Hidden Love by MINK



Well, that was unexpected.

I take a breath, glad I hadn’t made a scene. I’d simply picked up the phone and watched as Selena stood there with a look of victory on her face after winning Gaines.

She cheated. But I can’t even be mad at her. I, too, was here trying to run a con. Though I think she wants something very different from Gaines than I do.

I’d still wanted to take her to the ground, but that would only draw attention to me. The kind I don’t need. Stay the course, I remind myself. Not that I have a course mapped out. There’s really only one goal at this point. Get my box, and get the hell away from Gaines before he catches me.

“You can take me home for free.” The man next to me leans over and grins.

I would smile at his joke, but I’m too mad. I may have kept my cool so far, but I’m not great at losing. Why do I even care? So what if he has to go on a date with her? I should be long gone before that date ever takes place. Wait. Was that date happening tonight? Is he supposed to spend the rest of the night with her?

“Why would anyone pay that much for a date?” I say loud enough for Selena to hear me.

She’s still gloating. I realize that money is nothing to these sorts of people, but to me this screams how desperate to get at Gaines these women are. Why bid on a man to date you? Selena is beautiful. She shouldn't have to pay for someone to take her out. I’m guessing her insides aren’t as pretty, and that’s why she’s having to pay half a million for a date.

Another man is already on the stage. I watch as the bidding begins going up. Not as quickly as when Gaines was up there, but still the bids come in heavily.

“At least it’s for a good cause.” The only thing I can think is that I’ve missed my opportunity to go home with Gaines. I school my expression, knowing that plenty of people are still looking at me. My eyes drop to my dress. The small stain is still there. A little reminder of just how much has already gone wrong tonight.

“Selena isn’t here for any cause,” the man next to me says.

I turn my head to look at the beautiful blonde. For someone who won, she doesn’t look very excited now. If anything, she’s nervous. Almost worried. Which makes me think that she got so wrapped up in the battle for Gaines that she overbid. Is it possible she doesn’t have the money? I’d say it’s highly likely by the way she’s wringing her hands together.

I’m not here for a good cause either. I shouldn't be so judgy. Still, a sense of jealousy gnaws at me that she’s getting to go out with Gaines. He’s my target. I have plans for that man. I don’t think Selena’s and mine are anything alike. My stomach turns thinking about what they’ll be doing together in their alone time.

I pick up Gaines's phone off the table and type in a bid. The man next to me throws back his head and laughs.

“We have a new bidder!” The showboat on the stage shouts. The same one that was talking to Gaines earlier. I glance at the man I’m actually bidding on, not sure why I’m doing this to begin with. Right, this is a good cause, and it’s Gaines’s money, not mine.

I bid again when someone outbids me. The phone is pulled from my hands by Gaines, who’s towering over me. He is ridiculously tall.

“What are you doing?”

“Making sure your phone still works.” I point my thumb over at Selena, who is watching us. She takes a step closer to Gaines. “She knocked it out of my hand.”

Selena lets out a gasp as she stares at Gaines’s phone.

“You were having her bid for you with your own money. That’s cheating, Gaines.” She makes the accusation with pouting lips while batting her eyelashes. It’s really confusing because I don’t know if she’s mad at him or trying to seduce him. I want to ask her if she has something in her eye, but I don’t get the chance.

“Go pay your bid, Selena.” He dismisses her.

She doesn't move. Instead she reaches toward his chest, then trails her perfectly painted fingernails down it, but he steps back to get away from her touch. I know none of his actions will deter her, though. If anything, it spurs her on more. I can tell she’s the type that enjoys a challenge. I want to smack her, but Gaines isn't mine.

“I know it’ll be worth every penny.” She licks her shiny lips and eyes Gaines like a snack she can’t wait to devour. Probably a Christmas Tree Cake. Maybe one of those extra large oatmeal cream pies.

She smirks over at me before turning to walk to wherever it is she needs to go to pay.

“We’re leaving.” He wraps his arms around me and guides me through the crowds of people. Half the crowd is watching the stage; the other half is watching us.

“We are? Don’t you have a date?”

“It’s later. If she can even afford to pay the bill.”

“Oh. When will the date be?” I find myself asking. “Not that I care. I’m just nosy.”

His lips twitch. “I’m not sure when it will be. I’ll worry about that later.” His arm drops from me, his hand locking around my wrist.

“I don’t think this is how you hold hands.”

His grip around my wrist doesn't lessen. “Making sure you don’t try to get away.” He motions toward a valet when we exit the building.

“Of course not. You said you’d fix my dress,” I remind him.

“That I will.” He pulls on my hand. I trip on my heel, falling into his very solid frame. I think he did it on purpose. “You still owe me, remember? You didn't live up to your end of the bargain.”

“I tried. I can’t help it if your girlfriends are crazy.”

“That’s okay. I’ll be collecting another way. They’re not my girlfriends, to be clear.” His eyes drop to my mouth. I lick my lips, wondering if he’s going to kiss me. Do I stop him if he does? Or do I play into it? I'm supposed to be seducing him, after all. I totally don’t want to kiss him. Not at all. I’m doing this to get my box. Nothing more.

I close my eyes, but nothing happens. I peek one eye open. He’s smiling down at me. I open the other. My face heats with embarrassment.

“Not yet, my treasure.” His gaze slips down my face to my chest. He picks up the key around my neck. My heart drops, and I wonder if he knows.

“Your car, sir.” He releases my necklace from his fingers and ushers me into his fancy car. The door slams shut. Why didn't he kiss me? He slides into the driver’s seat. What if he’s been on to me this whole time? Why else has he kept me so close all night?

He might have been the one that has been doing the seducing this whole time. And I may have fallen right into his trap.