Age of Ava by Melanie Moreland

Chapter 12


It started in the early afternoon. A slight hum under my skin. Annoying but easily ignored. As I worked, pulling rotting deck boards off the front, at times I stopped, idly wondering if somehow there was an unseen electrical current under my feet I kept stepping on. But I found nothing.

I continued working, trying to disregard the slightly anxious feeling that seemed to seep into my chest. I blasted the boom box, choosing classic 80’s rock to drown out the staccato sensations, but even after getting all the boards off and grabbing a beer, the feelings lingered. Grew, in fact.

It was as if I were longing for something. I wasn’t hungry or thirsty. Cash was right by my feet. Music was playing, the sun still shining, yet the feeling gripped me harder. I had never felt anything like it.

I went inside, Cash following me, and headed to the bathroom, deciding a hot shower would clear away the odd sensation. I washed and rinsed, the warmth feeling good on my shoulders. I rubbed my hair dry, trimmed my beard, and headed to the bedroom with a towel draped around my waist.

As I stepped into the room, the sensation increased as I inhaled. All I could smell was Ava. Light, sensual and feminine, her scent saturated the room. I hadn’t noticed it until now. The closer I got to the bed, the stronger it became. I lifted a pillow to my face and inhaled. Every moment of the last couple of days hit me. Her smile. Her laughter. How she felt underneath me. How she tasted on my tongue. The silken warmth of her mouth. The feel of her soft skin under my fingers. The way she teased me. The serious look on her face when she informed me that, yes, she did order a dinner for four for herself to eat because it had her favorites and why deny herself?

She was unlike any woman I had ever known. Certainly none of them had ever caused this sort of physical reaction before. Simply sniffing her pillow, and I was aching for her. Thinking of making love with her made me hard, and the towel I was wearing tented, my cock desperate as I thought about the way her muscles gripped me as she climaxed. Her throaty moans and pleas. How we moved together and the strength of my orgasms.

With a start, I realized I was missing her. How the hell was that possible? I’d never missed a single person in my life. Not a family member, a friend, or a lover. Ever.

Certainly not a woman I had barely known a week and spent a couple of nights with.

Yet, once I thought about it, I realized that was exactly what I was feeling. I wanted Ava back here. I wanted to hear her laughter. Inhale her perfume. Taste her mouth. Bury myself inside her.

I dropped the pillow and backed away from the bed, accidentally kicking something on the floor. I bent and picked up the book she’d brought with her. The one I’d read to her. The one I’d kept reading, then woke her to fuck her because I wanted to. Because I couldn’t resist the urge. I had wanted her more than any woman I could recall.

I shook my head. I didn’t form attachments. Especially with women. I needed to stop thinking this way. It had been a long time since I’d been with anyone. It was that simple. I was still horny. It had nothing to do with her beautiful eyes or the way she cocked her head while listening to me. The way she touched me or made me laugh with her teasing. Her over-the-top need to organize and fix things around her to make life better. It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that when I was with her, I felt more settled than I ever had.


I tossed the book aside and got dressed, determined to get those thoughts and her out of my mind.

* * *

I paced the room, unable to settle. I ate dinner standing, brooding, and staring out the window. The food tasted like ash. I slammed back a shot of tequila, thinking it would jolt me out of whatever-the-hell this was, but it tasted sour and bitter. I glanced at the clock, barking out a humorless laugh. It was barely after eight, and I wanted the day over with. A good night’s sleep would shake these maudlin thoughts from my head. Reset my body so I felt calmer.

I cursed under my breath when my inner voice laughed.

I stubbed my toe and cursed again—loudly. Cash lifted his head, his ears laid back in confusion at my anger.

“Sorry, boy.” I bent and stroked his silky fur. “Bad day.”

He stood, stretched, and padded to the door, pawing at it.

“You wanna go for a walk?” I nodded in agreement. “Good idea. It’ll wear us both out.”

I went to the bedroom and grabbed some socks, sitting on the bed to pull them on. As I stood, Ava’s book slid to the floor, and once again, I picked it up. I stared at it. Maybe she was looking for it. I should probably return it to her. After all, I had no need of it. I had basically read the whole damn thing last night. Dirty parts and all—and there were many of those. Having her beside me had been convenient. Recalling how she had responded, even half asleep, made my dick twitch. I ignored it.

