Prom Queen by Alexa Riley

Chapter Seven


Istretch slowly as I start to wake up. I can see the sun peeking through the dark, heavy drapes that Apollo closed. I’m pretty sure his plan is to block out the rest of the world. He kidnapped me and brought me back to his bedroom, and I don’t think I’ve left this room since I was released from the hospital a few weeks ago.

He’s still carting around a load of guilt on his shoulders, and I hate that he is putting any of this on himself. It was an accident. If anything he’d been superhuman that night. All the nurses playfully teased me about his antics when he first got to the hospital. He was bleeding everywhere but on a mission to find me. I love that man. He did everything he could and more.

Most of the bruises and cuts have faded by now. It helps that Rory had some crazy expensive plastic surgeon that showed up using state-of-the-art lasers on me. Apollo’s dad wouldn’t settle for anything but the best. I know he’s doing it for Apollo’s sake, and as much as he and I don’t gel, I do respect how much he loves his son. So much so that he knew helping me would in return help Apollo.

“You’re awake.” Apollo stands from his desk and shuts his laptop before coming over to the side of the bed to sit next to me. I slip my hand up his shirt, wanting to touch his warm skin.

“Are you over there doing my homework again?” I tease, but he only shrugs.

His arm is still in a brace, but he’s able to take it off and on. If anything, he’s having more lasting effects than I am. There were a few days I had double vision and a killer headache, but that has passed. So have all the muscle aches from having been thrown around inside of a car. We were both lucky because they said the other car that hit us was going fifty miles an hour.

“Are you hungry?” He brushes a strand of hair out of my face.

“Not really.” I let out a yawn and wiggle to sit up. I don’t know why he even asked. Either way he’s going to try and get me to eat something.

“You’re hungry, you just don’t know it because of the pain meds. I’ll get you something.” He stands from the bed, and I reach out and grab his hand to stop him.

“Good morning,” I say, and his face softens.

“Morning.” He leans down and brushes his mouth against mine. “I’ll put extra butter on your toast.”

I moan. “I’m already in love with you. No need to butter me up.” I wiggle my eyebrows. He lets out a small laugh, but I take it as a win for now. I watch him walk out of the bedroom before I head into the bathroom to make myself a bit more presentable.

I stare in the mirror for a long moment. While all the cuts and bruises have faded, there is still something different about me. So much has happened in such a short amount of time that it feels like I’ve changed too.

I pause when I come out of the bathroom, seeing Rory standing next to Apollo’s desk. He puts his phone into his pocket when he sees me.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

“I’m good. Thank you so much for everything.” I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank him enough for all he’s done. Not only for me but he’s been a rock for my mom.

“There’s no need to thank me. You’re going to be a part of this family soon enough.”

I duck my head as my cheeks warm thinking about Apollo and me one day getting married and having babies. I’m not sure how to respond to that, because he’s right.

“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” Rory begins again.

“You’re protective of your son. I understand that. My mom can be a bear when it comes to me.” He lets out a deep chuckle that sounds so much like Apollo’s.

“You have no idea what your mother is capable of when it comes to you. I can promise you that.” I don’t doubt him. My mom can be as sweet as sugar, but as in most things in life, she can be equally cruel if she needs to. I think it all comes from her childhood.

“She’s a good mom. I think she questions herself sometimes, but I wouldn’t change anything about her. She’s done the best she can.”

“It’s always been the two of you. Lo and I understand that because it’s always been us. I wanted a family but could never find my match and then…”

“My mom?” I laugh. “She can match anything someone throws her way.”

“That she can.” He smiles. “I was honestly worried at first. You are such a sweet girl and very easy to love, as my son has shown.”

“What worried you?” I link my fingers together in front of me and try not to fidget.

“At the same time as I was trying to build a wall I was also trying to pull your mother closer. Even knowing what she was up to all along, I was failing. I worried she’d up and disappear with you. Not only with herself but with you too—a girl that my son was already falling in love with. A girl I knew I could easily see as my daughter if I allowed myself to let it happen.”

“Wow.” I didn’t see that coming. He was only trying to protect Apollo and himself too. “With our past, that’s understandable,” I admit.

