Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



"Adrian,tell me what he wants from Sergey."

Adrian sighs. "I'm not hiding anything from you. I don't know. Zamir's deal was with Boris, not Sergey. It doesn't make sense. But nothing the Petrovs do is rational. He's probably doing it just to show he can."

I continue pacing the family room.

Skylar comes into the room. Her hair has a towel around it. "What's wrong?"

I put my hands over my face, inhaling deeply.

"Holy...what are you wearing?"

I look up.

Skylar gapes.

I glance at my jeans and baggy sweatshirt. "What?"

She jumps up and grabs my hand. "When did you get this?"

I stare at the brilliant pink diamond Sergey gave me only hours ago. We were so happy all night.

We still are.

Nothing can happen to him.

Skylar tugs on my hand. "That's from Harry Winston."

"It is?" I don't follow fashion the way Skylar does. Of course it's her career, so it makes sense she would know.

"Yeah. It's from their summer collection. Bowmen lashed out at me last week when the manager called and said we couldn't use it in our upcoming shoot. He said the purchaser paid twenty percent more, so he didn't have to wait to get it. It was a showcase item. It's super rare."

My heart melts. Not because of what it costs but because Sergey wanted it so badly for me.

"Can I see it? Please!" Her face lights up like a kid in a candy shop.

I slide it off my finger, and she holds it to the light. "Wow. This is incredible." She spins it then looks closer. "What does this say?"


"There's something engraved, but I think it's in Russian."

I peek at the letters on the inside of the ring. "I don't know. Sergey didn't show me or tell me about it. He slid it on my finger. This is the first time I've taken it off."

"Adrian, come read this and tell us what it says."

I grab the ring from her. "No, it's okay. I'll ask Sergey." I don't want Adrian reading it. Something about it seems intimate and private to me. I want Sergey to tell me what it means. I slide it back on my finger.

"Okay. Well, it's beautiful."

"Thank you."

"When are we going dress shopping?"

I laugh. "I'm not even sure when the wedding is."

She hugs me. "I'm happy for you."

My mind shifts back to worrying. "Thank you."

Her eyes widen. "So...why are you here? And where is Sergey?"

I look at Adrian for guidance on what to tell her when Adrian's phone rings.

He holds his finger in the air. "Yes. I'll tell her. See you soon." He shuts his phone. "Sergey said to make a list of what you want from his penthouse or your place. Until further notice, you're staying somewhere else."


"Not sure, but it's best if he doesn't say anything over the phone. He'll be over once he picks your stuff up."

"Is someone going to tell me what's going on?"

Adrian's face hardens. My insides quiver. I don't want to lie to Skylar, but I also don't want to tell Sergey's secrets. It's clear Adrian doesn't want her to know, either.

Her eyes turn to slits. She glares at Adrian. "Again?"

He clenches his jaw and focuses on the ceiling.

She turns to me. Hurt is in her eyes and voice. It's swirling with anger. "You're going to keep me in the dark, too?"


"We're supposed to be best friends."

"We are."

"Not if you're going to lie to me."

"Skylar, I've not lied to you. Things are complicated." It sounds weak as it flows out of my mouth.

She gives Adrian the look of death then says, "So Kora can know, and I'm assuming Aspen will know, but I'm not trustworthy enough to tell?"

"I never said that," Adrian replies. His Russian accent sounds thicker. He pins his blue eyes on her. "I've told you this isn't about trust."

She stares at him and blinks hard. It pains me. I know how she feels about Adrian. I understand how big of a deal it was for Sergey to tell me. I'm not sure what Adrian's story is, but I know he hates the Petrovs, too. Maybe it's just what Zamir put Sergey and his brothers through, but my hunch is there's something else driving his disdain.

She swallows hard. Her hands shake. In a soft voice, she says, "I'm done, Adrian."

His eyes harden further. "Stop this foolishness. We've gone through this."

"Yeah. You obviously don't listen." She spins and glares at me. In a hurt voice, she says, "I expected more from you, Kora."

"Skylar," Adrian bellows out.

"Don't, Adrian!" She opens the bedroom door and slams it.

"Shit," he growls and slams his hand on the counter.

My heart tears between going after Skylar and convincing Adrian to fess up. I decide on the latter since I know how Skylar needs to cool down when she's upset.

"You should talk to her. She won't tell anyone."

"This isn't your business, Kora."

"You're right. But when Skylar decides she's had enough of you, she isn't going to let you back in. If you completely break her trust, she'll wash her hands of you entirely. She's already past her tolerance level with you."

"What does that mean?"

I cross my arms. "Do I really need to explain this? She already thinks you're seeing other women."

"I'm not. She knows this. And I'm tired of being accused of doing things I'm not."

"Does she know it? And if you think you're tired, how do you think she feels. If you were in her shoes—"

"But I'm not, am I? She's not in mine, and neither are you. So while you think you know everything about me, you don't. So stay out of our relationship."

A relationship you're about to no longer have.

