’t draw enough breath to answer him.

“Are you ready to be finished?”

Wondering if the upside-down position was affecting her thought process, she shook her head.

“Your wish is my command.” Discarding the spoon, he spanked her with his open hand, setting a rhythmic pace.

With a deep sigh, she gave herself over to it, to him.

When he was done, he rubbed her tenderly and brushed her pussy with his fingers. She relaxed even more, waiting for him to enter her. But he didn’t.

Instead, he released her legs, then took her waist and helped her to stand up.

“Are you…?” Flabbergasted, she blinked. “I mean, you’re not…we’re not going to have sex?”

“You think I should reward your disobedience?” In his frustratingly calm way, he arched his diabolical eyebrow.

“But…you made me horny.”

“And you can spend the rest of the day suffering.”

“What?” Even more stunned, she searched his features, looking for any sign that he was joking.

“You’re forbidden from masturbating until I give permission.”

This was a part of BDSM she’d never explored, having a full-time Dominant rather than someone she walked away from at the end of the evening. She had told him she liked the psychological aspects the most. She just hadn’t expected him to exploit his power in this way.

“Unless you’d like to wear a chastity device when we’re apart?”

“You wouldn’t!”

“On the contrary, principessa.” His lips were set in an uncompromising line. “The idea of locking up your cunt and pocketing the key holds tremendous appeal. Heed my warning and don’t push me.”

His expression chilled her. He meant every word. Lorenzo might be a careful lover, but he was a steely Dominant.


Unable to find her voice, she nodded.

“I need the words.” He hadn’t moved, hadn’t changed the timbre of his voice, but his intent was clear. In this, he wouldn’t be denied.

“Yes, Lorenzo. I promise I won’t get myself off today.”

“You have no idea how much I enjoy the idea of you being miserable while we’re apart. And how easily you’ll come for me later.”

Uncomfortably she squirmed. His harshness made her even wetter.

He stood, then leaned forward to tap the inside of her right thigh. Following his wordless command, she spread her legs.

“This”—he cupped his hand over her pussy and squeezed, making a point, stopping just short of being painful—“is mine.”

She was rooted to the spot, her heart thumping. “Yes, Lorenzo.” What he didn’t know was that it always had been.

“Good.” Slowly he released her, and she sucked in a relieved breath. “When you come downstairs, we need to talk about you moving in.”

The way he switched topics left her reeling.

“Your coffee is waiting.” He paused. “Unless you’d like another taste of this?” He picked up the wooden spoon and bounced it off his open palm.

“No, Sir.”

“I’m sorry?”

“I mean… No, Sir. Thank you.” Not only would it hurt her bruised rear end, but he’d be so deliberate with the way he used it that she’d be even more desperate for an orgasm. “And what about this?” She touched the collar.

“We’ll remove it for now. Later we’ll discuss you wearing one permanently.”

She nodded. But when it was gone, her skin tingled, and she missed its weight.

“Join me downstairs.”

The air conditioner turned on, and the cold air swept over her damp body, sending a chill through her. She hurried to the closet for one of his shirts. Once she stepped inside the space, she shook her head, unable to believe what she saw.

He’d hung up the gown she’d worn last night…next to an array of gowns and casual clothes. She flipped through the hangers that were filled with blouses, skirts, shorts, slacks, sundresses. All the pieces were things she would have selected for herself.

On the floor, next to her stilettos, were a few pairs of sandals, some dress shoes, and a pair of sneakers. Hanging from a hook was a short robe with embroidering on the lapel. As she pulled it down and wrapped herself in it, she realized it wasn’t the Bella Rosa’s logo. Instead, it was Lorenzo’s family insignia—a serious message that she acknowledged.

When she joined him in the kitchen, he looked up from what he was doing. “The robe is perfect on you.”

“This waffle weave material is wonderful.” So light and cozy. “You bought me a bunch of clothes.”

“I want you to be comfortable.” He narrowed his gaze. “And not have any excuses to shorten the amount of time we have together.”

“Thank you. You made excellent choices.” She accepted the coffee he’d already poured for her.

“I hope I got the amount of creamer right.”

Propping her hips on the counter, she took a sip. “It’s wonderful.” Lorenzo may not always operate on the correct side of the law, and at times his ferocity was frightening, but he knew how to take care of her. “Thank you.”

She watched him finish making his smoothie. “I’ll marry you as long as you promise that I never have to drink one of those.”

“You might like it.”

She wrinkled her nose. “That’s a hard pass from me.”

He blended the drink, then addressed her. “About the wedding…”

“I still haven’t gotten over the fact that you proposed.”

“Are you working Saturday afternoon?”

“No. I have an engagement in the evening, but I’m free until seven o’clock.”

“I’ll make an appointment with the jeweler for your ring.”

He was making it so real, so fast.

“Do you have a wedding planner you’d like to use?”

This decision was easy. “My friend Makenna. She organized Avery and Cole’s wedding.”

