Hidden Love by MINK



Ireally should have thought this plan through more. I stand across the street from the event still trying to figure out how the heck I’m going to get into it.

One fancy vehicle after another pulls up, each one reminding me how prestigious this event is. Beautiful people exit the cars. All of them are wearing jewels and clothes that cost more than any of them will likely donate tonight. This is more of a fashion show than anything, if you ask me. They’re not here for the charity aspect but to one-up each other on their arrivals.

Though you shouldn't ask me, because I’m rather salty about all of this. I’ve been standing here for ten minutes and I have no idea how I’m going to get inside. I also haven't seen Gaines Braeburn arrive yet. It would be my luck he doesn't show. The thought sends my stomach into a freefall, but I swallow down my worry. He has to be here.

I wait for some of the traffic to clear before I run across the street. I almost trip over a small crack in the road, nearly ending my plan before it even begins. But I stay on my feet, catastrophe averted. Not to mention I won’t be able to take the dress back if it’s covered in dirt. I grab my necklace and give a silent thank you to my grandma for saving me again. Now, if she can only get me inside.

I watch more people trickle from the cars. Most of them are couples. I can’t blend in with a couple. I need a group. Are there no single men around here? I’m not sure that would be so easy either. Would I just throw myself into his arms? That might not be such a bad idea.

The main obstacle looks to be the cameras. Why is everyone stopping to pose for pictures? Then the people taking them shout out their names even though they know who they all are. This will be the end of my charade. No one will be yelling for me.

My eyes drift further down past the photographers. Security is thick, but I don’t see anyone specifically checking for tickets. That might be because everyone knows who the stars and rich people are already.

Just go, I tell myself. Walk down the stupid red carpet like you own the place. That’s how it’s done. You belong here. You’re here to get your box. You have the right to be at this event. I come up with every reason I can think of to make myself believe my own lies. But I don’t belong, right?

“Not the time,” I scold myself. I’m not having an internal fight right now. That will have to wait for later. I walk to the curb, then hit the red carpet. Two girls slip from the back of a limo. I take a few steps to hurry to catch up behind them. Finally, a spot for me to slip into. Then I actually do slip. My heel catches on the stupid red carpet. I try to put my hands out to brace myself for the fall, but the ground never comes.

Two arms wrap around me and pull me close. Wow. One of those women is way stronger than she looks. I was sure a rough gust of air could have knocked them over. It occurs to me I talk a lot of shit for a girl who’s almost fallen on her face twice in the last five minutes. And for one that happens to be sneaking into an event that she can’t afford a ticket to.

“Are you okay?”

My eyes spring open at the sound of a man's voice. I’m stunned for a moment when I see whose voice it is. Gaines Braeburn. I don’t know if I should thank my grandma or curse her at this moment. I open my mouth but no words come out. Then stupid ones do. “You have the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen.”

He moves, righting me on my feet. I grab hold of his jacket to get my balance back in these heels. What the hell are the chances that he’s the one that saves me from disaster?

I reach up to touch my necklace as I get myself together.

“You’re so tall.” I drop my head all the way back to look up at him. I’ve seen pictures of Gaines before. I knew he was handsome. I just didn't know how big he was. He doesn't look like a man who sips tea and admires lost artifacts.

No, he’s a real deal tomb raider. Some say he’s a real life Indiana Jones if you add some additional weight and a whole lot of muscle. I’m sliding him over into that category and away from the Scrooge McDuck image I had in mind--even if I’m certain he’s got a pool of gold coins he swims around in before bed.

He stares at me without saying anything for a long moment. Then he leans down, and for a second I think he’s going to kiss me. My hands dig more into his jacket. I should push him away. Wait, I’m supposed to be seducing him.

I push my lips out, trying to make them look pouty. It’s what all the girls in pictures do these days. He stops a few inches from my mouth. He’s so close that I can feel the coolness of his minty breath on my lips. I lick them, wishing I could taste his as well.

“Are you okay?” he asks again.

“Gaines,” someone calls. “Look this way.”

Then another shout. “Over here.”

All the photographers are looking at us and taking pictures. I turn my face away. Having my photo taken with him will only draw attention to me that I don’t want. I’m here for one reason: to get my box.

“Don’t like getting your picture snapped?”

I shake my head. I really don’t care if someone takes my picture, but I’m going with the whole damsel in distress.

He'll hopefully play right into my hand by saving me and whisking me inside. Men love that sort of thing. They’re always looking for a girl that needs saving. Once inside, I'll have him eating out of the palm of my hand. And then he’ll take me to his house, and I’ll finally have my box.

“No more pictures, then.” He tucks me in closer to him. “I’ll get you inside away from the cameras, but then you’ll have to do something for me.”

I give him a bright smile. I plan on doing so many things for him already. Including making him fall in love with me. Robbing him blind. Then having him lose the greatest treasure of them all. Me. At least that's what Grandma always said I was.

I meet his gaze, puffing up my courage to take the next step. “Okay. It’s a deal.”

What’s doing one more thing for him going to hurt? Hopefully him.