Maybe if I gave the book back to Ava and got it out of my house, saw her for a moment or two, this itch, this constant craving that was clawing at me, would ease.

I grunted in satisfaction. That was the answer. I would leave it on her back porch, knock, and walk away. She’d find it, it would be out of the house, and I’d get back to normal.

Except the feeling didn’t abate. If anything, it burned hotter the closer I got to her place. Cash trotted in front of me, already knowing where we were headed. His tail wagged furiously in delight. My cock lengthened, desire racing through my blood as we stood at the edge of the trees and looked at her house. The blind was up on her window, a dim light from somewhere in the house casting its glow on the glass.

“I’ll just give her the book,” I lied to myself. “Just the book,” I repeated, ignoring the fact that I had stuffed a few condoms in my pocket as well as a handful of treats for Cash in the other. My breathing picked up as I approached the door. She might not be home. She might have one of her family members visiting. But I peeked through the glass and saw her curled up in the chair by the front window. She was motionless, her chin resting in her hand as she gazed outside.

She was breathtaking.

I rapped on the door harder than I intended, causing her to jump. She hesitated before approaching the door, our gazes locking through the glass. She wore an old sweatshirt, so large on her it slid off one shoulder, the fabric faded and worn. Casual pants hung low on her hips. She wore no makeup, and her hair was damp, a dark curtain around her shoulders.

She opened the door, the color on her cheeks high. I gripped the doorframe to stop myself launching at her. The yearning sensation was so strong I shook with it.

“You left this. I thought you might want it,” I said, my voice sounding strangely rough and my eyes glued to the creamy exposed skin on her shoulder.

She nodded, swallowing several times, but not speaking.

“Tell me that shirt once belonged to a member of your family,” I growled, unable to stop the caveman inside me from roaring in jealousy.

“My dad.” Her voice was a whisper. Then she licked her lips. Her plump, full lips I wanted underneath mine. I had no thought before I moved, grabbing her, and hauling her close as I cupped the back of her head. “Thank God.”

Everything eased as our mouths fused together. The itchy, tearing sensation left my body, and my muscles relaxed the closer I pulled her to me. A different sensation replaced it. Hard, needy lust. I needed her naked. Under me. Over me. I didn’t care. I had to be inside her.

Our bodies melded, her breasts pressed against my sternum, her nipples hard points on my skin. She whimpered as I sank my tongue into the sweet warmth of her mouth, and she gripped the back of my neck. I had no recollection of moving inside, but the door slammed shut behind me and Cash trotted past us, heading for the living room. I knew, without a doubt, he would jump into the chair she’d just vacated and sleep there. I slid my hand under Ava’s curvy ass and lifted her.

“Bedroom,” I mumbled against her mouth.

“Hall. Left.”

I tossed her onto the bed, not taking the time to notice the details of the room. All I could see was her. I yanked my shirt over my head. “Dammit, Ava. All day.” I shucked off my sweats, my erection hot and heavy against my skin. “All day, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

She whimpered, sitting up and peeling off the sweatshirt. Her nipples were rosy peaks, and she cupped her breasts in her hands.

“Yes. Touch yourself. Pinch your nipples. I’m going to suck them until they’re aching. Until you beg me to fuck you. Understand?”

I pushed her back against the mattress and tore off her pants. Her toes curled on the white cover, the purple of her nails glittering in the light. I lifted a foot to my mouth, kissing the arch. “Pretty little toes, baby. I’m going to make them curl really tight. I’m going to make you come so hard, you won’t remember anything or anyone but me. You won’t recall how it felt to be with anyone but me. Not in the past. Not ever again.”

I had no idea where those words were coming from. I barely recognized the growl of my own voice. I was on her in a second, our mouths fused together. I had my hands all over her. Stroking her soft skin, cupping her full ass, teasing the juncture of her elbows with my tongue. Pushing her knees apart and burying my face into her center. I couldn’t touch her enough. Taste her enough. Feel enough of her warmth to satisfy myself. The more I touched, the more I wanted. I kissed every inch of her. Licked the fragrance of her skin. Explored the heat and velvet of her mouth. Feasted on her wet, ready pussy. Swallowed her cries. Relished in the feeling of her nails on my back, the way her tongue felt on my skin, the bite of her little teeth on my nipples. How hot her mouth felt wrapped around my cock. I groaned and hissed, muttered curses and worshiped her name.

