Lawson by Crystal Daniels



I've gotten through the past week without another nasty run-in with James. He hasn't shown up in the parking lot outside my hotel room and hasn't called my job again either. I'm hoping he's finally gotten through his head that I'm not coming back.

Mr. Pearson called a few days ago to inform me the divorce papers have been served at James's place of employment. I got visions in my head of how that probably went down. I was fully expecting James to get in a snit and haul his ass back to Graystone, but so far, it appears he's admitted defeat.

I'm not going to celebrate anything until he's signed on the dotted line, though. I mentioned the visit James paid me last week to Mr. Pearson, and he asked me in detail what was said so he could document it. I also told him that money was stolen from my room. He encouraged me to file a police report. I told him I would think about it. I already know filing a report won't do any good. There was no evidence of forced entry, and James being a cop, would be careful not to leave fingerprints behind.

I'm sick over the financial blow he's caused me. I had to stop by and talk to Mr. Richards about the car I intended on buying and inform him I would no longer be able to purchase it. He was so sweet and even said he would hold onto it for another week or two, but I told him not to bother. There's no way I can come up with the funds that soon. It's taken me months to save the two grand James stole.

"Hey, Willow!" Genesis calls out.

Tipping my head to the side, I peer around the rack where I'm hanging a blouse.

"Me, Caroline, and Jackie are hitting up Frankie's later. It's been a while since we had a girls' night. Want to come?"

Anytime Genesis and her friends have a girls' night at Frankie's, they ask me to join. I've never taken them up on the offer before, but I think I should change that. Being around everyone at the charity event taught me I need to make more effort to come out of my shell. "You know what, I'd love to."

Genesis beams. "Great. I can pick you up at seven. Will that work?"

"Seven works." I smile back.

A moment later, the bell over the shop door chimes, followed by the sound of giggling. Looking over my shoulder, I watch as Tara and her friend walk in. Tara stops short when she spots me. I'm given a nasty sneer followed by her leaning into her friend and whispering something into her ear. The friend then cuts her eyes to me, giving me the same ugly look. Great. She probably thinks something is going on between Lawson and me since he practically ditched her to give me a ride the other week. Now, she and her friend are gearing up to be bitches. God, I'd give anything if it were true, though I haven't been able to get the kiss he gave me out of my head. It was brief, and unexpected but it was by far the best kiss I'd ever had. Not that I have much experience to go on since James is the only other man to have kissed me. And having to turn Lawson down was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It wouldn't have been right for me to let things between us go any further; not while I'm still married. Besides, Lawson dates a lot. I'm probably one of a dozen women he's kissed recently. Even if I wasn't married, it's best we stay friends.

"Everything okay, Willow?" Genesis asks. Something in my expression must have changed.

"Oh, yeah. I'm good." I plaster a fake smile on my face.

Genesis looks past my shoulder at Tara and her friend, then rolls her eyes. "I can't stand that woman."

"Who, Tara?"

Genesis nods. "Yes. The bitch tries flirting with Ransom every chance she gets. She knows we're together, but that still didn't stop her last Saturday night when we were at Frankie's. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back out, she was standing at our table and not so subtly trying to shove her boobs in his face."

"Really? What did you do?"

"I told her if she didn't get her tits out of my man's face, that she'd find my fist in hers."

"Oh my, god." I laugh. "No, you didn't."

"I did." Genesis giggles. "It wasn't my finest moment for sure. I usually like to keep my confrontations classy, but I draw the line when someone messes with my man."

"Why in the world is she hitting on Ransom anyway? I thought she was dating Lawson."

"Please, like that will stop Tara. That little slut doesn't care if the guy is taken or married. And Lawson doesn't exactly date," Genesis jests. "Wait, how do you know Tara?"

"I ran into Lawson and Tara one Sunday morning," I answer with a sigh. "They were stepping out of the diner while I was on my way back to the hotel with a handful of groceries. Lawson insisted on giving me a ride." I look over at Tara to see her and her friend looking at some dresses. "Anyway, Lawson pretty much ditched Tara to take me home. Now, she probably thinks I'm after her man or something."

"Hmm," Genesis hums with a smile.

