Secrets of a One Night Stand by Naima Simone


“So if you want to look through the presentation I emailed you later for more detail, you can. But to sum up—” Achilles set his tablet on the coffee table and propped his elbows on his thighs as he leaned forward and addressed Cain and Kenan “—Jacobi is a solid investment. It permits the client to manage backup and recovery through a single service. They have a full support team, and it removes the resource drain from the client as well as any significant time for training, leaving the client companies open to focus their attention on other matters.”

“I’m just skimming through the presentation now—” Cain swiped over the screen of his own tablet, frown creasing his brow “—and I’ll pass it on to Marketing and Legal, but I agree with you. And I trust your opinion. Kenan?”

“I looked it over before the meeting.” His younger brother poured more coffee into his cup from the carafe in the center of the table. “Given you’re the expert on this and not me, you still broke it down to make sense. The money saved in time alone would make the return on investment worth it. I’m going with your recommendation.”

“That’s settled, then.” Cain set the tablet down on the table and picked up his own coffee. “Thanks, Achilles, I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. It wasn’t a problem.”

Shock suffused him. Shock and a warmth that originated from a place he couldn’t quickly identify. Probably because he’d never experienced it.



These two men—who shared his DNA but were as different from him as cotton from silk—unconditionally trusted his opinion. Accepted him.

“One last thing, Achilles,” Cain said, hesitating a beat. “Since you did the research and understand it and the company better than me or Kenan, would you feel comfortable presenting it at the next acquisitions meeting?” Before Achilles could answer, Cain set down his cup and held up a hand, palm out. “Don’t feel pressured, but I believe you would be the best man for it.”

“I’ll do it.”

Cain blinked and Kenan stared at him, both looking as surprised as Achilles felt. Yeah, he hadn’t expected to say that, either. But it was...right.

So was this leap of faith.

They would be your biggest supporters. If you would just let them... Let them in.

“Well, okay, then—” Cain smiled.

“If you two don’t have anything scheduled and can give me a few minutes, I’d like to show you something.”

Kenan shrugged a shoulder. “I’m free.”

Cain studied him a long moment with that incisive stare. “Even if I did, I’d cancel it.”

Another burst of that damn warmth. Throat tight, Achilles nodded and surged from the couch, grabbing his laptop bag. “Can I use your desk?”

Forty-five minutes later, he had his computer set up on Cain’s desk, his program pulled up, and he’d explained everything about the video game—the setting, the target audience, the potential marketing...and the origination of the idea.

As he revealed his stint in prison neither Cain nor Kenan interrupted him, just let him relay his story until he completely finished.

And neither Cain nor Kenan looked shocked.

“You knew,” Achilles flatly stated, not angry, not glad. Not... Hell, he didn’t know how he felt.

“Of course I did,” Cain said from his perch on the edge of the desk, arms crossed over his chest, no trace of remorse in his voice. “I had both of you investigated by the company’s private investigator the moment after the will was read.”

“And my father had you two investigated to rub in my face the kind of men I’d abandoned Rhodes Realty to align myself with.” Kenan smiled, but the amusement didn’t reach his eyes. “You two are real reprobates, by the way.” His lips twisted. “I fit right in.”

“I’m a reformed reprobate,” Cain drawled. “Love has changed me.”

Achilles shrugged. “Three hots and a cot changed me.”

“Great.” Kenan scoffed. “What kind of brothers are you, leaving me out here being a degenerate on my own?” He shook his head, but the mock disgust melted away, and his scrutiny turned speculative. “So is the supposed ‘jail secret’ why you’ve kept your distance from us?”

Dammit. Leave it to Kenan to get to the awkward heart of the matter. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Achilles rose from Cain’s chair and strode to the floor-to-ceiling window of the CEO office. His brother’s office. Where he fit. Where he was born to rule. How did Achilles explain that to a man who knew from the cradle that he would be king?

He didn’t know, but he had to try. Because the time for secrets, for remaining silent and shutting his brothers out, had passed.

Turning around, he met their identical gazes.

“When I received that letter telling me about Barron’s death, I honestly don’t know why I used that ticket. I hadn’t thought of my so-called father in years. I didn’t care about him—”

“Stop lying to yourself,” Kenan interrupted softly. “You came to that will reading for the same reason I did. Because your whole life you felt something was missing. And you were hopeful that maybe, just maybe, you might find it.”

Achilles parted his lips to object, to claim that his mother and grandmother had always been enough. But the denial wouldn’t emerge. Because seeds of truth lay in that statement. Curiosity and, yes, hope had propelled him to get on that plane and come to Boston.

