Stealing the Dragon’s Heart by Kiersten Fay


The recreation room was fairly plain in appearance. The AVFS was set up as the centerpiece. There were no elaborate VR chambers like there had been on Nazzu, only a beat-up old sofa with fading, threadbare fabric for players to sit on, and the VR visors were small and simplistic. A moderately sized viewscreen had been installed on one wall across from the couch. Another seating area had been arranged in one of the other corners with a square table big enough to squeeze four or five.

Only she and Asher were here for this crucial showdown. Aidan had reluctantly given him leave to go “Take her down a peg.”

Not feeling well after all the excitement, Caryn opted to return to their bunk to lie down. Everyone else remained on duty, ensuring they arrived at the next stop without further incident.

Asher shoved one of the VR helmets at her and then claimed the other before sinking his heavy silver-fleshed frame onto the couch. “Don’t be ashamed to cry when I beat you,” he mocked in his deep timbre.

“Back at you, big guy, but if you do, I promise not to tell too many people about it.”

Though the equipment was second tier, the interface was just as spectacular as the one on Nazzu, and when she slipped the visor over her head, she was dropped into a breathtakingly moonlit world full of dancing firebugs over a swath of swaying grass that cut through a dark forest. She gazed out at it all through the virtual window of her impeccable craft.

“Wow,” she gushed. “This is so amazing. It’s lucky you guys were able to get your hands on one of these. I hear they’re really hard to come by. AVFS is often utilized for training solders, right?”

“Aye. It was my idea to get it.”

She could practically picture Asher’s chest jutting out. “Well, that was a brilliant idea, Ash. Seriously, a stroke of genius. This way any of you can practice in your spare time.”

“Mm. That was the idea.”

“Here’s another idea,” she goaded, picking up her controller. “Try not to burn up in the heat of my thrusters.”

“Keep dreaming, little thief.” Was that a hint of a smile in his tone?

The second the race began, both their ships shot forward, but she managed to jump ahead.

“Uh-oh, big guy, look who took the lead.”

“Not for long.” His speed increased, and suddenly they were side by side, each fighting to gain ground. He inched forward, then she did. A right turn lent itself to her favor, and she was able to place some distance between them.

“How you doin’ back there?” she teased.

“Keep yammering,” he countered. “Only makes me more determined to destroy you.”

The track wound up and down shadowed hillsides, over glistening rivers, and through darkened tunnels. All the way, they traded for first place. Once they were well into the second lap, she implemented phase two of her plan. “So, I have a question. How is it you move so fast? In reality, I mean. Is it magic?”

“No such thing as magic.”

Onnika didn’t bother correcting him.

“I train hard,” he continued.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. It was very impressive.”

“Aye, it is.”

“And you’re so strong, too. I bet you’ve never known what it’s like to be weak or vulnerable or scared.”

“Nay, that I have never been.” He paused. “Except as a child. My kind are vulnerable then.”

“I suppose that makes sense. Most children are…some more than others.” Her voice sounded haunted, even to her. She forced a more quizzical tone. “But no doubt you were protected even then. You probably had loved ones to keep you safe until you grew up big and strong as you are now.”

“Aye,” he replied, his voice low, as if suspicious of where she was steering the conversation.

“Must have been nice.” She navigated another smooth turn, gaining speed. Yet Asher managed to inch past her. She noticed he didn’t gloat this time. “You ever wonder what it might have been like if you hadn’t been protected when you should have been? If you were all alone in the whole of the universe and you didn’t want to end up in some slaver’s sadistic harem? What might you have done to survive? People like that have to get creative, wouldn’t you agree?”

“And you are creative,” he surmised.

In a solemn tone, she replied. “Very.” Once more, she took the lead and hooted. “And I’m also one amazing pilot. You should probably make yourself at home back there, big guy, because that’s where you’re going to live.”

“Just keeping this spot warm for you, little thief.”

Moments later, she pretended to make a mistake on a sharp turn and he regained his lead.

“Dammit,” she cursed with feigned chagrin, then resumed the conversation. “I’d love to be able to move as fast as you. Could you teach me?” Just then her ship skidded around a corner, cutting him off.

He growled when he replied, “Not possible. It is an evolutionary trait of my people. We are superior to most other races in many ways.” When his ship leapt ahead of hers yet again, he gloated. “And your skills are subpar.”

“I only let you pass me so you wouldn’t feel so bad when I win,” she shot back.

“You can tell yourself that all you want when you lose.”

Onnika laughed, thoroughly enjoying herself. “And when you lose, you can tell everyone you let me win just to be nice, but you and I will know the truth.”