I sank inside her, the heat and ecstasy of her clutching me. We were like animals. I drove into her powerfully, pushing her knees against her chest as I took her. She rolled on top, riding me wildly, crying out in pleasure. I pulled out and pushed her onto her stomach, driving in deeper than ever, rolling her clit between my fingers and hitting her G-spot. She came hard, milking me, one orgasm bleeding into another. I pulled her up to my chest, thrusting endlessly, the pleasure spiking and receding until, finally, I exploded in a burst of fiery lava, the ecstasy so intense it hurt.

I wrapped my arms around her, dropping my face to her neck. We were both panting hard, the force of our chests drawing in the needed oxygen raspy and loud in the room.

I had one arm banded around her breasts, the other cupping her, my finger still stroking her clit.

She whimpered as I strummed her, one final, rippling orgasm winding its way through her. She stilled, and her head fell to her chest.

I kissed the side of her neck. “Hi,” I whispered.

She laughed softly. “What the hell was that?”

“I have no idea. Pretty fucking awesome, though.”

“If that’s how you return a book, Hunter, take the whole shelf. I’ll add late fees if you want.”

I laughed and tenderly eased her away, laying her on the mattress and rubbing her legs. I kissed her lightly and met her eyes. “Can I stay awhile?”

She cupped my cheek.


* * *

I opened the door, glancing behind me. Ava leaned on the counter, peering at me over the rim of her mug. She was sleepy, tousled, and sexy. Her hair was a mess, her neck was red, and there was more than one bite mark on her shoulder. I had noticed her teeth marks on my chest and neck earlier. Our coupling had been intense and addictive. I had kept her up most of the night. In fact, I was surprised she was standing. My lower back ached, and I needed a long hot shower before I started working to ease the dull throb. I wondered how she’d make it through the day.

We’d gotten up early, had coffee, and I was leaving to go home so she could get ready and go to work.

The temptation to ask her to stay home and come with me was strong, but I tamped it down. I had no clue where all these odd impulses were coming from, but they needed to stop.

“Have a good day, Little Dragon.”

She laughed, the sound husky and low. “I doubt it will compare to last night, but I’ll try.”

I winked and walked onto the back deck. I took the steps two at a time, landing on the damp grass and heading toward the forest.


I turned at the sound of Ava’s voice.

She was leaning on the doorframe, a smile tugging her lips.


“Remember 0611.”

I frowned. “What is that?”

She tapped the number lock on the door. “In case you need to return anything else. The code is 0611.”

A grin split my face. “Okay, I can do that.”

She waved and headed inside. I joined Cash waiting for me on the trail, wondering what the hell I was doing and, for the first time in a very long while, not really caring.

* * *


I was grateful for the pile of work on my desk. It kept me busy and my thoughts off Hunter. At least, most of the time. When I stretched to grab a file, my muscles protested a little. When I sat down, I felt a dull ache between my legs, a sure sign of his possession.

He’d been intense and passionate last night. When I opened the door, his expression reminded me of the day I met him—the banked fury in his eyes and his tense body language. But it hadn’t been anger driving him last night. It had been need. One that matched my own. As soon as he dragged me into his arms, everything settled in me, and my focus narrowed down to him. Us. The fire that his touch lit between us. I had never experienced anything even remotely similar to the passion he ignited in me. I had thought perhaps I was the only one who felt it, but given his sudden appearance last night and his actions, I knew he was feeling it as well.

What it meant, I had no idea. He wasn’t staying. He didn’t do long-term relationships. It would probably burn itself out soon enough. It had been a while for both of us, so it was probably fairly normal.

Except, the way Hunter made me feel didn’t seem normal.

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts, and I lifted my head. Addi came in, smiling and carrying a cup of herbal tea. She sat across from me, looking at my desk.

“We have you snowed under, don’t we?”

I chuckled. “Lots of work.”

“We’re hiring you an assistant.”

“Pardon me?”

