Honey, Honey by Rebel Carter

Chapter Twenty-Two


We left the club that evening. I took Honey to dinner, some fancy place she was worried about going into because of how she was dressed. “Everyone is going to stare if we go in there with me looking like this,” she said, hands twisting in front of her. Some fancy french place Addie had told me she’d made reservations at when I’d told her that I needed a table for two.

“For two? But you never eat with anyone.” Addie stated. It wasn’t a question, not really. She was right and she knew that. I cleared my throat and glanced over at Honey who was packing her bag up, her hair still in the braid I’d put in.

She looked sweet.

When she looked up at me and smiled, I felt my chest go tight and I cleared my throat, looking away while I answered Addie’s question.

“Yes, two. I have company tonight.”

“It’s a woman. I know it.”

“Addie, swear to god…”

“Right, right, right, boss man. Don’t worry. I’ll handle everything,” she chirped excitedly. “Can’t wait to hear about her tomorrow!”

“No, Addie—listen,” I began, but she was gone, already hanging up to make the reservations for me. Addie was a great executive assistant. She didn’t need to do shit for me outside of work hours, definitely not on a Sunday afternoon, but she did it anyway. She would have been pissed if I hadn’t asked her. I wasn’t looking forward to paying up for it though with a Monday morning grilling from her. Everything had a price though. I could give her enough details about Honey to satisfy Addie’s curiosity.

At least I thought so.

“You wanna put your dress back on?” I asked. The club had had it laundered and the emerald dress she wore like a sex goddess was pristine and waiting. If she changed in the car, we could manage it.

Taylor and I could stand guard to make sure she had enough privacy for a quick change. If she put that damn thing on though...I was sure she was going to end up with more attention than if she stuck with what she currently had on. Converse, jeans and a tank top. I liked the way she looked, fresh faced, hair in a braid, body sporting the mark of my flogger beneath her clothing, and most of all freshly fucked by me.

“What? No! I mean, I don’t think so…” She bit her lip and looked out the window at the restaurant that was all lit up inside, people sitting at each and every seat and she sighed, shaking her head. “I should have brought something nicer to go home in.”

“What for? You’re beautiful like this,” I told her, and took her hand. “You don’t owe any of those fucks a damn thing,” I jerked a thumb over my shoulder at the restaurant and I heard Taylor chuckle up front. “You’re here to eat dinner. Our money is good as anyone’s in that place. You wear whatever you want, and if they say a damn thing they can answer to me.”

“But these places have dress codes and-”

“They won’t say a damn thing, Honey.” I told her, already making up my mind that I would buy the damn place and turn it into a fucking fast food chain if they did. “Trust me. You trust me, don’t you?”

That had gotten her up and moving, she’d taken my hand and followed me into the restaurant. Slowly, but she was walking all the same. The second we hit the door, the hostess turned to look our way, and when I saw their lips turn down, I stepped in front of Honey making it apparent she was with me.

Out of nowhere a man hurried up to the hostess and grabbed their arm, whispering in their ear, their eyes on me as they did so. And just like that the sour look on the hostess’s face vanished and they nearly tripped over themselves to greet us.

“Mister Sokolov! We are so pleased you chose to dine with us tonight.”

We were seen to a private room where I made sure Honey was comfortable. She ordered off the menu with an excited smile telling me she hadn’t had food like this ‘in a while, I’m so excited!’ When she had the first bite of her meal, she moaned, eyes fluttering closed in pleasure. The sound was almost identical to the sound she made when I was going down on her, which I liked. Turning this place into a drive-thru was off the table then, and I made a mental note to bring her back here as often as she wanted.

After dinner, I took her home and when she pointed out the lights with a grin and a soft ‘thank you,’ I kissed her slow and sweet and right in front of her door where her nosey old neighbor was peeping at us through the cracked door she had opened like we didn’t see her. We ignored the woman and went inside Honey’s apartment. It was quieter in here than I remembered, but that was easy without a storm raging overhead.

My eyes landed on the kitchen table and Honey grinned at me when she noticed where I was looking. “Are you up for a repeat?” She asked, dropping her bag onto the floor beside the couch and sauntering over to the table with a sway in her hips. “Daddy?” she asked, looking over her shoulder with a pout.

I groaned, eyes on her mouth. I loved her mouth. “Fuck yes,” I muttered, already following her. We spent the next hour with me feasting on Honey’s pussy, and this time she touched me as much as she liked. I carried her to bed after, tucking her in with a glass of water on her bedside table. And when I left her there was no question in my mind, or hers, that she was my girl.

Being with a woman like Honey was easy. Affection came easily where she was concerned. But what I didn’t get was how she brought that out in me. Why she wanted to give it to me. Because if she was my girl that meant I was her man. I’d fucked up a lot in my life, but this?

This was better than perfect. This shit felt good.

This I was going to protect.