“Not necessary, since I do not plan to lose.”

“Then why did I just pass you? Oh, it’s because I’m just that good.” She was now leading by a ship length just as the finish line appeared up ahead. She was almost there, both of them pushing their engines to the max. The temptation to win was great, but at the last second, she eased up on her thrusters just slightly enough so that the nose of Asher’s ship could creep past hers, and they both zipped across the finish line.

He threw his arms skyward in triumph. “Ha! I win!”

She removed her visor. “Aww, man. I was so close. I have to give you credit, Ash, you’re good.”

He was still smiling as he slipped off his own visor. “For a moment, I feared you would actually beat me. I reluctantly admit you have some skill, too. Practice more and you could be as good as me one day.”

“I will. Thanks, Ash. And when I get better, I want a rematch. Next time I’m going to kick your butt to the other side of the universe, you watch.”

“You could try, little one, but I don’t see that happening.”

A throat cleared behind them. Aidan leaned in the doorway, looking far too sexy with his arms crossed over his chest as he pinned her with a knowing look. “Ash, if you’re finished playing around, go take the helm from Zeek. We’re nearly to Latherial.”

Ash’s cheerful mien slipped away and devolved into something more appropriately stoic. “Aye, Captain.”

When he was gone, Aidan claimed the seat he’d vacated and leveled her with a hard stare. “You’re smarter than I gave you credit for.”

She eyed him warily. His intent was hazy. “Somehow I don’t feel like that was a compliment.”

“You let him win.”

She set her visor aside and forced a laugh. “What? I did not.”

“And that speech of yours: stroking his ego while planting the seeds of sympathy? You worked him well. You’re a devious little genius.”

“Again, not exactly a compliment. Look, I’m going to help you out—I’m giving you a panty-dropper here, so I expect you to use it responsibly. Next time, if you want to flatter a woman, here’s what you say…” She cleared her throat and began speaking in a deliberately dramatic tone. “Onnika, you’re so beautiful and sexy and brilliant. No other woman compares to you. Being in your presence is like experiencing heaven in the flesh, and I want you so damn bad it hurts.”

Appearing unamused, he arched a brow at her.

“Of course, you can fill in any name you like, but you get the gist. Care to practice on me?” She shimmied her shoulders to indicate she was ready for his praise.

His lips quirked into an almost-smile. “I’m not as good a liar as you are.”

“It’s not a lie if you mean it. Here, like this...” She eased a bit closer and met his gaze. “Aidan, against my better judgment, I find you incredibly sexy, like ridiculously sexy, and watching you fly the ship like you did made me want to jump your bones right there on the bridge in front of everyone. And even though you hate me, I’ll still give you that second kiss I promised.”

A mixture of shock and desire danced in his eyes, but she could tell he was trying to conceal it. “Against your better judgment?”

“Is that the only part you heard?”

He gazed at her for a moment, as if he didn’t know what to make of her. “Was any of it true? The stuff you told Ash, I mean? The part about growing up alone?”

She gestured around the room with her flattened palm. “Do you see anyone else here looking out for Caryn and me?”

He went silent for another moment. “It’s like I can see two versions of you, and I can’t tell which is real.”

She could sense the truth of his statement. His intention wavered wildly between wanting to kiss her and wanting to put as much distance between them as possible. She understood his dilemma. She always hated it when she couldn’t read someone clearly. It was like a terrible ringing in the ear that refused to relent. She almost felt sorry for him, but this was her chance to encourage his attraction…or to test the strength of his resistance. A man would do just about anything to protect a woman he was interested in bedding.

Brazenly, she slipped over his lap, resting her knees on the cushion on either side of him, her hands curled over his shoulders.

Eyes widening, his body stiffened slightly, but he allowed the action.

“Is this real enough for you?” she breathed.

After a long, tense moment, he stretched his arms out along the back of the couch and gave her a cocky grin. “Trying to seduce me isn’t going to work in your favor.”

Because he’d see it as more games? In part, he was right, but she realized there was something more going on here. Being astride him was sparking an arousal in her that she hadn’t expected. It had been too long since she’d truly wanted someone physically. The excitement of it made for a temptation she couldn’t deny.

She ran her palms over his tightly muscled torso, her body heating as she caressed every corded ridge through his shirt while imagining what he would look like without it. Sweetly, she replied, “All I’m trying to do is give you a kiss.” She leaned down to mutter in his ear, “Where do you want it?”

He hissed in a breath, his resistance nearly shattering then and there. His desire was evident in his liquid-hot gaze, but, strangely, he wasn’t acting on it. She didn’t understand it. He wanted her like crazy. In her experience, men rarely denied their baser needs, if ever, and she was essentially serving herself to him on a platter.

