Hidden Love by MINK



Isink back down in the tub, a frown on my face. “Of course it’s not Silas.” I think my orgasm--the epic one I just had while imagining Silas inside me--may have fried my brain. He’s harmless, so much so that I’m worried for his safety. I hope him coming over here hasn't put him in any danger. I need to get ahead of this thing before more innocent people die.

So far, all of those that have lost their lives have been jerks except Mr. Martin. The next one, though, could be someone like Silas. Or Betty, who makes those killer cake pops at the bakery next to the arcade. I’m starting to lean heavily toward the killer being Trevor. That would mean he’s not dead after all. Only one way to find out. I pull the plug on the tub before stepping out and snagging a towel.

I head for my bedroom, not entirely sure how I’m going to do this. First stop would be Trevor's place. He might be back home or laying low there. If he’s not, then maybe he showed his face at Aces. He loves that club. He tried to get me to go a few times. I don’t understand why people enjoy all the loudness and being shoved up against one another while sweating. I do love to dance, but everyone should remain at a respectable distance.

I dig through my closet and pull out a Halloween bin at the back. I slip on a bra and underwear before I start ripping through the bin. Two years ago, Cece and I dressed up like rock stars. I find the ripped jeans and a blond wig and decide to put them on. I pray the jeans still fit.

It takes a little work, but I get them over my hips. The shirt I’d originally worn got ruined that night with a chocolate bar. I’ll have to grab something else. I stick with a simple black undershirt. I have to push on my boobs to get them in place so my bra doesn't show too much. The wig ends up taking the longest. This really is a two-man job. I look at myself in the mirror. My disguise is perfect. There’s no way that anyone will recognize me.

Now wait. I know I’m forgetting something. I think for a minute. “Burner phone and credit card!” I grab my purse from the kitchen and dump it out on the table. Under the sink, I grab the small box in the back. It’s got my disposable phone, prepaid card, and a little bit of cash. I request a Lyft on the phone before dropping it all into my purse.

Toby meows at me.

I scoff, “I didn’t forget.” Okay, I might have forgotten. I grab a can of cat food and dump it into his dish before I give him one last pet. I wait at the front door until I see the Lyft park four houses down. I slip out the front. It’s hard to be stealthy when you have five locks on your door. When I get done with the last one, I remind myself not to run as I make my way to the car.

“How are you doing tonight?” I greet the driver.

“I’m doing, darling.” The woman turns around and gives me a funny look. I should work on my Southern accent.

I drop into the car and give her a giant smile. “Ready when you are.”

“Right.” She pulls away from the curb. It doesn't take long to get across town to Trevor’s place. He lives in a redone warehouse that’s been turned into condos. They actually look really cool. I never went inside to see them. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea. I thought my home was safer. Turns out I was wrong.

“Can you wait?” I hand her a twenty in cash.


“Thanks.” I slip from the car. Someone opens the side door of the building. I grab a hold of it and hold it open.

“Thanks,” the girl says. I keep my head down and nod before going in. From the outside I could see that there were no lights on at Trevor’s place but I’m still going to check it out. I’m winded by the time I get to the top floor. I was scared the elevators would be equipped with cameras or something. If I’m going to start tracking killers, I might need to hit the gym.

I tap on his door but nothing. I knock harder before putting my ear up to it. Nothing but silence. I grab the door handle and give a silent prayer to God that it's not locked before I turn it.

“Damn.” It doesn’t budge. I’m not only going to have to hit the gym but learn to pick locks, also. There has to be a YouTube video or something that I can watch, right?

“Can I help you?”

I scream and whirl. “I wasn't doing anything.” I hold my hands up.

“He’s not home.” She rolls her eyes at me. “I told him to take his trash out before he leaves.” She goes to the door across from Trevor’s.

“Is it trash day?” I smell the air. Why is she worried about his trash?

“You’re the trash, dumbass.” She opens her door and slams it behind her.

“Well, that was rude.” I head back down the stairs and out the door. I slow my pace when I see a car roll to a stop a few blocks away. I didn't even think about being followed. Double crap. You think you’ll be good at this until you’re in it. Then you forget everything, and it all goes to shit. I’ll do better next time.

“Thanks,” I say when I get back into the waiting car. I put in another address that’s close to here. It’s the only other place I know that Trevor goes. I think he walks there most nights. “Wait again?” I give her another twenty.

“Yep.” She grabs her phone and starts playing with it. I pull my purse close as I head for the front door of the club. I snag my ID and flash it at the door to get in. The guy doesn't even look at it because his eyes are on my chest. I don’t know if I should be thankful or disgusted. I get in, so at least there's that.

The smell of beer and screech of loud music assault me. There are people everywhere. Couldn’t stir them with a stick. How am I going to find anyone here? I start with the bar, then move around the place slowly. I get knocked into more times than I can count. This was a bad idea.

“Can I ask you something?” I shout up to the man in the black shirt that says security across the chest. He looks down at me. “Can I ask you something?” I try again.

“Can’t hear you.” He points to his ear and motions me to step back with him. I follow him further away from the nearest speaker and into the darker back of the bar. It’s still pretty loud, but at least I can hear myself think.

He peers down at me. “What can I do for you?”

“Has Trevor been around tonight?”

“Trevor the douche? He knows not to show his face here.”

“You guys get in a fight?” I make a mental note. That moves him right on up the suspect list.

“No, but he owes me money.”

“Dead men don’t pay,” I mutter. This is a bust all around.


“Nothing. Thanks.” I start to step back, but he grabs my arm.

“You don’t have to leave.”

I flinch backwards. “I want to leave. Please move.” I try to make myself sound forceful. This guy is twice my size. Not as big as Silas, who is three times my size, but still big enough to snap me in half. Or do anything else he wanted. I try not to get scared. I’m in a club filled with people.

Not that anyone would hear me if I screamed. No one knows I’m here, either. The driver will get bored soon enough and leave.

“I told you about Trevor, so maybe you can do something for me.” His hand comes down on my hip. My heart starts to pound. I close my eyes, willing myself to do something. I feel like if I hit him, it will do nothing but piss him off. His hand leaves my hip. I slowly open my eyes and he’s gone. I glance around but don’t see him.

I make a beeline toward the door. This time, I push and shove to get out.

“Watch it!” I hear someone yell before my wig is pulled off my head. I keep moving until I’m out the door and running to the Lyft.

“Go,” I tell her when I shut the door behind me. My heart still pounds from the close encounter I had with the security guard.

That was a bust. For tonight at least. There's always tomorrow. Now, I just have to learn how to pick a lock.