“You’re working too hard, Ava. You’re here all the time. Yesterday, you looked exhausted. Dad commented on it.” She smiled. “Pops advised me it would be for the best to get you help. No one knows how much work is involved behind the scenes to keep things running as well as he does.” She studied me. “You still look tired.”

I focused my gaze on the desk. I wasn’t sure how to tell her the reason I was tired had more to do with the sexy man from the bluff and his insatiable sexual appetite than my job. Still, the thought of some of the load being taken off my shoulders wasn’t unwelcome.

“You tell me what you need, Ava. Do you want an office assistant? Someone to do the filing and upkeep here? Run the paperwork around so you can concentrate on the overall planning?”

I frowned in concentration as I mulled it over.

“Or if you want, we can hire someone to handle the crews…if you’re finding it too much?”

I met her gaze. “Too much, as in I can’t handle it?”

She shook her head. “No, I know you can handle it, Ava. Maybe you don’t want to.” She lifted her shoulders. “I would hate to have to deal with the never-ending arguing and pushback.”

I laughed. “You do that every day, structuring deals and meeting with prospective buyers. We both do it because we’re good at it. It has nothing to do with our gender.”

“Of course, it doesn’t to us. It often does to the men we deal with.”

My lips quirked into a smile. “Not for long. Not if they want to deal with ABC.”

She grinned, then became serious. “My job is tough, but yours is tougher. Money talks for me. You have to deal with chauvinistic attitudes on so many levels. It must wear on you. Maybe if you didn’t have to handle it all the time, it would be easier.”

I blew out a long breath of air. “I appreciate your words and your concern, Addi, but I am fine. Really, I am. I’m not looking for easier. I love my job. I’m a bit tired because of the amount of work, but I’m not overly stressed by any one thing. I would love it if I could concentrate on the more important details and have someone here doing the office part. Maybe I could slowly bring them along, and they can take some other things off my plate when needed.”

She nodded. “You might want that once you get married and start a family.”

“That isn’t going to happen,” I assured her firmly. “That ship has sailed.”

She frowned. “Ava, I know you went through a bad time after—”

I held up my hand, cutting her off. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

She leaned closer. “All I was going to say is, you are better than him. He knew how to hurt you—exactly where to cut you so the scar lingered. Don’t let him win. You deserve to be happy.”

“I am happy.”

She shook her head. “I’m not talking career-wise. I mean personally. You deserve what Bray and I have. Gracie and Jaxson. The right person changes your life. Ask Ronan or Liam. They’d be only too happy to tell you that.”

For some reason, her words brought Hunter to mind. He made me feel different. Special. But it was only temporary. We’d made that clear to each other from the start.

“Not everyone is so lucky,” I said softly.

“I wish you’d talk to me.”

“I’m fine. Nothing to talk about. But I will accept your offer of some help here.”

She pursed her lips. “Should I mention the accrued vacation time you have?”

“Nope. When I need it, I’ll let you know.”

She stood, brushing her skirt. “You’re as stubborn as your brothers.”

I grinned widely. “Thanks.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ll send you the applicants. I’ll narrow them down, and you can be in on the interviews.”

“Sounds good.”

With a wave, she left, and I propped my chin in my hand, staring blindly at my desk. I had lied to Addi when I told her I was happy. Lately, I found a lot of my job a struggle. I was tired of having to prove myself. Fight with foremen and contractors who thought because I had a vagina, I had no brain. That because I had breasts, they could walk all over me. I had to put on a front every time I stepped into a meeting, submitted paperwork, or drove to a jobsite. At times, it was wearing.

Memories of the past weekend drifted through my head. I hadn’t had to pretend to be anything with Hunter. He accepted me for exactly who I was. He even looked after me, allowing me the space I needed to just be Ava. I recalled the way he took me to bed and read to me. His odd moments of gentleness when he simply watched me. It had been a long time since anyone had done that. Even my own family sometimes forgot I was only Ava underneath all the no-bullshit bluster I put on during the week. Sometimes it was nice to be less in control.

I shook my head and picked up a new file. Those cases were rare. Today, I had to be Ava Callaghan, ball-breaker. I flipped open the file, losing myself in the details, my pen already scratching out the issues to be dealt with.

This was my life, the one I had chosen, and I had a job to do.

The other side of Ava had to be put aside.