Irritated, she leaned down to brush her lips along his with the lightest of teasing touches, testing his resolve. But to her dismay, he didn’t kiss her back. Despite his desire, did he find her so abhorrent?

She pulled back. “If you truly don’t want me, Aidan, all you need to do is say it. We’ll be gone at the next stop, and you’ll never have to see me again.”

Indecision danced behind his eyes for one heartbeat, two, three. He wasn’t saying yes, but he wasn’t saying no, either. At least he hadn’t tossed her off his lap. That told her something, at least. As did the growing bulge in his trousers. It was as if he wanted to see how far she was willing to push.

Draping her arms around his neck, she eased her legs farther apart, sinking down on him. “If you want me,” she whispered confidently, rocking her hips along his length, “why not have me while you can?” Then she pressed her lips to his.

With a relenting groan, his hand slipped around the back of her neck and he pulled her harder against him, deepening the kiss and invading her mouth with his tongue.

Madness was a frosty-haired seductress caressing his length with the magic of her hips. Under the haze of his heavy desire, he knew she thought she had him. Hell, maybe she did. He was losing control. He might well be losing his mind. And though it was clear her actions were derived from manipulation, he nonetheless couldn’t bring himself to end this.

When she shimmied along his crotch once more, he nearly lost all sanity. He’d come here with a purpose, and it wasn’t to let the sexy witch ride him, but, gods forgive him, he’d wanted to see how far she’d take this.

And now he knew…far past the cage of his discipline.

Those succulent hips of hers seemed to find a rhythm that made her gasp into their kiss. The sound made every muscle in his body tighten with a drugging need. Though they were both fully clothed, the sensation of her grinding atop him was more erotic than anything he’d ever experienced.

Her fingers threaded through his hair, her nails scraping his scalp, driving him wilder still. He itched to touch her in return, but he wouldn’t give in. Not yet. He refused to lose this battle of wills, even as his body screamed to take her. The moment he relented, he’d lose what little control he had over this situation.

He gripped the back of the couch harder, stabbing his fingers into the worn fabric until pain stung his joints.

She didn’t seem to notice. Her tongue delved to meet his, her hips whipping harder. Little sounds of pleasure began to escape her. More kindling for his insanity. He couldn’t resist this. He wasn’t strong enough. And he wanted her so damn bad it hurt.

He tried to clear his mind of her maddening ministrations, to think pragmatically, but when another sensuous mewl escaped her as if she were nearing a precipice, his restraint snapped.

Palms shooting to grip her hips, he ground her deeper into the line of his crotch. Her body bucked with compliance.

“Yes, Aidan! Oh, yes!”

Her words drove him deeper into the pit of his lust. “Beg me to make you come.”

“Please, please, please,” she chanted mindlessly.

He liked that, but he wanted something more. Something real. He reached up to grip the hair at her nape, forcing her to look at him. “Tell me something true.”

She blinked, looking startled. Then her lids grew heavy again. “I want you.”

Ice filled his veins. “You want me because I can do something for you.”

Her body stilled, and he nearly bellowed in protest. Why did his mouth keep making words? He reminded himself that was a good thing. He shouldn’t be giving into her.

Her expression turned defiant, her tone sharp. “This isn’t a ploy. I—want—you.”

“Baby, I’m the one thing you can’t have.” He thought she might balk or grow angry that her ploy had failed. Instead, she gave him an aren’t you cute look.

“You want me too, baby,” she said, sounding sure of herself.

“And what makes you think that?”

“If you haven’t noticed, I’m currently plastered to your crotch.” Her hips started their enticing movement again, and he gnashed his teeth. Her movement made him realize his right hand was gripping her hip as if it were a life preserver. His dick was telling his brain to throw her down on this couch and have his way with her before his mouth ruined everything.

“Captain, we’re…oh!” Priya halted in the doorway and averted her gaze. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“What is it, Priya?” He hadn’t meant to snap the words out so harshly, but the impish smile on Onnika’s face at being caught in a compromising position with him grated.

“We’re pulling into Latherial’s hangar now,” Priya informed him, then scurried away.

Onnika idly mused, “I didn’t think she was the type to blush.”

Aidan lifted her off him and set her on the other end of the couch.

“Hey, I wasn’t finished.”

“Yes, you are. And so am I.” He stood and made for the exit. “This won’t happen again.”

She nodded resolutely. “You were right about one thing.”

That brought him up short. He glanced back at her, flush and sexy and spearing him with a look that said she was ready to eat him alive.

With a slight quirk to her lips, she muttered. “You are a bad liar.”