“Please set up an appointment for us either at the end of this week, or the beginning of next. Let me know when, and I’ll clear my schedule.”

“You meant it when you said you’d like to be married in a matter of months?”

“We’re wasting time. I intend for you to be my wife. And I’d like for us to have children.”



Her mouth dropped open “You…you can’t be serious.” Though she came from a large family, she’d never considered the idea of having more than one or two.

“No.” He grinned. “A couple, maybe three or four. But I’ll happily spend the rest of my life trying to get you pregnant.”

We could get started right now.She was still so turned on that she was edgy.

“As I was asking upstairs, is there any reason that you can’t move in immediately?

There wasn’t, except for the fact that it was just so fast. But there again she wasn’t sure she wanted to spend one more day without him.

“I have extra rooms upstairs. You’re welcome to use one as an office or retreat. The Rose’s designer is at your disposal. And I know you’ll want to put your stamp on the rest of the apartment. I’ll trust your judgment.”

When his mind was made up, he was a force to be reckoned with.

“I can arrange for movers.”

She nodded. “How about after I’ve met with the designer?”

“The sooner, the better.”


“When you’re ready, I’ll take you home. Though I’d prefer you never leave.”

Together, they went upstairs. She chose one of the sundresses while he changed into workout gear. “Do you exercise every day?”

“It helps me stay focused.”

“And look like a god.”

“In that case, I’ll never skip another session.” He grinned. “When I have a decision to make, I’ll indulge in a long swim. My form of meditation, I suppose.”

“So the pool isn’t just for casual purposes?”

“No. But it’s certainly good for that as well. If you like, this weekend we can spend some time relaxing.”

Floating in her flamingo sounded perfect.

“You’re also free to schedule a massage at any time. Just tell Sally to arrange it.” He shot her a wicked grin. “I need your body to be in prime shape for what I have in mind for your future.”

Anticipation collided with nerves and tap-danced through her tummy.

When they left the apartment, Mario was on duty, standing next to the waiting elevator.

Their greetings weren’t even finished when the doors opened on the floor where Lorenzo’s car was running, pointed toward the exit.

Because it was already midmorning, he sifted through moderate traffic to her father’s mansion. Today, however, instead of kissing her when they were on the porch, he took the key from her and turned the lock, letting her inside, then following her.

Dressed for work, her father was walking down the stairs, and he froze when he noticed Lorenzo, knuckles whitening on the banister. “What the fuck are you doing here?” A nasty tic throbbed in his temple, and Zara stared at him in stunned silence.


Ignoring her, he leveled an icy gaze at Lorenzo. “I told you never again to enter my house.”

“As a matter of respect, I wanted you to be the first to know.”

“Know what?” Nostrils flaring, he descended the rest of the stairs.

“Zara has agreed to be my wife.”

“Not until I rot in hell.” Her father’s face mottled with fury. Then he rounded on her. “He’s a piece of shit, Zara, and I forbid it.”

Stupefied, she looked between the two men like she had all those years ago.

With a snarl, he glared at Lorenzo. “Did you tell her?”

“Tell me what?”

Silence ricocheted from the ceiling.

“Tell me what?”

“You didn’t, did you?” Her father sneered. “How did you get her to agree?”

“Tread carefully.” Lorenzo’s words were coated with calm, deadly in their intent.

“I don’t know what game he thinks he’s playing. He owns us, Zara. The business, the house. Bleeding us dry, month after month.”

The room spun. With her father’s words echoing damningly, she faced Lorenzo.

But her father wasn’t done. “He’s a fucking vulture, waiting to pick our carcasses. When he has you, there’ll be nothing to stop him from pushing me and your brothers out. He doesn’t love you, Zara, and you can’t believe he does.”

Her father’s words broke her. She and Lorenzo had shared so very much, talked of the future and babies, but he’d never once admitted he loved her.

“You’re nothing more than an amusing little bauble he intends to crush.”

Legs shaking as emotion threatened to overwhelm her, she looked into the dark eyes of the man she’d promised to marry. “Tell me it’s a lie. Please. Please.”

He captured her chin. “Principessa—”

“Tell me!”

“Let me explain—”

On the verge of cracking, she frantically swatted away his hand as she pulled back from him. A sob caught in her throat. “Tell me he’s lying.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“What do you expect from a Mafia cockroach?” her father demanded. “You know how they are. Marry a good woman, have heirs to continue the line and their crooked ways, then take a mistress on the side. You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t flaunt it in your face.”

Say it’s not true.“Lorenzo…” She gave him one last chance.

His silence condemned him.

“You can have everything you want, but you can’t have my daughter.”

Fury and devastation collided in her, and she squared her shoulders as she held onto the tattered remnants of her pride. “Get out.”

“Zara. Principessa, allow me to explain…”

She fled upstairs to her room, and once she was there with the door closed, she collapsed, drowning in her devastation.