“Okay, I’ll give you that. And I’ll even give you that I found the something that had been missing my whole life. Brothers. But you’re right. I have tried to keep my distance, tried not to become attached to either of you because after this year is up, I’m leaving Boston. I...” Even as he surveyed the luxury of the office, the paintings, furnishings, obvious signs of wealth and power, a small voice whispered—was it still true? With the baby, he hadn’t allowed himself to think that far in advance. “I don’t belong here. Not in Boston. Not in Farrell International. You two were born into this world. You know how to maneuver in it. You know its language, its rules. I don’t. I love computers, codes, software, design. It’s where I’m happiest, not negotiating contracts, closing deals, attending parties or learning how not to offend some person with how I talk or just This isn’t my world.”

“That’s bullshit,” Cain snarled, shoving off his desk and stalking over to Achilles. “The man who endured the childhood he did... The man who survived fucking jail and then forged a successful career for himself... The man who created that brilliant video game so youth like he once was can see themselves as courageous and heroic. That man will not run from some assholes who have nothing better to do than sit around, pick out napkins for their next dinner party and gossip about people who are too busy changing the goddamn world.”

Cain got in Achilles’s face, his frown fierce, fire burning in his gaze. “I know what it is to turn everyone away. To be alone and convince yourself that’s what you want. That you’re better off that way. I won’t let you do it. Not while I’m here. I’ll fight for you. Me. Kenan. Devon. You have family now. And we’ll fight for you. You’re not going anywhere. Not if I have to keep flying all the way across the country to that forest and camp outside that damn cabin until you give in and come home. Because this is your home now. Go visit the mountains to get away for a few days or weeks, but you come back. You’re always going to come back to us. Goddammit.”

Achilles stood there, rigid with tension, staring at Cain, who glared back at him. Both of their hands curled into fists at their sides, and out of his peripheral vision, he caught Kenan standing a couple of feet away, glancing back and forth. Probably waiting to see whom he would need to tackle first.

Inhaling a deep breath through his nose, Achilles nodded. “Okay.”

Cain blinked. “Okay?”

“Wait, okay?” Kenan parroted.

“Yeah.” Achilles exhaled and a weight lifted from his chest. A weight so heavy, he shouldn’t have been able to breathe all of these years. “I’ll stay.”

A smile slowly spread across Cain’s face. “Yeah. Okay.”

“Well, just out of curiosity, what was it that convinced you?” Kenan propped his fists on his hips. “The ‘we’ll fight for you’ or the ‘goddammit’? Both were equally compelling.”

“Never miss a good chance to shut up,” Cain growled at Kenan before turning back to Achilles. “One more thing. Your video game. I don’t know what your plans are for it as far as distribution, but I’d like to sit down and talk to you about it. Because I want Farrell to do it. And not just yours. But more like it. Matter of fact, I want you to do the research on either acquiring or founding a company specifically to design games with the mission and vision you described to us. And I want you to run it.”

Achilles turned to look at his laptop, at the art, the game he’d been working on for a year but that had been in his head for nearly ten. And now he could be part of bringing to life more like them and putting them in the hands of millions of kids?

“Yes,” he rasped. “I accept.”

Cain clapped him on the shoulder, then pulled him into a tight hug. “Welcome home,” he murmured into his ear.

“Does this mean you’re finally going to leave the basement and take an office on this floor?” Kenan asked.

Achilles snorted. Then laughed. And it felt damn good.

“Come on, show me more of this game. And what timeline are we looking at as far as getting it into beta testing. Can I be one of the betas?” Cain rubbed his hands together.

A chime echoed in the room, followed by a loud vibration. Frowning, Kenan removed his phone from his pants pocket. “Sorry, I need to check that. It’s my notifications set to alert me if our name is mentioned in any...” He swept his thumb across the screen and tapped it a couple of times. His frown deepened as he scanned it, then his nostrils flared wide, his head jerking up. Eyes wide, he gaped at Cain. “Oh, shit, Cain.”

“What?” Cain barked. “Kenan, what?”

“The society columns, gossip blogs, Boston Noise and the Brahmin Post are all publishing a story that Cain and Devon ended their engagement because he cheated on her and she found out.”

“What the hell?” he demanded, his face darkening.

“That’s not all,” Kenan murmured. “They’re all reporting Devon discovered you got another woman pregnant. Mycah Hill.”

“Are you kidding me?” Cain thundered, stalking across the floor and tearing the phone out of Kenan’s hand. “Where in the hell would they get this shit from?”

Shock spread through Achilles like frost on a windshield, dread curdling in his gut. Dread and suspicion. He didn’t know how they could’ve found out about the pregnancy, but he had an idea where the story could’ve originated.

Achilles had promised Mycah he wouldn’t tell Cain and Kenan about the baby, but with Cain facing the potential damage to his relationship with Devon and his reputation, he didn’t have a choice.

“Cain, Kenan.” He waited until he had his brothers’ attention on him. “I have something to tell you.”