After several minutes of an intense stare-off, I decide to change the subject. "Adrian, how would Boyra have gotten into the penthouse?"

His eyes darken. "We've got a traitor on our hands. It's the only explanation."

I put my hand on my flipping gut. I'm not sure how I'm ever going to feel safe there again.

Or anywhere.

He hands me his phone. "Send him your list."

"How many days will we be gone?"

"Not sure."

I send off a short but quick list and give Adrian his phone back. Skylar walks out of the bedroom with her overnight bag.

Adrian walks over to her. "What are you doing?"

"I said I'm done." Her voice has the finality I've only heard her use a few times in her life. My chest tightens.

He needs to tell her.

"You can't leave right now."

She laughs. "You don't own me, Adrian. And you can't keep me here against my will."

"You aren't leaving this place until I tell you it's safe."

A disgusted huff comes out, and she goes toward the door.

Adrian steps in front of it. He growls, "Don't ignore me, Skylar."

"That's rich coming from you."

"I don't ignore you," he states.

"Move, Adrian."

"This isn't up for debate. It's not safe for you to leave, and you aren't going anywhere until I say," he barks.

"Skylar, you need to stay," I quickly tell her.

She spins on me. "Why, Kora? Tell me why."

Blood pounds between my ears. "I got attacked this morning."

"What?" Her face scrunches.

"Someone entered Sergey's penthouse and attacked me in the kitchen. Adrian is right. Until he says it's safe, you can't leave."

Her eyes turn to lasers. "Why would I be in danger if you got attacked?"

I look at Adrian for help.

She spins.

Adrian stares straight ahead, avoiding her eyes, his chiseled face emotionless.

"Tell me, Adrian."

He stays quiet and doesn't move.

"If my safety is at risk, I deserve to know what's going on. Look at me," she orders.

He doesn't.

She reaches up and smacks him. A red mark appears on his face. He blinks hard then slowly puts his hand over his cheek. He glances down at her with the same emotionless expression.

"I hate you," she whispers, turns, and ignores me. She walks back into the bedroom.

Adrian closes his eyes and leans against the door. Several minutes pass. He doesn't move. I knock on the bedroom door. "Skylar."

"Leave me alone, Kora," she calls out, and I can tell from her voice she's crying.

I hate I'm hurting her. I wish Adrian would tell her what is going on. I decide I'll talk to Sergey to see what he is okay with me telling her, so she isn't in the dark.

There's a pound on the door, and Adrian jumps. He looks out the peephole and opens it. Sergey walks in.

"Kora, we should go."

I open my mouth to speak then shut it. I'm not sure what to say right now.

Sergey looks between Adrian and me. "What's going on?"

"Another day in Ivanov paradise," Adrian mutters.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing," Adrian grumbles. "If you'll excuse me, I've got a mess to clean up now. Lock up when you leave." He reaches on top of the door sill, grabs a key, and unlocks the door. He walks in and shuts the door.

A line forms between Sergey's eyes. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later. We should go." I embrace him quickly then kiss him. "I'm so happy to see you."

He strokes my cheek. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "As long as I'm with you."

He gives me a peck on the lips, and we leave. He pulls out his keys and locks Adrian's front door then guides me to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Maksim's. We'll stay there until we sort out who the leak in security is."

He pulls me onto his lap. "I'm so sorry you got hurt and this is happening."

"Shh. This isn't your fault."

"It is. My past—"

"Isn't your fault, either. And you're my life." I kiss him, trying to shove the feeling of Boyra's hands on my body out of my mind.

We make out for a while until Sergey pulls back. He glances out the window, and his face turns white. He attempts to put the divider window down, but it's locked. "What the fuck?"

I swallow hard when I look out the window and realize we aren't anywhere close to Maksim's. The car stops, and goose bumps pop out on my skin. "Where are we?"

Sergey moves me off his lap. He reaches under the seat, and his face falls.


"My other gun is missing."

"Where's the first one?"

He lifts his shirt then takes out his pocket knife. He puts it in the waistband of my underwear. "If you have to use this, don't hesitate. Stab and keep stabbing."

My voice cracks. "What?"

He picks up his phone, texts, then dials Maksim. He puts his phone under the seat.

"What's happening?"

"I don't know, my lapa." He pushes the lock on my side of the car down, removes his gun, and flips the safety. He squeezes my hand. "If you get a chance to run, don't look back."

"I'm not leaving you!"

"Listen to me—"

The door flies open. Igor has a malicious expression on his face. Sergey shoots him in the head. He slumps to the ground.

I put my hand over my mouth.

Clapping echoes in my ears. My insides quiver. Four gunshots ring through the air, and loud pops sound like explosions. The car jerks lower.


The voice from earlier this morning yells in Russian.

"Fuck." Sergey tosses the gun out of the car. He puts his body in front of mine to shield me. He mutters, "When I say now, you give me the knife."

Boyra steps over Igor's dead body and kicks his head. He says something else in Russian. His eyes are the devil's. A fear I've never known consumes me.