"What's that look for?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing. I found Lawson's behavior at the charity event kind of sweet, but now you tell me he ditched Tara to take you home. We all know Lawson is a playboy, but he is very respectful to the women he takes out. I find that interesting."

"Nothing is interesting about it." I curse myself feeling my cheeks heat, and by the smile on my boss's face, I know she sees me blushing. No way am I telling her about the kiss.

"Your blush is interesting too." Genesis grins.

"Will you stop?"

Genesis' smile turns into a full-blown grin. "You like him, don't you?"

"What? No," I whisper-hiss.

"Oh, this is very interesting indeed," Genesis continues.

"Will you stop saying that?"

"Excuse me, can we get some service over here?" Genesis and I are interrupted by Tara, who is standing at the service counter.

"Want me to take care of them?" Genesis asks.

I shake my head. "I got it."

When I turn to walk away, she calls out with humor in her voice, "We'll finish this conversation tonight."

I let out an inward groan knowing she will make good on that promise.

"Took you long enough," Tara says while smacking her gum.

I step behind the register. "Sorry about that," I reply, not sounding apologetic at all.

"Whatever. I want to get this." Tara tosses the dress up onto the counter.

"You're going to look so hot for your date tonight with Lawson," Tara's friend gushes.

My heart shudders at their words and it's all I can do to keep my features neutral. Looks like I'm the only one still thinking about the kiss.

"I know right." Tara's high pitched giggle sounds like nails on a chalkboard. "He won't be able to keep his hands off me. The man is like an animal in the bedroom."

Ignoring the twinge of jealousy and fighting like hell to hold back how much hearing her talk about Lawson hurts, I go about ringing up her purchase. "That will be fifty-two, forty-seven."

Tara tosses some bills on the counter, not bothering to put the money in my hand. Gritting my teeth, I pick the three twenty-dollar bills up off the counter then go about finishing the transaction. "Seven dollars and fifty-three cents is your change." When Tara holds her hand out for the money, I offer her the same courtesy she did me by ignoring her hand and placing her change down on the counter. "Have a good day," I chirp, pushing the bag toward her. "Your receipt is in the bag." My actions earn me a glare, and a few choice words mumbled under her breath, but I keep the fake smile plastered on my face.

Later that evening,I'm in my hotel, getting ready to go out with Genesis. I've decided tonight is the perfect opportunity to wear that new dress. Once I finish my hair and apply a touch of makeup, I remove the dress from the hanger and slip it on over my head. It falls over my hips and ends two inches above my knees. The cinched waist hugs me perfectly, making me look like I have the perfect hourglass shape, and the neckline falls into a deep V, making it impossible to wear a bra. Thankfully the bust offers enough support and makes my breasts look fantastic. Genesis was right. This dress was made for me. Even better is that I feel beautiful. More beautiful than I have in a long time.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I slip on a pair of wedge heels that add three inches to my 5 feet 2 inches stature. Just as I finish getting dressed, a car horn blares from outside. I peek out the window to see Genesis pulling up in the parking lot. Dashing back into the bathroom, I spritz some perfume on and snatch my lip balm off the counter and toss it into my purse before rushing out the door. Once I have double-checked the lock, I make my way to where Genesis is parked. As I pass by the hotel office, Vera is sitting in her usual spot.

"Look at you. You look pretty as a peach, dear."

"Thanks, Vera."

"Hot date tonight?" she asks with a wicked grin.

"No, I'm going to Frankie's with Genesis and some of her friends."

"Oh, well, that sounds lovely. You girls be good, now." Vera tilts her head to the side and spots Genesis sitting in her car. She tosses her a wave.

"We will. Goodnight, Vera."

"See ya, dear."

When I get to the car's passenger side door, I pull it open, and I'm greeted with the biggest smile.

"Oh my, god. You are wearing the hell out of that dress, Willow. You look hot."

"Really?" I smooth my palms down the front.


"Thanks," I say a bit shyly.

When Genesisand I walk into Frankie's, I feel somewhat out of place. Back in Houston, I didn't have girlfriends and sure as hell didn't have girls' nights where we went out to bars. Addilynn was my one and only friend, and the only time I got to see her was when she came into the coffee shop.

