Secrets of a One Night Stand by Naima Simone


“Is all this really necessary?”

Achilles scanned the huge office with the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sitting area with the dark brown couch, matching chairs, rug and coffee table. Black, glossy built-in cabinets surrounded a wide, flat-screen television on one wall, and a large, curving glass desk with a bank of computers that, admittedly, had him drooling, encompassed only half the space. There was plenty left for him to add whatever he wanted, because yes, this was his office.

On the executive floor.

He’d finally made the move.

But it wasn’t the furniture, computers and amazing view that had him scowling at Kenan and Cain.

No, that honor belonged to the streamers, balloons, food and people crowded into the office.

“Yes, it’s necessary. You’re finally out of the basement and up here with your brothers. Now stop glaring at us. This is a no-glare zone,” Kenan commanded, passing him a cup of—something red.

“Not to mention, you hired two people to help you work on your game and finish it. Think about that. You officially have the first two employees for your new company. Even before you have a name for it,” Cain said, sipping from his own cup.

“I have a name for it.” Achilles scrubbed a hand over his hair, then slid it in his pants pocket. “Farrell Brothers Incorporated.”

Cain and Kenan stared at him. Then slow, wide smiles lit both of their faces.

“I love it.” Cain nodded.

“It’s fucking perfect,” Kenan agreed. “Now you really have to drink up, because we have to toast to Farrell Brothers Inc.”

Achilles lifted the cup—still didn’t know what he was drinking—to his mouth when movement from the doorway caught his eye. He glanced up...and froze.


It’d been four days since she’d left his apartment, and fuck, it might as well as have been four months. Four years.

Or four minutes.

He missed her.

Like an amputated limb, she was gone—he knew she was gone—but he felt her phantom presence in the living room where they’d made love, in the bedroom where he’d told her about his past, in the kitchen where he’d fed her.

Because they were on different floors at work, it’d been easy to avoid her, and he hadn’t attended the press conference. Hadn’t watched it, either. As it was, when she’d emailed him the date of the doctor’s appointment three weeks from now, he would need every day of that time to prepare himself to see her.

He hadn’t been ready for four days.

God, she was beautiful.

In another one of those pantsuits that were both professional and sexy as hell. What would she wear when she started showing? Excitement and greed spiked inside his chest, low in his gut, because dammit, he wanted to know. Wanted to be there with her in the mornings when she dressed, to caress and hold her belly, wait for their baby’s movements under his palm.

But she didn’t want that.

At least not with him.

He drew back, mentally and physically.

Glancing around, he noted the looks thrown her way and heard an undercurrent of whispers. His gut tightened, and he remembered her worry about the hit to her reputation. Anger ignited within him. Yes, she’d broken his heart, but damn if she deserved this.

“Mycah.” He held up a hand, waved her inside. “Come on in. Grab a plate and something to drink.”

Relief flashed across her face, and she briefly smiled, stepping into the office. He spied the two gift boxes, one medium-sized and the other smaller, she carried as she neared, and his gaze flickered from the packages to her.

“I’m sorry to just drop in without...”

“Mycah, you don’t need to apologize,” he murmured. “Everyone’s welcome.”

“Right.” An emotion that could’ve been hurt flickered in her eyes, but before he could ascertain it, she handed him the larger gift box. “For your office, and a belated gift for your new company.”

Setting his cup down behind him, he accepted the present. For several seconds, he just held it, staring down at the gaily wrapped package. Finally, he lifted the top and pushed aside the tissue paper, revealing a framed picture.

No, concept art.

From his video game.

Speechless, the bottom part of the box dropped from his hand, unnoticed.

It wasn’t one of the images he’d shown her, but something completely original that she must’ve had commissioned.

She’d plucked the vision straight out of his head. His teenage hero, wearing a hoodie, jeans and sneakers and bearing a shield and sword, stood on an inner-city street, the landscape of old buildings, cracked streets and dim shadows surrounding him. And in the distance, a dark castle, thick forest and maze.

He wrenched his gaze from the framed art to the woman in front of him.

“I commissioned it after you showed me your video game. I thought it would make great cover art for the game. But you’re under no obligation to use it. I just wanted you to know I’m one hundred percent invested in your dreams—in you. And...” She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, and his fingers clenched around the frame, needing to thumb the sensual flesh free. “This is for you, too.”

She handed him the second box.

“I’ll hold that for you,” Cain murmured, taking the art.

Reluctantly, he turned it over, his heart thudding in his chest as he accepted the smaller gift. He didn’t hesitate this time to open the present. Lifting the top, he removed the tissue paper, and as he stared down at the tiny item nestled inside, shock and then joy exploded in his chest.

He picked up the yellow onesie and read the bright green stitching on it aloud. “My daddy makes heroes.”

Around them, a couple of gasps and more murmurs filled the room before it fell into total silence. But he didn’t care. All of his attention remained focused on her. The woman who had just announced in front of his brothers and an office full of employees that he was the father of their baby.

“I know I asked for time, but over the last few days I’ve realized that time can be our greatest gift...and our worst enemy. I don’t want another day to go by with you believing that I’m ashamed to declare to whoever will listen that you’re the man who will teach our child what it is to be strong, respected and good. You’re the man who will raise our baby with me, guide him or her, show them what true character is, what kindness is. Show them what it is to be loved. Because you’ve shown their mother all of those things. And I’m sorry I ever let you doubt it. I’ve allowed fear to run my life for too long, and I want to step out on that limb with you. Please forgive me, Achilles.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.” And there wasn’t. Because he’d forgiven her as soon as she’d left the penthouse.

“Yes, there is. I hurt you. But, Achilles, if you offer me your heart again, I’ll take care of it. These past few days—” she shook her head, spreading her hands wide, palms up “—they’ve been so empty because you haven’t been in them. My job, my family—they’re all important. But not more important than my love for you. The life I want to build with you and our baby. Our family. I love you. So much more than I thought it possible to love a person. I don’t just want you in my life, I needyou. And I would be proud to stand beside you, with you, and claim you as mine, to be claimed as yours. If you’ll let me.”

Before the last word finished, he swallowed it with his mouth, tasted it on his tongue. Once more, he crushed those curls in his fingers, having missed their rough silk texture almost as much as he missed the flavor of her, the perfect fit of her pressed against him.

“I never rescinded my heart, baby,” he whispered against her lips. “It’s always been yours.”

She laughed, the sound a bit waterlogged, and he cherished it. Had never heard anything as special, as wonderful. Not even the spontaneous outbreak of applause around them. Or Kenan telling everyone to stop being creepy voyeurs.

Achilles leaned his head back, joining in the laughter, his chest light, heart free. For the first time in...years. His heart was free. Because it belonged to another.

It belonged to Mycah.

“Tell me again,” she whispered, brushing her fingers through his beard, her eyes glistening.

He smiled, covering her belly and their child.

“I’m yours. And so is my heart.”

Youngest brother Kenan Farrell is a carefree charmer and playboy...and secretly in lovewith his best friend.

Don’t miss the next Billionaires of Boston novel,

available January 2022!

Keep reading for an excerpt from Foolish Hearts by Synithia Williams.