Hidden Love by MINK



Icut a piece of Mr. Baxter’s steak into itty bitty pieces and place some of it on a small plate for Mr. Grumpy Pants, knowing that he’ll have to eat lunch all by himself. Janet offered to keep an eye on him while I go into my lunch meeting with Mr. Baxter.

Everyone loved having Mr. Grumpy Pants in the office today. Even Kurt had come to see him, but Mr. Baxter made sure to come out of his office and scare the poor guy off. I can’t put a finger on Mr. Baxter’s behavior. Sometimes it seems as if he’s a little jealous, but I know that can’t be what it is. He’s probably more worried about me staying on task. It wasn't Kurt that was making it difficult to concentrate. It was Mr. Baxter. Every time I try and get my work done, my mind goes back to the spanking in his office. Was I in for another one? Had I brought Mr. Grumpy Pants with me to work knowing how it would turn out?

“I’ll be back before you know it.” I give his soft head one more little pet before I arrange the remainder of Mr. Baxter’s lunch, as well as mine, and head toward his office. Excitement courses through me as I wonder what awaits me on the other side of the door. Will this be a professional lunch or one that leaves my butt stinging and between my legs throbbing once again? I need him to fix this. The spanking that I’m hoping for is only going to make it worse. I have no idea what to do.

What I do know is that I've committed a number of infractions today, and I’m ready to pay for them. I know this is wrong, but I can’t help that I’m enjoying doing the wrong thing for once. It’s a small act of rebellion that’s exciting and new to me.

I push open his office door, plant a smile on my face, and walk right in. “Lunch is here,” I chirp.

“It took you long enough. You don’t have to be so chatty with everyone. The delivery man doesn't need to know you speak French.” He snaps his eyes over at me from his computer screen. “That wasn't even on your resume.” He almost sounds mad that he doesn't know something about me.

“Self-taught. I’m not the best at it but I manage. Tu es extra grincheux aujourd'hui,” I spout off with a smile.“I didn't minor in it in college so I wasn't sure if it was something I should put on my application.”

“Did you just call me the grinch?” His jaw goes tight. I watch his hand that rests on the arms of his chair flex, and I wonder if he’s thinking about them disciplining me again.

“No.” It’s not a lie. I merely said he was extra grumpy today. I’m still a little shocked that he hasn’t said more about Mr. Grumpy Pants being here. It’s likely because he’s so adorable. Not even Mr. Baxter can say anything negative about him.

“Are we going to eat anytime soon?” He eyes the tray in my hands.

I smile as I place our lunches on his desk. I push his toward him. I sit in the comfy chair across from him, grab my container, and open it. I lick my lips at the sight of lunch and prepare to dig in.

“You cut my steak?” His voice is low, gritty.

I look up from the array of desserts I’d ordered for my lunch. He told me to order what I wanted, so I went with the dessert sampler. He stole all the cookies this morning, and I need my sweet fix or I’m known to get a little on the sassy side.

“Well, I might have given some to Mr. Grumpy Pants,” I admit. “I forgot to bring his lunch.” I watch as Mr. Baxter actually shows emotion for once. He’s shocked. His mouth even hangs open a little. “He smelled the meat and kept staring at it. I cut him off a few small pieces, and I thought that if I was cutting his up already that I could do the same for you. So you’re welcome?”

He stares at me. “You know this is a four hundred dollar Kobe steak?”

“It’s not polite to talk about money,” I whisper to him and pick up my fork. “Mr. Grumpy Pants only licked it and then turned his nose up, so I’m not so sure your steak is worth the price.”

“Miss Lavine.” He pushes his tray of food away.

“Hey, you have to eat that. It’s four hundred dollars,” I remind him. “Okay, maybe that’s only three hundred dollars’ worth since Mr. Grumpy Pants has the other hundred.”

“Miss Lavine.” He says my name more forcefully this time. My stomach does a little flutter of excitement. Is it coming? Have I gone too far now?

“Sunshine,” I remind him with a smile.

Bingo. He’s out of his chair.

“Save my desserts,” I say as he starts to make a motion to clear his desk. He lets out a string of curses that has my already-heating face turning an extra shade of red. He actually grabs my food and sets it aside. I pop up from my chair, too eager for what is coming.

“You should be eating a healthier lunch.”

“Hey, are you calling me fat?” I am a little on the curvy side but how could I not be with my killer baking skills?

“I take that back. Eat all the dessert. Your ass needs the extra meat on it.”

I gasp when he reaches out, rubbing my backside softly. “I’d hate for you to lose it. I’ll make sure there is always at least one dessert on the lunch menu.”

“We eat lunch together every day now? That’s not what the calendar said. I’m supposed to stick to the calendar. Tomorrow you have lunch with someone named Mr. Longway. Kurt was going to take me to--”

My words die off as he spins me around, pressing me down onto the desk. My skirt pulls up. “Sunshine.”

“Oops,” I breathe out. I can’t stop the wiggle I do. “I just forgot.” Okay. That’s a lie. Damn it. I hate to lie. “Okay, I didn't forget,” I admit.

“So you not only lied but you deliberately didn't wear panties today?” He makes a tsking sound. “The list of things you’ve done wrong today just keeps on growing. I’m not sure a spanking will be enough.”

My breathing picks up, and my heart starts to pound. I don’t know what to do with everything I’m feeling in this moment. So many emotions wash over me.

“What are you going to do to me?” I ask. Again, I can’t stop myself from wiggling. His hand only roams over my backside softly like he’s thinking. So many dirty things come to mind. Things I’ve read in books but never once thought I’d do.

“You’ll be getting a spanking.” He gives me a quick slap. A moan slips from my lips. His hand rubs the spot then drifts lower toward my sex. I think about what he’ll find if he goes lower. I can almost guarantee it’s a wet sticky mess, but he stops right before he gets there. His hand drifts back up. I want to cry out for him to move it lower but my shyness gets the better of me. This is obviously a spanking and nothing more. I’m in trouble and must be disciplined. This line of thinking doesn’t help the throb between my legs.

“You’ll accompany me to a charity event on Friday.” He presses something hard against me. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from making another sound of need. I’m almost sure it’s his erection. Is he as turned on as I am? Can he feel this, too? He’s so good at hiding how he feels. Whereas I show everything on my face. There’s no hiding how I am feeling. At least that’s what I think. Maybe I hide what I’m feeling behind a smile. Is that so different from what he is doing?

“A date?” I ask. Is he asking me out on a date? I want to turn to look at him, but again my shyness stops me, and I’m not sure I want to read his expression right now.

“No,” he says sharply.

“Okay. I’ll work Friday night.”

He gives me a hard smack. The sound rings out in the room. It almost seems as though he doesn’t like the fact that I said it was for work. His hand stings but not as much as his words do. I know him saying it’s not a date shouldn’t hurt, but it does and I can’t figure out why.