When James and I were in our first year of marriage, I had gotten a job at a sporting goods store. Once a month, all the employees would go out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant to just hang and cut up. Well, I'd been there for three weeks when I was invited to come along. Not thinking twice, I went. At that time, I still didn't have my own car, so James was taking me to and from work. I hitched a ride with a coworker to the restaurant, and it wasn't until I got there that I called James to let him know what I was doing and where he could pick me up. That was a colossal mistake. James showed up fifteen minutes later, causing a huge scene. I'd never seen him act that way before. Right there in the restaurant in front of all my coworkers, he began berating me. He even went as far as accusing me of cheating on him with one of my male coworkers. The whole debacle was humiliating. That was the last day I worked that job.

Later that night, James had flipped things around, saying he was sorry for overreacting and that he was feeling insecure. He told me that his previous girlfriend cheated on him with a coworker and then went on about some trauma he suffered because of it. I went from being humiliated and pissed to feeling sorry for him and comforting my husband. Of course, I found out later there had been no cheating ex-girlfriend. I'm willing to bet it was the other way around.

"Genesis!" A woman behind the bar shouts above the noise of the patrons and music playing. "How ya doing, girly?"

"I'm good, Frankie. How have you been?"

"Business is good, so that means I'm good." Frankie looks beyond Genesis, her eyes landing on me. "Nice to see you finally dragged your ass into my bar, Willow." The words are said with a teasing tone, making me laugh. "Your girls are at your usual table in the back." Frankie jerks her head toward the table where Jackie and Caroline sit.

"Willow, oh my god, that dress!" Jackie crows as Genesis and I make our approach. "Man, I would kill for your ass and boobs," she says, looking down at her own chest with a pout.

"Thanks," I reply awkwardly and take a seat in an empty chair beside Caroline. Jesus, Willow. Learn how to take a compliment without being weird.

"Evenin', ladies," the waitress greets us. "You'll want the usual?" she asks.

"Yes, please," Jackie replies.

"And what about you, sweets?" The waitress looks at me.

"Oh…uh… I'll just have whatever they're having."

"Alright. I'll be back in a sec." The waitress takes her leave.

"So, how are things coming along with the expansion?" Jackie asks Genesis.

"They're great. Ransom and I had lunch with the team heading up the project last week, and things are scheduled to start at the end of the month."

"I'm really happy for you, Genesis." Jackie smiles. "I told you GiGi's would be a hit."

"That you did. And with the expansion, I'll be looking to hire a couple more people." Genesis turns to me. "I was going to bring this up later, but since we are on the subject, I have something I want to ask you."

"Okay." My reply comes out leery.

"With the expansion of the store on the horizon, I'm finding myself more and more overwhelmed. I know it's only going to get busier for us when things are complete. So, I wanted to offer you the position of manager."

Not expecting this is what she wanted to ask, I'm taken aback. "Wh…what?"

Genesis continues, "I know it would mean more responsibility and maybe a few more hours a week, but I'd double your pay, put you on salary, and throw in two weeks' paid vacation time along with paid sick leave. You'll also be added to the insurance."

By the time Genesis is finished, I'm left speechless. When a few moments pass without me saying anything, she is quick to add, "You don't have to answer now. You can take some time to think about it. If you decide the position is not right for you, then no hurt feelings. I understand. The truth is, you're the only person I trust to do it, so I hope you accept my offer."

"I accept!" I blurt out, making Genesis, Jackie, and Caroline laugh. "I mean, yes. I absolutely accept."

"Wonderful!" Genesis beams. "We'll get everything sorted first thing Monday morning, and then I can start showing you the ropes."

"Thank you so much for this opportunity," I choke out. "I won't let you down."

Genesis pulls me in for a hug. "I know you won't, Willow. That's why I offered you the job."

"I think this calls for shots." Jackie claps her hands. "Hey, Frankie!" she shouts across the bar. "We need shots, stat!"

A minute later, the waitress returns with our beers and shots. Jackie shoves mine in front of me. I've never been much of a drinker. I'd get some of those wine coolers from time to time, but I've never had the hard stuff. That's just another thing James would control.

