Hidden Love by MINK



Istop her as she walks through the door to my office. “Knock first.”

She blinks, then retreats and stands outside my office.

I wait.

Then wait some more.

Why isn’t she knocking?

“Ms. Lavine, I said knock, not leave.” I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Oh, right.” She knocks. “I was just, you know, building up to it,” she calls.

“Come in.”

She enters again, her long legs on display from her short gray skirt. The buttons of her pink shirt pull a little between her breasts, but I don’t focus on that. I haven’t brought her here to bend her over my desk. A mental image of just that flits through my mind. I shut it down.

“Sorry.” She hitches a thumb behind her. “About the knocking. I just thought that since your receptionist said you were waiting for me that--”

“Sit.” I point at one of the office chairs across from my metal and glass desk.

“Oh, okay.” She lowers herself primly, her skirt riding up her thighs as she crosses her legs.

I watch every move she makes, from the paleness of her thighs to the eagerness in her eyes. Desire lights inside me, which is completely out of place. She’s young, naïve, and the daughter of my enemy. I have her here for one reason only. To use.

“Your office is so … big.” She smiles, the look natural on her pretty face. “When I got the job I thought I’d be doing low level stuff, but you’re the CEO. I’m sort of shocked.”

Her bubblegum tongue darts out to wet her lower lip. My cock wakes at the thought of what that pink tongue might taste like, might feel like against my skin. Get it together, Liam. This is my masterstroke of revenge, but my mind is wandering into Bradley territory. He preys on all the new hires. I make a note to keep him away from this one. She’s too sweet, like a ripe cherry that I need to pluck with my teeth. Just me. No one else.

“Mr. Baxter?”

I snap my gaze back to her. “What?”

“I was just asking what my duties are going to be.”

“There is a detailed file in your computer and on your phone of how I like my days handled. I expect you to follow those instructions to the letter.”

“Okay, but--”

“Any deviation from those instructions will result in discipline.” I clear my throat as the image of my hand reddening her round ass shows up unbidden. “Disciplinary action,” I amend. “Professional disciplinary action that will go in your file.”

“Sure, but--”

“If I have need of you, I will call you to my office. Do not forget to knock. Treat all visitors with the utmost respect, and above all, do what I tell you without question or interruption. Do you understand?”


“Good. You may go.” I wave a hand at her and turn my gaze to my computer screen.

“Mr. Baxter?” She rises, but I try not to look at her.

“What?” I bark.

“I just wanted to know if this was a cat-friendly workplace? See, I have this rescue cat that I think would be great to have around the office for morale and, you know, to lessen tension for anyone who might need it.” She looks away, then back at me. “Petting cats has been shown to reduce blood pressure and help you live longer, so it would be a real benefit to--”

“Ms. Lavine?” I try to say it as nicely as I can, though given her wince, it was more of a sharp crack.


“You are dismissed.”

“Oh, okay.” She nods, her face falling for only a moment before her smile returns. “I’ll go get to work.” Her tone is bubbly and upbeat just like her.

Turning, she gives me a perfect view of her round ass. Her hips are biteable, and I want to--stop. Where the hell did these thoughts come from? I’ve gone through dozens of secretaries, including quite a few attractive ones, but I’ve never even glanced at them twice. What’s different about this girl? Perhaps my bloodthirstiness to destroy her father is filtering over to her a bit, because I want to wreck her with my body, to give her every inch of my cock while she writhes and pants. Calm down, Liam. This is not the headspace I should be in right now.

With another big smile over her shoulder, she closes my door.

I take a breath once she’s gone and reach up to loosen my tie. I’ve got her now. She’s caught in my web. But I don’t intend to devour her. Not yet. First, I need to use her as a lure for my true target.

I buzz Bradley on my office phone.

“Yeah,” he answers, boredom in the word. That isn’t the correct office protocol for answering the phone, but I don’t have time to gripe at him about it again.

“Do the post.”

“She’s here?” He perks up a bit.

“Yes. But don’t even think about trying to fuck her. Understand? If you screw up my plan, I’ll send your ass to work in the mailroom.”

“Vicious. I like it.” He taps his computer keys. “Okay, done.”


“How long do you think it’ll take for Duncan to notice?” He crunches some sort of chips, the sound utterly obnoxious.

“He checks our website frequently. I expect he’ll see our new hire announcement within the day.”

“That’ll be fun.” He continues munching.

I hang up and turn to look out my window. The game has begun, and I’ve made the first move. What Duncan does next will set the tenor for the rest of the match. But no matter what he chooses, I intend to destroy him.

“Mr. Baxter?”

I jump and whirl around.

She’s here again, and now she’s leaning over my desk, her shirt gaping at the top and giving me a view of her white lacy bra. “You didn’t sign this contract on the third page.” She taps the empty signature line.

“Knock! I told you quite specifically that you are to knock before entering my office.” I swipe a fountain pen from my desk and scrawl my name, then shove the document at her.

She takes it. “Sorry.” Her warm demeanor falters for only a second, then her smile returns. “I like your handwriting. It’s so elegant.”

Why is she so sweet? Her father is a viper, but she’s a little lamb. Or is this an act? With the way she looks at me, I know it isn’t. She really is this pure. That bubblegum tongue darts out again, and I fist my hands.

“Go.” I turn away from her and listen for the sound of her heels to recede and my door to close.

Her insufferably sunny disposition won’t last. Sunshine can’t stay bright. Not while she’s working under me. I’ll break her down. It’s only a matter of time until she goes crying to Daddy about mean Mr. Baxter. And then he’ll know that she’s mine. She can quit, sure, but she’ll have me all over her. There isn’t an employer in this city who’ll take her on without my say-so, and I won’t give it.

I smile and lean back in my chair.

Georgia Lavine is ruined. She just doesn’t know it yet.