“No, it’s not understandable. You’re a young woman, and I shouldn’t have been so cold. I apologize,” he says again. “I want you to stay as long as you like, if not forever.” He pushes off the desk he’s been leaning against. “I’ve been so wrong thinking you could take Lo, instead of realizing that you have made him better. You’ve helped him find himself, and I’ve never been prouder of my son.”

He comes close to me, and before I realize what’s happening, he wraps his arms around me and gives me a hug. The feeling of his kindness and the welcome into his heart makes tears sting my eyes.

“What’s going on?” Apollo asks, the edge clear in his voice. Rory’s arms drop, and he takes a step back. “What the fuck, why is she crying?” He puts the tray of food down and comes to me.

“I’m fine,” I rush to say. “I’m more than fine. Your dad is an amazing man.” I watch as the tension melts from Apollo.

“He is,” he agrees. Rory gives Apollo a side hug before he leaves the bedroom. “Is everything really okay?” he asks me when his father is out of earshot.

“Yes. It was actually nice to clear the air between us.” I walk over and sit down on the bed. “It was a bit awkward being here at first, but now…” I shrug. I’m not in a hurry to go anywhere. After two weeks of sharing a bed with Apollo, it’s going to suck to sleep alone again. Not that we’re even doing more than cuddling.

“Then we can move the rest of your stuff in.” He picks up the tray of food and brings it over to the bed.

“Okay, let's not get carried away.” I laugh, but I can tell from Apollo’s expression he’s not joking. He’s been stiff and on edge since all of this went down, and he barely leaves my side. I’m not sure how I’m going to get him to relax ever again.

“I don’t think I’m getting carried away. This house is the safest place in Craven Cove.” He picks up a slice of buttered toast and hands it to me.

“That’s ridiculous. What happened was an accident. I can’t stay locked in this room forever.”

As I take a bite of the buttery goodness, the expression that crosses Apollo’s face makes me think he’s not telling me something.

“Did you already move me in here?” I glance around the room to see if I missed something. I think my mom would have said something last night when she was in here watching a movie with me. There aren't piles of boxes lying around.

“I wish,” he mutters under his breath. I smile while taking another bite of my toast. “But there is something I haven’t told you. About the car that hit us.”

“You said they were okay,” I say as he stands from the bed. I knew it was the other person's fault but was told the person was okay. “Oh god. Did someone die?” He shakes his head, and I release a breath. “What the hell, Apollo?” He’s scaring the crap out of me.

“I didn’t want you getting upset.” He runs his fingers through his hair, looking flustered. What could be worse than someone dying? “It was Amber,” he finally blurts out.

“But she’s okay?” She’s a bitch, but I still don’t want her dead. I recall her passing us when we were leaving the party and worrying that she’d been drinking. Shit.

“I’m not sure I’d call her okay.” His tone is thick with anger.

“She did it on purpose.” I piece it all together and as I do, a tear slips out. “Sometimes I think the world is against us being together.”

“No,” he says vehemently. “Nothing will stop us from being together.” Apollo sits next to me. “We got all of the bullshit out of the way. Everything else from here on out is going to be smooth sailing.” He nuzzles against my neck.

“I’m not so sure about that. Women have a way of going crazy over you,” I tease him. “What’s going to happen? Is she going to be at school when we go back?” That would be a bit awkward.

“No. She was drinking, and the police investigated the accident. They found from the evidence that she hit us on purpose. She never tried to brake. In fact, she accelerated into us.”

“She tried to kill me.” Apollo’s whole body goes solid.

“Last I heard she was transferred out of a mental hospital to await her hearing. It’s too big a case for our little island town to handle. It’s been handed off.”

“Okay.” I lean in to kiss him.

“It’s not okay.” He drops his forehead to mine. “It’s my fault.”

“Stop that. It is not your fault.”

“It is!” He jumps up from the bed. “I threatened her. I told her I’d ruin her if she didn’t leave you the fuck alone.”

“I mean, that’s not roses and chocolate, but it’s still sweet that you did that for me.” He looks at me like I’m the crazy one now. “Apollo, clearly she was unstable before. Your threat was nothing to her. It was only a matter of time before this happened either to you and me or someone else. You have to see that,” I try to reason with him.

“I’m not sure I can,” he says before going back over to his desk to sit down. Apollo is always close but still somehow far away from me.

Amber might not have taken me from Apollo, but I think she took a piece of Apollo from me.