"Here's to Willow. Congrats, girl." The three of us raise our shot glasses. Taking a deep breath, I place the little glass to my lips and toss my head back. The liquid burns my throat, and I start to cough once I've swallowed. "What was that?" I sputter.

"Tequila," Caroline answers. "Take a sip of your beer. It will help." She giggles.

I take a hefty swallow of my beer, downing half the contents.

"Better?" Genesis asks.

I nod. "Yes. I think I'll stick to beer, though."

The night wears on,and by the time I'm on my third beer, I feel more carefree and a lot tipsy, as are the rest of the girls.

"Look who just showed up." Caroline nods toward the door where Ransom is strolling in, followed by Gideon and Lawson.

I watch as Lawson and Gideon grab a table on the opposite side of the bar while Ransom makes his way in this direction.

"Hey, baby." He comes up behind Genesis and lays the kind of kiss on her that would make anyone blush.

"Hey," she whispers back.

"You drunk?" he asks.

"Yup," she says, popping the p.

"Figured as much. The guys and I will take you ladies home when you're ready." Ransom gives Genesis one more kiss before retreating over to where Gideon and Lawson are.

"You are one lucky bitch." Jackie tosses a bottle cap at Genesis, and we all laugh.

The waitress walks up to our table, setting another round of beers down, and I take the opportunity to cut my eyes at Lawson. A small gasp escapes when I find those intense blue eyes on me. I quickly look away. Then I think back to earlier today when Tara came into the store. I thought they had a date tonight. Maybe he's seeing her later. I shake my head and try to push images of Lawson and Tara together out of my head.

"What's with Lawson?" Everyone follows Caroline's line of sight. "He looks like he's seconds away from throttling someone."

At Caroline's comment, the four of us study Lawson. His eyes are still trained in this direction, and sure enough, he looks pissed about something.

"Sure does," Genesis hedges. "And I'm willing to bet that someone is our girl, Willow. Only he wants to throttle her in the most delicious way."

I snap my head in her direction, and my eyes get big. "You're crazy."

"Am I?"


"You know," Caroline butts in. "I thought he was acting a bit strange at the charity event."

"You guys are talking crazy." I shake my head. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the ladies' room." I stand up and leave before I make the mistake of telling them about the kiss and about how we agreed to be just friends. And about how I want to be more but can't because I'm married.

"Oh my god. Your blush is the cutest!" Jackie cackles.

"I'm not blushing. It's the alcohol," I lie, then burst into a fit of giggles and nearly topple over.

"You okay there, Willow?" I can hear the humor in Genesis' voice.

"Yes." I regain my balance and jut my chin out. On slightly wobbly legs, I make my way to the restroom.

Once I have finished my business, I step out of the stall and wash my hands. Catching my reflection in the mirror, I take in my glassy eyes, flushed skin, and beaming smile. I can't remember the last time I felt this happy and carefree. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. I'm finally getting my life back. I have a job I love and good friends who genuinely care about me. Things are starting to fall into place. With one last look in the mirror, I toss my paper towel in the trash and exit the bathroom. When I make my way back to the table, I see the guys have joined us, and the girls are gathering their things.

"Time to go, ladies," Ransom declares. He then looks to Lawson and Gideon. "Who's riding with who?"

Lawson is the first to jump in and answer. "Willow is with me."

My head jerks in his direction, and I can't read the look on his face.

"Alright. Gideon, are you good with taking Jackie? I can drop Caroline off since it's on my way," Ransom adds.

Gideon answers with a grunt and a nod while the girls pass out goodbyes. "Thanks for inviting me out with you guys." I hug Genesis.

"You're welcome. I expect you to be here on the next girls' night too."

"You got it." I smile. "See you at work on Monday."

"Monday." She waves over her shoulder as Ransom leads her toward the exit.

"Ready?" Lawson asks, his tone flat.

"Yeah." I grab my purse from the chair.

With his hand on the small of my back, Lawson guides me out of the bar. His touch feels like it's going to burn a hole through my skin. I fight like hell to keep my breathing under control. When we get to his truck, Lawson opens the door for me, and before I have a chance to climb in, he wraps his hands around my waist, lifting me, then firmly planting me on the seat. A squeak escapes past my lips. It's how he leans in, grabs the seatbelt, and buckles me in that has all the air leaving my lungs. "I…I can do that."

Lawson lifts his head, and those blue eyes hold me hostage. He doesn't say anything for what feels like forever. Then he speaks. "I know." He doesn't say anything else. He just finishes buckling me in then shuts the door. His mood swings are giving me whiplash.

Tension mixed with electricity fills the truck's cab, making the short drive to the hotel feel like hours.

The weird feeling between us, combined with his intoxicating scent, is doing funny things to my head.

By the time Lawson rolls up in front of the hotel, I'm desperate to escape his presence. The truck is barely in park before I throw the door open and hop out. Thank goodness my legs are cooperating with me.

Thanks to Lawson, my buzz has fizzled. I spin and face him. "Thanks for the ride," I mumble before shutting the door.

"I'll walk you up." Lawson catches up to me and takes hold of my arm to help me balance.

"You don't have to. I can make it on my own." I try to pull away, yet just like before, outside the diner, Lawson ignores me.

"Seriously, Lawson. I'm fine. I'm sure you have better things to do than babysit me."

"I don't."

"What about your date with Tara?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, I instantly regret them and I cringe. Note to self, alcohol makes me chatty.

Lawson brings us to a halt. "What are you talking about?"

I wave my hand at him. "Oh, nothing. I'm drunk and don't know what I'm saying." I let out a weird laugh. When I go to walk away, Lawson keeps a hold on my arm and doesn't budge.

"No. You wouldn't have said it unless you were under the impression I had a date with Tara, which I don't."

"You don't?" I breathe, and Lawson shakes his head. "Oh. It's just, she came into the shop today and…" I wave my hand again. "It doesn't matter. It's none of my business and we're just friends. Forget I said anything."

Once again, Lawson refuses to let me walk away. "What did she say?"

"Who?" I play stupid.

"Jesus Christ. What did she say to you?"

"Nothing. I told you it wasn't a big deal. Now, can I go inside?"

"Not until you tell me what she said."

Rolling my eyes, I let out a groan. "Fine. She came into the store to buy a dress and then said something about having a date with you tonight?"

"That's it?" Lawson's jaw flexes.

"She may have mentioned something about um…how you…um perform in the bedroom and how she…um… can't wait to experience it again." Shit, now my face is on fire. Did I really just say all of that?

"Fuck," Lawson growls, and we are once again on the move.

When we stop in front of my door, I turn to him and ask, "Are you mad?"

"Yes," he answers.

My shoulders sag. "At me?"

Lawson looks struck by my question. "Why would I be mad at you?"

I shrug. "I don't know. You're acting odd and because back at the bar, you were looking at me like I had kicked your dog."

In an instant, Lawson's demeanor changes. This time when he speaks, his voice is softer. "I'm not mad at you, Willow. I'm mad at Tara for showing up at your job spewing her bullshit. I didn't have a date with her. She was saying that shit to ruffle your feathers." I nod like I understand what he's saying but don't. "And as for how I was acting back at Frankie's, I was pissed that every man in the joint had their eyes on you."

"Oh," I breathe. "And that's bad?" I cock my head to the side in confusion.

"Fuck, yeah, that's bad. Especially when the looks they were tossing your way said they wanted to fuck you."

My eyes go big at his crude declaration. "No, they don't. I didn't even notice anyone looking at me."

"I know." Lawson shakes his head. "You walked into that bar wearing that dress, showing off all those curves. Fuck, Willow. You have no goddamn clue how attractive you are."

"Um…" That is all I manage to say through my brain fog. I can't believe Lawson is standing in front of me saying all these things, and I can't help but stare at his lips as he does.

"Time to go inside, Willow." Lawson's voice comes out husky.

"What?" I tear my attention away from his mouth and look at his eyes to see his pupils dilate.

"Inside, now."

"Yeah. Okay." I fumble with the lock for a second before I finally get it. "Goodnight, Lawson," I say when I step into the room.

"Goodnight, Willow."